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Part Time Jobs Simplified Online
Data entry jobs seekers and providers have been brought up together onto a Unique platform called earnparttimejobs. Our clients provide us part time jobs as online data entry jobs, form filling jobs, data processing, and much more. Our members have proved their ability by banking regular handsome income in lieu of their efforts. Read More...
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We know your needs and provide solutions to all types of data entry projects.
Client satisfaction is our prime goal. We guarantee high quality data entry solutions with 99.9% accuracy. We are using double entry system, cross check and auditing to ensure the best accuracy and timely completion of the assignments. Our widely growing network of members is our strength who make us commited for delivering the best quality services.
More about Data Entry Jobs
Data Entry Jobs for Members
Join us and try our data entry jobs a few hours per day. You can work from home doing part time jobs like data entry jobs, form filling jobs, data processing jobs, etc.
Payments are made monthly via At Par Cheque/Paypal/Visa Money Transfer once your earnings reach $40 USD Cheques would be issued on OR around 20th of each month for the previous month's earnings.
More about our Part Time Jobs
Unique Opportunity
Earn over $2500 USD per month doing part time jobs without any investment just working a few hours per day. Our data entry jobs is the simplest job available among work at home jobs.
- Free Registration
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- $10 USD sign up bonus
- 30¢-50¢ USD per data entry form
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- Get Paid monthly by cheque/Paypal/Online Bank Transfer/Visa Money Transfer
- Min. Payout $40 USD
Referral Program
Earn unlimited income from home without any investment and without any joining fees doing our data entry jobs.
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- 10¢ to $10.00 USD each referral
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- Min. Payout $40 USD
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My Dear Visitor,
Welcome to this exclusive website
Trust us, you will earn $2,000 USD plus from this month.
Sounds good, but what kind of work is it?
This is basically an online form filling job and you would be paid per form filling basis.Is it easy to fill online forms?
Yes, this is very simple form filling job just like opening an email account in GMail, Hotmail, Yahoo, etc. and it generally takes less then 2 minutes to fill each form.How much I can earn by doing this part time job?
You will be earning anywhere from 30¢-50¢ USD per processed form.
But there are programs which are paying $1.00-2.00 USD/per form filling
- Yes, there are programs which are paying $1.00-2.00 USD/per form in air. Not for real. Have you ever received a cheque from any service making such claim? They are making fools out of people. No one has received any cheque from them yet.
Is this work really part time OR I need to do it full time?
See, the work is neither part time nor full time. But it based on a simple theory, the more you work, the more you earn.OK, but what is the basic qualification to start this work?
There is no basic qualification required to do this job but you should have basic internet browsing and english language knowledge.Is this work available worldwide?
YES. You can do this work anywhere where you have an internet connection.How much time I have to put in to do this work?
There is no minimum or maximum limit. You can work jut 1-2 hours/day (part time) or you can also work 12 hours/day (full time). It's up to you. But as we stated above, the more you work, the more you earn. Simple as that.How much can I earn through this part time work?
Following is an estimate of your monthly earnings thru this part time work:Average No. of Forms DailyAverage Earning for Each FormAverage Earning Per DayAverage Monthly Income30$0.40$12.00$360.00300$0.40$120.00$3600.00Then how can I earn $2000.00 or more from this?
If you process more than about 167 forms per day on average, you will reach that level. PLUS, we have a referral scheme under which you can earn $10.00 as signup bonus, and 10¢ to $10.00 USDfor each referral who joins through your referral link. Many of the members who are earning big do it thru referral scheme only.That's OK, but how can I refer people to earn more?
Relax, we will provide you with tools, tips and ideas about how to refer more and more people to earn as much as possible, under your referral link without talking or contacting anyone. Full training and details are given in the members area.But when will I get paid?
You will be paid once your account earnings reaches $40.00 USD. You will be paid thru At Par Cheque or via PayPal. Cheques would be issued on OR around the 20th of each month for the previous month's earnings. If your earnings does not reach $40.00 USD in any particular month then it will be carried over to the next month.Its really cool! Tell me how can I join this right now?
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