ႏိုင္ငံျခားမေရာက္ဖူးက်တဲ့ အေတာ္မ်ားမ်ားေရႊေလးေတြက စကာၤပူကိုု ေရႊနန္းေတာ္ေရာက္တာက်ေန တာဘဲ ထင္ေနတတ္က်ပါတယ္....အမွန္တကယ္ ႏိုုင္ငံျခားကိုု အလုုပ္လုုပ္ဖိုု႔သြားက်တာပါ ဘယ္ေနရာ
ဘယ္ႏိုုင္ငံဘဲေရာက္ေရာက္ ၀န္ထမ္းဟာ၀န္ထမ္းပါဘဲ...အခိုုင္းအေစခံ အႏွိမ့္ခံရစျမဲပါဘဲ..
အဲ ! ကိုုယ္လဲ ေနရာနဲနဲေလးေတာ့ရလာမွာ အေနေခ်ာင္တာပါ..ဒါလဲဘဲ အလုုပ္မွာဘာျပႆနာမွ မတက္ မွေလ သိတဲ့အတိုုင္းဘဲ... ဒီမွာက Customer Service ဆိုုတဲ့ လူေတြအေပၚမွာ ဖိႏွိပ္ခိုုင္းေစတဲ့ အလုုပ္ႏွင့္ မိမိတာ၀န္ကိုုမိမိဘဲ တာ၀န္ယူရတဲ့ အလုုပ္ေတြပါ..တခါတခါေပ်ာ္ဖိုု႔ေကာင္းေပမဲ့ တခါတေလလဲစိတ္ညွစ္ရ တဲ့ အလုုပ္ေတြပါ...ဒီဒဏ္ကိုုမခံႏိုုင္လိုု႔ျပန္ေျပးတဲ့ အင္ဂ်င္နီယာအရာရွိေလးေတြ တေျဖးေျဖးမ်ားလာပါၿပီ...
အလုုပ္မွာေပ်ာ္တဲ့လူေတြလဲ တေျဖးေျဖးနည္းလာပါတယ္...
စကာၤပူက၀န္ထမ္းလစာေတြ ၂၀၁၃ခုႏွစ္မွာ အရင္ႏွစ္ေတြထက္တိုုးတယ္လို႔ MOM ၀လ္ဆိုုဒ္မွာေရးထားပါတယ္ ... တကယ္ေကာတိုုးပါက်ပါရဲ႕လား ? ၀င္ေငြ ၅~၇ %ေလာက္ဘဲ တိုုးတတ္ပါတယ္ ဒါေပမဲ့ အိမ္ခန္းငွားခေတြလဲ ႏွစ္တိုုင္း ေဒၚလာ ၅၀ေလာက္တက္တာႏွင့္ စားစရိတ္ေတြတက္တာႏွင့္ မကာမိပါဘူး လိုု႔ေျပာခ်င္ပါတယ္....ဒီၾကားထဲ ကန္ထရိုုက္ ပေရာဂ်က္ ၿပီးရင္ေစၿပီ... အလုုပ္သစ္ကိုု ေအာက္ေျခကေနျပန္စရပါတယ္....ဒီမွာ အစိုုးရဌာနဆိုုင္ရာ အလုုပ္ကလြဲရင္ ဘယ္ကုုမၺဏီမွ တရား၀င္အျမဲတန္းအလုုပ္မခန္႕ထားတတ္ပါဘူး....ဒါေတြက ဒီက ၀န္ထမ္းေတြ ႏွစ္ကုုန္ရင္ အျမဲရင္ေမာ ေနရတဲ့ ကိစၥေတြပါဘဲ....၀န္ထမ္းေတြကလဲ ပုုိရတဲ့ေနရာရွိရင္ထြက္တယ္... ကုုမၺဏီေတြကလဲ အျမဲလစာေလ်ာ့ေပးဖိုု႔ဘဲစဥ္းစားေနတယ္ေလ......
Employment Situation, 2013
More Locals Employed and Income Growth Strengthened
29 January 2014
- Unemployment stayed low and income growth of Singaporeans strengthened in 2013. Local employment rose more quickly in the year, as the growth in foreign workers continued to moderate amid tightened foreign manpower measures. These are the key findings from the "Employment Situation, 2013" report released by the Ministry of Manpower's Research and Statistics Department.Main FindingsUnemployment remained low
- Unemployment remained low in December 2013. Preliminary estimates showed that December 2013 overall (1.8%) and citizen (2.8%) unemployment rates were unchanged from September 2013. The resident unemployment rate edged up slightly by 0.1%-point from 2.6% in September 2013 to 2.7% in December 2013.
- For the whole of 2013, the annual average overall and citizen unemployment rates dipped to 1.9% and 2.9% respectively, while the resident rate remained unchanged at 2.8%.Local employment rose more quickly, as foreign workforce growth continued to moderate
- Supported by hirings for year-end festivities, employment growth was higher in the fourth quarter of 2013 (39,200) than in the previous quarter (33,100), but lower than in the fourth quarter of last year (44,000).
- For the whole of 2013, total employment is estimated to have increased by 134,900 over the year, higher than the 129,100 in 2012. Higher employment growth over the year was mainly driven by locals, as the pace of growth in the foreign workforce continued to slow amid tightened foreign manpower measures. In December 2013, locals accounted for 66.2% of persons employed in Singapore (excluding foreign domestic workers), with foreigners forming 33.8%.Redundancies rose in the fourth quarter, but remained below recessionary levels
- 3,500 workers were laid off in the fourth quarter of 2013, higher than the 2,710 workers made redundant in preceding quarter, though this was lower than 6,000 to 12,800 workers laid off per quarter during the last recession in 2008/09. For the full year 2013, 11,400 workers were laid off, slightly higher than 2012 (11,010).Income growth strengthened
- Income growth strengthened in 2013, amid the tight labour market. The nominal median monthly income from work of full-time employed citizens (including employer CPF contributions) increased over the year by 7.1% to $3,480 in June 2013, up from gains of 5.8% in the preceding year. As inflation eased1, the growth in real median income, deflated by Consumer Price Index (CPI) for all items, accelerated from 1.2% in 2012 to 4.6% in 2013.For more information
- The "Employment Situation, 2013" report is available on the MOM’s Statistics and Publications webpage. More comprehensive labour market data will be released in the "Labour Market Report, 2013" on 14 March 2014.
1 The Consumer Price Index for all items rose over the year by 2.4% in 2013, lower than the increase of 4.6% in 2012.