ကမၻာေက်ာ္ Internet Muti -Level Marketing Advertising နည္းေလးေတြပါ...
အခုုနာမည္ေက်ာ္ facebook ႏွင့္ Google ေတြမွာလဲ သံုုးေနတဲ့ နည္းေတြပါ... အင္တာနက္လိုုင္းေကာင္းရင္ေတာ့ အဆင္ေျပႏိုုင္ ပါလိမ့္မယ္ထင္ပါတယ္...ကၽႊန္ေတာ္ဆိုု amazon က affiliate ကိုုေတာင္ယူေရာင္းတာဗ်...ဒါေပမဲ့ အသိေတြထဲက internet ကေန ပစၥည္း၀ယ္လိုု႔ရမွန္း မသိေသးတဲ့သူေတြ ပိုုမ်ားေနလိုု႔ႏွင့္ Credit Card , Debit Card ေလးေတြ ေတာင္မသိက် ၊မရွိက်ေသးတာကိုုေတြ႕ေနရေသးတယ္.... တခ်ိဳ႕ဆိုုရင္ internet Banking ကိုု Phone ကေန ဘယ္လိုုသံုုးရမွန္းေတာင္မသိက်ေသးပါဘူး....
ဒီ Affiliate Marketing ေလးကိုု ကၽႊန္ေတာ္ရဲ႕ Blogs ေတြမွာ လြန္ခဲ့တဲ့ ၃ႏွစ္ ကတည္းက Google Adsense ေက်ာ္ျငာေလးေတြလုုပ္ထားတာၾကာပါၿပီ...တျခား ေက်ာ္ျငာေတြလဲအမ်ာႀကီးပါ....ဒါေပမဲ့ ေျပာသ ေလာက္ လဲ ၀င္ေငြရခ်င္မွ ရပါလိမ့္မယ္..... အႀကိမ္ ၁,၀၀၀ ေလာက္ႏွိမ္မွာ ၀.၀၀၂၅ ~ ၀.၆၅ ေလာက္ဘဲရေတာ့ ထင္သေလာက္ ၀င္ေငြမရေသးပါဘူး....
သူတိုု႔က $ 100 ေလာက္၀င္မွာ ဘဏ္ကိုု ေငြလြဲေပးက်တာပါ....မိမိတဦးတည္းပင္တုုိင္ေရးသား တာေၾကာင့္လဲ ျဖစ္မွာပါ...
MLM binary tree structure. The blue individual will receive compensation from the sales of the downline red members.
ဒီ Multi-Level Marketing က အမွန္တကယ္ % အက်ိဴးခံစားရ တဲ့သူက မူရင္း တည္ေထာင္သူ ေတြဘဲ... က်န္တဲ့သူေတြက % နည္းနည္းေလးႏွင့္ ခြဲေ၀ယူက်ရ ပါတယ္....
ဒီလိုုဘဲ အမိေျမမွာ ေရာဂါစံုုေပ်ာက္ တယ္ဆိုုၿပီး ေျပာေရာင္းေနတဲ့ ေစ်းႀကီးတဲ့ လင္ဇီး ေဆးတြေရာင္းေနတဲ့ ကုုမၼဏီအေတာ္မ်ားမ်ားေတြကိုုလဲ သင့္တိုု႔ေတြ႕ဖူးက်မွာေပါ့....
အစတုုန္းက အေရာင္းသမားေလးေတြ Daimond အဆင့္ေရာက္ရင္ မာစီးဒီးကားေလးေတြေပးမယ္ေျပာ
တာၾကားဖူးတယ္ ...ဒါေပမဲ့ ရလိမ့္တယ္လိုု႔ေတာါမၾကားလိုု္ကဖူးဗ်.... ႏိုု္င္ငံတကာကိုုေတာ့ ခရီးသြားေတြႏွင့္ ေတာ့ ပိုု႔ေပးတာကိုုဘဲ ေတြ႕ဖူးပါတယ္....လူသစ္ေတြရွာႏိုုင္မွာ မိမိရဲ႕ ခံစားခြင့္ေလးေတြ
အြန္လိုုင္းေစ်းေရာင္းတဲ့နည္းလမ္းေလးေတြလဲ ကၽႊန္ေတာ္ေရးထားေတြအမ်ားႀကီးရွိပါတယ္....
စိတ္၀င္စားရင္ ဒီမွာ၀င္ၾကည့္ ၾကည့္လိုုက္က်ပါ.....
- အြန္လိုင္းေပၚမွာ၀င္ေငြရွာနည္း အပိုင္း(၇) >http://asnkonge.blogspot.com/2012/10/blog-post_15.html
- ခ်စ္သူရည္းစားေလးရွာရင္း ၀င္ေငြရေအာင္လုပ္နည္းေလးပါ!>http://asnkonge.blogspot.sg/
2013/ 02/blog-post_16.html
ဒါက ျမန္မာ ဘေလာ့ပါ...http://asnkonge.blogspot.com
ဒါက အဂၤလိပ္ ဘေလာ့ပါ...http://asnthanhan.blogspot.com
- http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Affiliate_marketing
အခုုနာမည္ေက်ာ္ facebook ႏွင့္ Google ေတြမွာလဲ သံုုးေနတဲ့ နည္းေတြပါ... အင္တာနက္လိုုင္းေကာင္းရင္ေတာ့ အဆင္ေျပႏိုုင္ ပါလိမ့္မယ္ထင္ပါတယ္...ကၽႊန္ေတာ္ဆိုု amazon က affiliate ကိုုေတာင္ယူေရာင္းတာဗ်...ဒါေပမဲ့ အသိေတြထဲက internet ကေန ပစၥည္း၀ယ္လိုု႔ရမွန္း မသိေသးတဲ့သူေတြ ပိုုမ်ားေနလိုု႔ႏွင့္ Credit Card , Debit Card ေလးေတြ ေတာင္မသိက် ၊မရွိက်ေသးတာကိုုေတြ႕ေနရေသးတယ္.... တခ်ိဳ႕ဆိုုရင္ internet Banking ကိုု Phone ကေန ဘယ္လိုုသံုုးရမွန္းေတာင္မသိက်ေသးပါဘူး....
MLM binary tree structure. The blue individual will receive compensation from the sales of the downline red members.
ဒီလိုုဘဲ အမိေျမမွာ ေရာဂါစံုုေပ်ာက္ တယ္ဆိုုၿပီး ေျပာေရာင္းေနတဲ့ ေစ်းႀကီးတဲ့ လင္ဇီး ေဆးတြေရာင္းေနတဲ့ ကုုမၼဏီအေတာ္မ်ားမ်ားေတြကိုုလဲ သင့္တိုု႔ေတြ႕ဖူးက်မွာေပါ့....
အစတုုန္းက အေရာင္းသမားေလးေတြ Daimond အဆင့္ေရာက္ရင္ မာစီးဒီးကားေလးေတြေပးမယ္ေျပာ
တာၾကားဖူးတယ္ ...ဒါေပမဲ့ ရလိမ့္တယ္လိုု႔ေတာါမၾကားလိုု္ကဖူးဗ်.... ႏိုု္င္ငံတကာကိုုေတာ့ ခရီးသြားေတြႏွင့္ ေတာ့ ပိုု႔ေပးတာကိုုဘဲ ေတြ႕ဖူးပါတယ္....လူသစ္ေတြရွာႏိုုင္မွာ မိမိရဲ႕ ခံစားခြင့္ေလးေတြ
စိတ္၀င္စားရင္ ဒီမွာ၀င္ၾကည့္ ၾကည့္လိုုက္က်ပါ.....
- အြန္လိုင္းေပၚမွာ၀င္ေငြရွာနည္း အပိုင္း(၇) >http://asnkonge.blogspot.com/2012/10/blog-post_15.html
- ခ်စ္သူရည္းစားေလးရွာရင္း ၀င္ေငြရေအာင္လုပ္နည္းေလးပါ!>http://asnkonge.blogspot.sg/
2013/ 02/blog-post_16.html
ဒါက ျမန္မာ ဘေလာ့ပါ...http://asnkonge.blogspot.com
ဒါက အဂၤလိပ္ ဘေလာ့ပါ...http://asnthanhan.blogspot.com
- http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Affiliate_marketing
Affiliate marketing
Affiliate marketing is a type of performance-based marketing in which a business rewards one or more affiliates for each visitor or customer brought by the affiliate's own marketing efforts. The industry has four core players: the merchant (also known as 'retailer' or 'brand'), the network (that contains offers for the affiliate to choose from and also takes care of the payments), the publisher (also known as 'the affiliate'), and the customer. The market has grown in complexity, resulting in the emergence of a secondary tier of players, including affiliate management agencies, super-affiliates and specialized third party vendors.
Affiliate marketing overlaps with other Internet marketing methods to some degree, because affiliates often use regular advertising methods. Those methods include organic search engine optimization (SEO), paid search engine marketing (PPC - Pay Per Click), e-mail marketing, content marketing and in some sense display advertising. On the other hand, affiliates sometimes use less orthodox techniques, such as publishing reviews of products or services offered by a partner.
Affiliate marketing is commonly confused with referral marketing, as both forms of marketing use third parties to drive sales to the retailer.[1] However, both are distinct forms of marketing and the main difference between them is that affiliate marketing relies purely on financial motivations to drive sales while referral marketing relies on trust and personal relationships to drive sales.[1]
Affiliate marketing is frequently overlooked by advertisers.[2] While search engines, e-mail, and website syndication capture much of the attention of online retailers, affiliate marketing carries a much lower profile. Still, affiliates continue to play a significant role in e-retailers' marketing strategies.
Income levels[edit]
Several sources have commented on the income level of specific MLMs or MLMs in general:
- The Times: "The Government investigation claims to have revealed that just 10% of Amway's agents in Britain make any profit, with less than one in ten selling a single item of the group's products."[30]
- Eric Scheibeler, a high level "Emerald" Amway member: "UK Justice Norris found in 2008 that out of an IBO [Independent Business Owners] population of 33,000, 'only about 90 made sufficient incomes to cover the costs of actively building their business.' That's a 99.7 percent loss rate for investors."[31]
- Newsweek: based on Mona Vie's own 2007 income disclosure statement "fewer than 1 percent qualified for commissions and of those, only 10 percent made more than $100 a week."[32]
- Business Students Focus on Ethics: "In the USA, the average annual income from MLM for 90% MLM members is no more than US $5,000, which is far from being a sufficient means of making a living (San Lian Life Weekly 1998)"[33]
- USA Today has had several articles:
- "While earning potential varies by company and sales ability, DSA says the median annual income for those in direct sales is $2,400."[34]
- In an October 15, 2010 article, it was stated that documents of a MLM called Fortune reveal that 30 percent of its representatives make no money and that 54 percent of the remaining 70 percent only make $93 a month. The article also states Fortune is under investigation by the Attorneys General of Texas, Kentucky, North Dakota, and North Carolina with Missouri, South Carolina, Illinois, and Florida following up complaints against the company.[35]
- A February 10, 2011 article stated "It can be very difficult, if not impossible, for most individuals to make a lot of money through the direct sale of products to consumers. And big money is what recruiters often allude to in their pitches." [36]
- "Roland Whitsell, a former business professor who spent 40 years researching and teaching the pitfalls of multilevel marketing": "You'd be hard-pressed to find anyone making over $1.50 an hour, (t)he primary product is opportunity. The strongest, most powerful motivational force today is false hope."[36]
Cost per mille
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
For CPM related to internet marketing, see Cost per impression
"ECPM" redirects here. For the political party, see European Christian Political Movement.
Cost per mille (CPM), also called cost ‰ and cost per thousand (CPT) (in Latin mille means thousand), is a commonly used measurement in advertising. Radio,television, newspaper, magazine, out-of-home advertising, and online advertising can be purchased on the basis of showing the ad to one thousand viewers. It is used inmarketing as a benchmark to calculate the relative cost of an advertising campaign or an ad message in a given medium.[1][2]
The “cost per thousand advertising impressions” metric (CPM) is calculated by dividing the cost of an advertising placement by the number of impressions (expressed in thousands) that it generates. CPM is useful in comparing the relative efficiency of different advertising opportunities or media and in evaluating the costs of overall campaigns. [3]
For media without countable views, CPM reflects the cost per 1000 estimated views of the ad. This traditional form of measuring advertising cost can also be used in tandem with performance based models such as percentage of sale, or cost per acquisition (CPA).
The purpose of the CPM metric is to compare costs of advertising campaigns within and across different media. A typical advertising campaign might try to reach potential consumers in multiple locations and through various media. The cost per thousand impressions (CPM) metric enables marketers to make cost comparisons between these media, both at the planning stage and during reviews of past campaigns. [3]
Marketers calculate CPM by dividing advertising campaign costs by the number of impressions (or opportunities-to-see) that are delivered by each part of the campaign. Thus, CPM is the cost of a media campaign, relative to its success in generating impressions to see. As the impression counts are generally sizeable, marketers customarily work with the CPM impressions. Dividing by 1,000 is an industry standard. [3]
Compensation Methods[edit]
Advertisers and publishers use a wide range of payment calculation methods. In 2012, advertisers calculated 32% of online advertising transactions on a cost-per-impression basis, 66% on customer performance (e.g. cost per click or cost per acquisition), and 2% on hybrids of impression and performance methods.[1]:17
CPM (Cost Per Mille)[edit]
Cost per mille, often abbreviated to CPM, means that advertisers pay for every thousand displays of their message to potential customers (mille is the Latin word for thousand). In the online context, ad displays are usually called "impressions." Definitions of an "impression" vary among publishers,[46] and some impressions may not be charged because they don't represent a new exposure to an actual customer.[47] Advertisers can use technologies such as web bugs to verify if an impression is actually delivered.[48][49]:59
Publishers use a variety of techniques to increase page views, such as dividing content across multiple pages, repurposing someone else's content, using sensational titles, or publishing tabloid or sexual content.[50]
CPM advertising is susceptible to "impression fraud,” and advertisers who want visitors to their sites may not find per-impression payments a good proxy for the results they desire.[51]:1–4
CPC (cost per click)[edit]
CPC (Cost Per Click) or PPC (Pay per click) means advertisers pay each time a user clicks on the ad. CPC advertising works well when advertisers want visitors to their sites, but it's a less accurate measurement for advertisers looking to build brand awareness.[52] CPC's market share has grown each year since its introduction, eclipsing CPM to dominate two-thirds of all online advertising compensation methods.[1]:18[51]:1
Like impressions, not all recorded clicks are valuable to advertisers. GoldSpot Media reported that up to 50% of clicks on static mobile banner ads are accidental and resulted in redirected visitors leaving the new site immediately.[53]
CPE (cost per engagement)[edit]
Cost per engagement aims to track not just that an ad unit loaded on the page (i.e., an impression was served), but also that the viewer actually saw and/or interacted with the ad.[54][55]
CPV (cost per view)[edit]
Cost per view video advertising. Both Google and TubeMogul endorsed this standardized CPV metric to the IAB's (Interactive Advertising Bureau) Digital Video Committee, and it's garnering a notable amount of industry support.[56]
Other performance-based compensation[edit]
CPA (Cost Per Action or Cost Per Acquisition) or PPP (Pay Per Performance) advertising means the advertiser pays for the number of users who perform a desired activity, such as completing a purchase or filling out a registration form. Performance-based compensation can also incorporate revenue sharing, where publishers earn a percentage of the advertiser's profits made as a result of the ad. Performance-based compensation shifts the risk of failed advertising onto publishers.[51]:4, 16
Fixed cost[edit]
Fixed cost compensation means advertisers pay a fixed cost for delivery of ads online, usually over a specified time period, irrespective of the ad's visibility or users' response to it.
To calculate CPM, marketers first state the results of a media campaign (gross impressions). Second, they divide that result into the relevant media cost:
- Advertising Cost ($) / Impressions Generated
For example:
- Total cost for running the ad is $15,000.
- The total estimated audience is 2,400,000 people.
- ($15,000/2,400,000) = $0.00625
- CPM is calculated as: $0.00625 x 1000 (meaning per thousand views) = $6.25
Note: Notice how the CPM is $6.25 and not $0.00625, this is because we are looking at cost per thousand.
- In online advertising, if a website sells banner ads for a $20 CPM, that means it costs $20 to show the banner on 1000 page views.
- While the Super Bowl has the highest per-spot ad cost in the United States, it also has the most television viewers annually. Consequently, its CPM may be comparable to a less expensive spot aired during standard programming.[4]
Related Metrics and Concepts[edit]
Effective cost per mille[edit]
The Search Engine Marketing Professionals Organization (SEMPO) defines eCPM as: ::A hybrid Cost-per-Click (CPC) auction calculated by multiplying the CPC times the click-through rate (CTR), and multiplying that by one thousand. (Represented by: (CPC x CTR) x 1000 = eCPM.) This monetization model is used by Google to rank site-targeted CPM ads (in the Google content network) against keyword-targeted CPC ads (Google AdWords PPC) in their hybrid auction.[1][2]
In internet marketing, effective cost per mille is used to measure the effectiveness of a publisher's inventory being sold (by the publisher) via a CPA, CPC, or Cost per time basis. In other words, the eCPM tells the publisher what they would have received if they sold the advertising inventory on a CPM basis (instead of a CPA, CPC, or Cost per time). This information can be used to compare revenue across channels that may have widely varying traffic—by figuring the earnings per thousand impressions.
- There are two banners: "Super Apps" and "Fantastic Apps."
- The publishers earn $1 per click.
- Both banners were published for the duration of one week.
- "Super Apps" was viewed by 2000 visitors from which 10 clicked on it.
- "Fantastic Apps" was viewed by 2000 visitors from which 50 clicked on it.
This shows that:
- "Super Apps" has an eCPM of $5 ($1 * 10/2000 * 1000)
- "Fantastic Apps" has an eCPM of $25 ($1 * 50/2000 * 1000)
Cost per Point (CPP) or Cost per Rating Point (CPR or CPRP)[edit]
CPP is the cost of an advertising campaign, relative to the rating points delivered. In a manner similar to CPM, cost per point measures the cost per rating point for an advertising campaign by dividing the cost of the advertising by the rating points delivered.[3]
The American Marketing Association defines cost-per-rating point (CPR or CPRP) as:
- A method of comparing the cost effectiveness of two or more alternative media vehicles in radio or television. CPRP is computed by dividing the cost of the time unit or commercial by the rating of the media vehicle during that time period. [1]
See also[edit]
- CTR - Click-through rate
- VTR - View-through rate
- CPI - Cost Per Impression
- PPC - Pay per click
- CPA - Cost Per Acquisition or Action
- Internet marketing
- CPC - Cost Per Click
- eCPA - effective Cost Per Acquisition/action
- Compensation methods
- ^a b c American Marketing Association Dictionary. http://www.marketingpower.com/_layouts/Dictionary.aspx. Retrieved 2012-11-28. The Marketing Accountability Standards Board (MASB) endorses this definition as part of its ongoing Common Language: Marketing Activities and Metrics Project.
- ^
- ^a b c d Farris, Paul W.; Neil T. Bendle; Phillip E. Pfeifer; David J. Reibstein (2010). Marketing Metrics: The Definitive Guide to Measuring Marketing Performance. Upper Saddle River, New Jersey: Pearson Education, Inc. ISBN 0-13-705829-2. The Marketing Accountability Standards Board (MASB) endorses the definitions, purposes, and constructs of classes of measures that appear in Marketing Metrics as part of its ongoing Common Language: Marketing Activities and Metrics Project.
- ^ Smith, Chris (February 1, 2012). "Super Bowl Ad Rates Can Double Within Ten Years". Forbes. Retrieved 1 October 2012.
External links[edit]
အခုုဒီ ဇင္ေဇေဖ့ဘုုတ္ရဲ႕ရည္ရြယ္ခ်က္ေလးေတြႏွင့္ အေရးအသားေလးေတြ ကေကာင္းပါ တယ္.....လူငယ္လဲျဖစ္ေတာ့ ဘာမဆိုု စမ္းသပ္ခ်င္က်တယ္ေလ...အမိေျမမွာ ဒီလိုုမွန္မွန္ကန္ကန္ျဖစ္ရင္ တကယ္ေကာင္းပါတယ္...အြန္လိုုင္းေတြမွာဒီလိုုတျခား အဂၤလိပ္လိုုေက်ာ္ျငာေတြအမ်ားႀကီးရွိၿပီ ေငြတခုု ၿပီးတခုုသြင္းခိုုင္းတတ္က်ေတာ့.....မစမ္းရဲေတာ့ပါဘူး...လက္ေတြ႕ခံစားဖူးတာပါ...အမွန္အကန္ေက်ာ္ျငာ
ေတြလဲ ေတြ႕ဖူးပါတယ္.....ဒါႏွင့္ဘဲ ဘေဘာ့ေရးျဖစ္သြားတာပါ....
ဒါေပမဲ့ သိတဲ့အတိုုင္းပါဘဲ... လူေဘာဘသားေတြက ေငြလြယ္လြယ္ႏွင့္ရခ်င္က်တဲ့ သူေတြခ်ည္း ပါဘဲ... အမိေျမမွာ ေရႊေလးေတြ ဘယ္သူေတြမဆိုု ေငြေရးေၾကးေရးႏွင့္ပတ္သက္လာရင္ ႏွင့္ လုုပ္ငန္း ေလးေတြ စလုုပ္တုုန္းက အနစ္နာခံ စိတ္တူ ကိုုယ္တူ လူညီက်ၿပီး ေအာင္ျမင္လာရင္ ကြဲၿပဲကုုန္တာေတြက ေရႊေလးေတြရဲ႕ အက်င့္ေလးေတြ လက္ေတြ႕ျဖစ္တာမိုု႕ပါ.....ဘာေၾကာင့္မွန္းကိုု မသိပါဘူး... အလုုပ္ႏွင့္မဆိုုင္တဲ့ သူေတြ၀င္ရႈပ္ တတ္က်တဲ့ အေလ့အက်င့္လိုုျဖစ္ေနတာကိုု ဘယ္လိုုေျပာရမလဲ မသိဘူးေလ....
ထူထူးျခားျခား ေဖ့ဘုုတ္မွာဒီလိုုေက်ာ္ျငာေလးေတြလိုု႔ ကူးယူေဖာ္ျပလိုုက္ပါတယ္... ဖတ္ၾကည့္ပါအံုုး.....
အင္တာနက္ သုံးရင္း ပိုက္ဆံ ရွာလိုသူမ်ား အတြက္
ရိုးသား ၾကိဳးစား ျပီးရလာဒ္ေကာင္းလိုခ်င္သူမ်ား အတြက္အလုပ္ တစ္ခု တူတူ လုပ္ဖို႕ ကမ္းလွမ္း ခ်င္ပါတယ္ ... ကၽႊန္ေတာ္ ကိုဇင္ေဇ ပါ ... နာမည္ရင္း က မ်ိဳးဇင္လြင္ ပါ ... English ဘာသာစကား သင္တန္းေက်ာင္းတစ္ေက်ာင္းဖြင့္ထားပါတယ္...www.facebook.com/MmEnglishLearning ဒါ က်ြန္ေတာ့္ သင္တန္းပါ ...
Online Marketing Consulting & Services လုပ္ေနတာ ၁ ႏွစ္ ေက်ာ္ေက်ာ္ေလာက္ ရွိပါျပီ ...
က်ြန္ေတာ္ ကိုယ္ပိုင္ လုပ္ငန္း ၁ ခုအျခား ျပင္ပ Company အဖြဲ႕အစည္း ၄ ခု ကို ဝန္ေဆာင္မွူ ေပးခဲ့ျပီးပါျပီ ...
Myanmar Maritime University ( သီလဝါ ) က Nautical Science Major နဲ့ ေက်ာင္းဆင္းျပီး တစ္ႏွစ္ေလာက္ နိုင္ငံတကာ သြား Seaman လုပ္ခဲ့ဖူးပါတယ္ ....
ရိုးသား ၾကိဳးစား ျပီး ရလာဒ္ေကာင္းလိုခ်င္သူမ်ား အတြက္က်ြန္ေတာ္နဲ့ အတူ အလုပ္ တစ္ခု လုပ္ဖို႕ ကမ္းလွမ္းခ်င္ပါတယ္ ... )
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ဒီ အလုပ္ကို လုပ္ေနသူေတြ စိတ္ဝင္စားေနသူတဲ့ တျခားသူေတြ ရွိပါတယ္ ...က်ြန္ေတာ့္ အေနနဲ့ေတာ့ ဘယ္ သူနဲ့ မွ မတူတဲ့ ဟန္ / ရိုးသားမွု / ၾကိဳးစားမွု နဲ့လုပ္သြားမွာပါ ...
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ယုံတဲ့လူ ( ၂၅ ) ေယာက္ လိုပါတယ္ ...
ဘယ္သူေတြကို အဆင့္ ၂ ( သို႕မဟုတ္ ) ၃ ဆိုတာကိုသင္ၾကားမွု သင္ယူလိုမွု / စိတ္ဓာတ္ခြန္အား / အျပန္အလွန္ ရိုးသား ပြင့္လင္းစြာ ေဆာင္ရြက္လိုစိတ္ /လူ ကိုယ္တိုင္ လာေရာက္ အခ်ိန္ေပး ေလ့လာျခင္းမ်ား နဲ့ ခြဲထုတ္သြားပါမယ္ ...
အဆင့္ အတန္းခြဲျခား လိုစိတ္ နဲ့ ထားတာမဟုတ္ပါဘူး ...တာဝန္ နဲ့ လုပ္ပိုင္ခြင့္ေတြ ... ရပိုင္ခြင့္ ေတြ စနစ္တက် ရွိေစခ်င္လို႕ပါ ...အဆင့္ ၁ / ၂ / ၃ အစဥ္လိုက္ အလႊာမ်ား ကို က်ြန္ေတာ္ Training အတြက္ အခ်ိန္ မ်ားရာမွ နည္းျပီး ေပးသြားရမွာ မို႕ပါ ...
ဒီလူေတြကို ပင္မ Japan Company ( Onocoro ) က စီစဥ္တာမဟုတ္တဲ့ က်ြန္ေတာ္ ကိုယ္တိုင္ စုစည္း ျပဳစုထားတဲ့ Personal Development & Entrepreneurship Training Programကိုယ္ရည္ကိုယ္ေသြးတိုးတက္ေရး ႏွင့္ စြန္႕တီထြင္ သေဘာတရားမ်ားကို သီးသန္႕ သင္တန္း ေပးသြားမွာမို႕လို႕ပါ ...( Company ကလည္း သူ႕ Training ေတြ ေတာက္ေလွ်ာက္ ရွိေနမွာပါ )
Personal Development & Entrepreneurship Training Program ကေတာ့စုစုေပါင္း ၾကာျမင့္ခ်ိန္ ၁၆ နာရီေလာက္ ရွိနိုင္ပါတယ္ ...( လူငယ္ ေတြ အတြက္ အဓိက ရည္ရြယ္တာပါ ...သိျပီး တတ္ျပီး လို႕ ခံယူထားသူမ်ား သင္တန္း မတက္္လိုက မတက္္္ပဲ ေနနိုင္ပါတယ္ ...)
ဒီ Links မွာ ေတာ့ Youth Personal Development & Entrepreneurship နဲ့ ပတ္သတ္လို႕ က်ြန္ေတာ္ ေရးဖူးတဲ့ စာတစ္ခ်ိဳ႕ သြားေရာက္ ဖတ္ရွူေလ့လာနိုင္ပါတယ္ ...
ရုံးပိတ္ရက္ ( Saturday & Sunday )( ၁၂ ကေန ၁ နာရီ အတြင္း ) နဲ့ ည ၈နာရီ ေနာက္ပိုင္းမွာ ...
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.ျပီးေတာ့ ည ၈ နာရီ ေနာက္ပိုင္းမွာ ... ဖုန္းေခၚရင္ က်ြန္ေတာ္ ဖုန္းထဲကေန ေသခ်ာရွင္းျပေပးနိုင္ပါတယ္ ..
.ျပီးေတာ့ ည ၈ နာရီ ေနာက္ပိုင္းမွာ ... ဖုန္းေခၚရင္ က်ြန္ေတာ္ ဖုန္းထဲကေန ေသခ်ာရွင္းျပေပးနိုင္ပါတယ္ ..
( က်န္တဲ့ အခ်ိန္ေတြကေတာ့ က်ြန္ေတာ္ သင္တန္းမွာ English ဘာသာစကား သင္ ေပး ေနမွာမို႕ ဖုန္းမကိုင္နိုင္ပါ ...တာဝန္ရွိသူ တစ္ေယာက္ ကိုင္ေပးပါလိမ့္မယ္...မွာစရာရွိတာေတြ အကုန္ မွာခဲ့လို႕ ရပါတယ္ ... Message ပို႕ေပးထားလို႕ ရပါတယ္... )
ေနရပ္လိပ္စာ ( ျမိဳ႕နယ္ )
Email လိပ္စာ
Facebook အေကာင့္ လိပ္စာ .....
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Leader (ကိုယ္စားလွယ္) ေတြက 25.7.2014 ကုပၼဏီဖြင့္ၿပီးေနာက္ပိုင္းမွာ Form ျဖည့္ထားတဲ့ Member ေတြဆီကို မိမိတို႔ အသံုးျပဳရမယ့္ အေကာင့္နံပါတ္ (Account ID) မ်ား ျပန္လည္ေပးပို႔ေပးမွာျဖစ္ပါတယ္။ ထို Account ID ရိရိွၿပီးသူေတြဟာ 1.7.2014 ကစၿပီး Member အမ်ိဳးအစားႏွစ္မ်ိဳးအေနနဲ႔ စတင္
Leader (ကိုယ္စားလွယ္) ေတြက 25.7.2014 ကုပၼဏီဖြင့္ၿပီးေနာက္ပိုင္းမွာ Form ျဖည့္ထားတဲ့ Member ေတြဆီကို မိမိတို႔ အသံုးျပဳရမယ့္ အေကာင့္နံပါတ္ (Account ID) မ်ား ျပန္လည္ေပးပို႔ေပးမွာျဖစ္ပါတယ္။ ထို Account ID ရိရိွၿပီးသူေတြဟာ 1.7.2014 ကစၿပီး Member အမ်ိဳးအစားႏွစ္မ်ိဳးအေနနဲ႔ စတင္
Click လုပ္လို႔ရမွာပါ။
Member အမ်ိဳးစား ႏွစ္မ်ိဳးကေတာ့-
(1) Free Member Type (အခမဲ့ ကလစ္ျခင္း)
(2) Premium Member Type (အခေပး ကလစ္ျခင္း) ဆိုၿပီးျဖစ္ပါတယ္။
(1) Free Member Type (အခမဲ့ ကလစ္ျခင္း)
(Online ေၾကာ္ျငာ Click လုပ္ဖို႔ မည္သည့္အခေၾကးေငြမွ ေပးသြင္းစရာမလိုပါဘူး။)
Free Member အေနနဲ႔ Click လုပ္ရင္ ရရွိမယ့္ႏႈန္းကေတာ့ 1 Click ကို ပ်မ္းမွ် 5 က်ပ္ ျဖစ္ၿပီး တစ္ေန႔လွ်င္ ေၾကာ္ျငာအခုေရ 150 ခန္႔ Click လုပ္ႏိုင္ပါသည္။ (ၾကာခ်ိန္တစ္နာရီ၀န္းက်င္မွ်သာ)
ထို႔ေၾကာင့္ 5 Kyats x 150 times (1 Hour) = 750 Kyats
ဖုန္းျဖင့္အင္တာနက္အသံုးျပဳခ 1 နာရီ = 120 က်ပ္
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(2) Premium Member Type (အခေပး ကလစ္ျခင္း သို႔မဟုတ္ Leader အေနျဖင့္ Click ျခင္း)
(Premium Member ျဖစ္လိုပါက Free Member ၀င္ထားသူမ်ားသည္ Onocoro Office တြင္
ေငြ 1 သိန္းက်ပ္ ေပးသြင္းရမည္ျဖစ္သည္။)
သို႔ေသာ္ Promotion ကာလအၿပီး 1.7.2014 ေနာက္ပိုင္းမွ စတင္၍ Premium Member ၀င္ေရာက္လိုသူမ်ားကေတာ့ 2 သိန္းက်ပ္အျဖစ္ တိုးျမႇင့္ေကာက္ခံသြားမွာျဖစ္ပါတယ္။
သင္သည္ Premium Member တစ္ေယာက္ျဖစ္သြားသည္ႏွင့္ ေအာက္ပါခံစားခြင့္မ်ားကို စတင္ရရိွႏိုင္ပါၿပီ။ Premium Member အေနနဲ႔ Click လုပ္ရင္ ရရွိမယ့္ႏႈန္းကေတာ့ 1 Click ကို ပ်မ္းမွ် 30 က်ပ္ ျဖစ္သြားပါၿပီ။ တစ္ေန႔လွ်င္ ေၾကာ္ျငာအခုေရ 150 ခန္႔ Click လုပ္မည္ဆိုလွ်င္ (ၾကာခ်ိန္တစ္နာရီ၀န္းက်င္မွ်သာ)
သင္သည္ Premium Member တစ္ေယာက္ျဖစ္သြားသည္ႏွင့္ ေအာက္ပါခံစားခြင့္မ်ားကို စတင္ရရိွႏိုင္ပါၿပီ။ Premium Member အေနနဲ႔ Click လုပ္ရင္ ရရွိမယ့္ႏႈန္းကေတာ့ 1 Click ကို ပ်မ္းမွ် 30 က်ပ္ ျဖစ္သြားပါၿပီ။ တစ္ေန႔လွ်င္ ေၾကာ္ျငာအခုေရ 150 ခန္႔ Click လုပ္မည္ဆိုလွ်င္ (ၾကာခ်ိန္တစ္နာရီ၀န္းက်င္မွ်သာ)
30 Kyats x 150 times (1 Hour) = 4500 Kyats
ဖုန္းျဖင့္အင္တာနက္အသံုးျပဳခ 1 နာရီ = 120 က်ပ္
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>> Premium Member တစ္ေယာက္၏ အက်ိဳးခံစားခြင့္မ်ား <<
လံုၿခံဳေရးစနစ္ပါ International E-mail Address တစ္ခု
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- Official Account ID တစ္ခု
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ထုိသို႔မိတ္ဆက္ရာတြင္ သင္သည္ Premium Member တစ္ေယာက္မိတ္ဆက္ေပးပါက Member
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NRC No. ( မွတ္ပုံတင္ နံပါတ္ ) -
Date Of Birth ( ေမြးေန႕ ေမြးရက္ ) -
Address ( ေနရပ္လိပ္စာ ) -
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Email ( ဆက္သြယ္ရန္ ေမးလ္ လိပ္စာ-
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ဆက္သြယ္ရန္ : 09 25000 5174
အမွတ္ (၁၀) ၊ (၄)လႊာ ၊ဗိုလ္မႉးေအာင္လမ္း ၊ ဗိုလ္စိန္မွန္ ရပ္ကြက္ ၊
ဗဟန္းျမိဳ႕နယ္ ၊ ရန္ကုန္ျမိဳ႕ ။ < တာေမြအ၀ိုင္းမွတ္တိုင္ >
အင္တာနက္ သုံးရင္း ပိုက္ဆံ ရွာလိုသူမ်ား အတြက္ အၾကံဉာဏ္နဲ႕ သတင္းေပးမယ့္ Application ေလးပါ .... ဒီ Application ေလးကို ဖုန္းမွာ သြင္းထားျပီး အင္တာနက္မွာ ေငြရွာႏိုင္တဲ့ အေၾကာင္းအရာေတြျမန္မာႏိုင္ငံမွာ ( ဖုန္းကိုင္ထားတဲ့ ) လူတိုင္းနီးပါး လုပ္လို႕ ရတဲ့ အခြင့္အေရးေတြကို ေ စာင့္ဖတ္ႏိုင္ ပါတယ္ဗ်ာ ... http://goo.gl/8I9L0F
မွတ္ခ်က္....အခုုေျပာတဲ့ ဂ်ပန္ကုုမၼဏီ Japan Company ( Onocoro ) ဆိုုတာ အြန္လိုုင္းမွာ ရွာၾကည့္လိုုက္ေတာ့ဘာအာမခံခ်က္ေတြမွာမရွိေသးတဲ့ကုုမၼဏီအသစ္ႀကီးျဖစ္ေနတယ္ေလ...သူတိုု႔ရဲ႕
ေနာက္ခံသမိုုင္းစီးပြားေရးအေျခအေန ဘာကိုုမွ မသိရဘဲႏွင့္ေတာ့ .... စြန္႔စားလိုု႔ သင့္မသင့္ မိမိဘာသာ စဥ္းစားၾကည့္ေပေတာ့....
Credit @ Ko Nge
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