၂၀၁၂-၂၀၁၃ တကၠသိုလ္၀င္ခြင္ ့တြင္ အဆင့္ျမင့္နည္းပ ညာတကၠသိုလ္ (ရန္ကုန္) တြင္အနိမ့္ဆံုး ရမွတ္ က်ား-၅၀၀၊ မ-၅၀၄ မွတ္၊ ေဆးတကၠသိုလ္တြင္ အနိမ့္ဆံုး ရမွတ္၊ က်ား - ၄၉၀၊ မ - ၅၀၈ မွတ္၊ အဆင့္ျမင့္ ကြန္ပ်ဴတာတကၠသို လ္ (ရန္ကုန္) တြင္ အနိမ့္ဆံုး ရမွတ္ က်ား - ၄၈၇၊ မ -၄၉၇ မွတ္၊ အစိုးရ နည္းပညာတကၠသိုလ္ ေကာလိပ္၊ စက္မႈလက္မႈသိပၸံ တြင္ အနိမ့္ဆံုး ရမွတ္ က်ား - ၃၆၀၊ မ - ၃၇၀ မွတ္ အစိုးရ ကြန္ပ်ဴတာတကၠသို လ္တြင္ အနိမ့္ဆံုး ၃၆၅ မွတ္ႏွင့္ စီးပြားေရး တကၠသိုလ္ (ရန္ကုန္) တြင္ အနိမ့္ဆံုးရမွတ္ ၃၈၃ မွတ္ျဖင့္ စိစစ္ေရြးခ်ယ္ခဲ ့သည္ဟု သိရသည္။
Ref:Internet journal မွ
အခုရက္ပိုင္းမွာ သူငယ္ခ်င္းမေတြရဲ႕တူတေယာက္ကိုေရႊဗမာေလးေတြက တကၠသိုလ္စာေမးပြဲ ေအာင္ၿပီး လို႔ ဒီကစကာၤပူေက်ာင္းတက္ခ်င္တဲ့ ပိုးေတြထေနက်တယ္ေလ၊ ေအာင္မွတ္ကလဲ ၃၀၀ေက်ာ္ေလးတဲ့!
ဒီမွာေက်ာင္းတက္ခ်င္လို႔တဲံဗ်ာ! ဘယ္ကေနဘယ္လို ဘာေတြၾကားၿပီး စကာၤပူပိုးထိုးေနၿပီး လာခ်င္ေနက် သလဲ မသိပါဘူး!ဘာလိုလုပ္ရမလဲလို႔လမ္းေမးတယ္ေလ! ဘာမွလုပ္လုပ္လို႔မရပါဘူးလို႔ေျပာလိုက္ရပါ တယ္၊ အျပင္ပုဂၢိဳလ္က International ေက်ာင္းစရိတ္ေတြႏွင့္ အစိုးရေက်ာင္းလခေတြ အမ်ာၾကီးးကြာျခား တာေနတာကိုး! ခေလးေတြက အေျခခံ အဂၤလိပ္ေကာင္းေနၿပီး ေငြေၾကးတတ္ႏိုင္တဲ့သူေတြဆိုရင္ ကိစၥ မရွိပါဘူး! အဓိက ဘယ္ေက်ာင္းေတြကို ၀င္ခြင့္ေျဖခိုင္းရမလဲ? ITE လား Poly လား! ဘာေတြလိုအပ္သလဲ!
Our Education System
The Ministry of Education aims to help our students to discover their own talents, to make the best of these talents and realise their full potential, and to develop a passion for learning that lasts through life.
The Singapore Education Landscape
• Print Version (1.7mb .pdf)
We have a strong education system. Singapore students aim high and they achieve very good results. This is recognised around the world. We have good schools, with capable school leaders and teachers, and facilities that are amongst the best in the world.
We are building on these strengths as we prepare the next generation of Singaporeans for the future. This is a future that brings tremendous opportunity, especially in Asia, but it will also bring many changes that we cannot foresee today. The task of our schools and tertiary institutions is to give our young the chance to develop the skills, character and values that will enable them to continue to do well and to take Singapore forward in this future.
We have been moving in recent years towards an education system that is more flexible and diverse. The aim is to provide students with greater choice to meet their different interests and ways of learning. Being able to choose what and how they learn will encourage them to take greater ownership of their learning. We are also giving our students a more broad-based education to ensure their all-round or holistic development, in and out of the classroom.
These approaches in education will allow us to nurture our young with the different skills that they need for the future. We seek to help every child find his own talents, and grow and emerge from school confident of his abilities. We will encourage them to follow their passions, and promote a diversity of talents among them – in academic fields, and in sports and the arts.
We want to nurture young Singaporeans who ask questions and look for answers, and who are willing to think in new ways, solve new problems and create new opportunities for the future. And, equally important, we want to help our young to build up a set of sound values so that they have the strength of character and resilience to deal with life’s inevitable setbacks without being unduly discouraged, and so that they have the willingness to work hard to achieve their dreams.
Financial Assistance and Bursary Schemes
The Ministry of Education provides financial assistance to needy Singapore Citizen students in Government or Government-aided schools so that all Singaporeans, regardless of their financial background, can benefit from the best opportunities in education. It also provides subsidy for school fees to Singapore Citizen students from lower and middle income families in Independent Schools, except Singapore Sports School, Northlight School, Assumption Pathway School and School Of The Arts which have their own financial assistance schemes.
MOE Financial Assistance Scheme (MOE FAS) for Government and Government-Aided Schools
From March 2012, the income limits and the types of benefits given to needy students in Government or Government-aided schools under MOE FAS are shown in the tables below.
Income Limits
A student is eligible for MOE FAS if he or she meets either of the following criteria:
Gross Household Income (GHI) not exceeding $2,500 per month
Per Capita Income (PCI) not exceeding $625 per month
The introduction of Per Capita Income (PCI) will enable students from larger families to benefit from financial assistance. Household members include parents, unmarried siblings and grandparents of the child as well as other dependents living in the same household. PCI is computed by dividing the gross household income by the number of members in the household.
Benefits Under Scheme
Item | Academic Level | ||
Primary | Secondary | Junior College / Pre-U | |
School Fees | Not applicable | Full waiver of $5.00 per month | Full waiver of $6.00 per month |
Standard Miscellaneous Fees | Full waiver of $6.50 per month | Full waiver of $10.00 per month | Full waiver of $13.50 per month |
Textbooks | Free textbooks | Free textbooks | Not applicable |
School Attire | Free school attire | Free school attire | Not applicable |
Bursary | Not applicable | Not applicable | $750.00 |
Examination Fees | 75% waiver of National Examination Fees (100% waiver for students under MCYS’ Public Assistance Scheme) |
How to apply?
Students who wish to apply for the scheme can obtain the application form from their schools, or download a copy of the MOE FAS Application Form (86kb .doc). All application forms must be submitted together with the relevant documents to the schools directly.
MOE Independent School Bursary (ISB) Scheme
From March 2012, the income limits and types of benefits given to students in Independent Schools under the MOE ISB scheme are shown in the table below:
Income Limits & Benefits
The student needs only satisfy either the Gross Household Income (GHI) or the Per Capita Income (PCI) criterion. PCI is computed based on the GHI divided by the number of members in the household (including parents, siblings and grandparents).
Monthly Gross Household Income | Per Capita Income | Benefits1 |
Not exceeding $2,500 | Not exceeding $625 |
$2,501 - $4,000 | $626 - $1,000 | 75% school fee subsidy |
$4,001 - $5,000 | $1,001 - $1,250 | 50% school fee subsidy |
$5,001 - $7,200 | $1,251 - $1,800 | 33% school fee subsidy |
How to apply?
Students who wish to apply for the bursary can obtain the application form from their schools, or download a copy of the MOE ISB Application Form. All application forms must be submitted together with the relevant documents to the schools directly.
Overview of support for Singaporean students
Download the brochure on the available schemes to support our Singaporean Students (9.4mb .pdf).
- An ISB recipient who is eligible for 75% to 33% subsidy of school fees and is also a recipient of MOE scholarship, special award or bursary which provide part payment of school fees, the total fee subsidy received by him will be capped at the annual school fees charged by each independent school less the annual amount of school and standard miscellaneous fee payable if he were in government school
Primary Education
Find out how MOE will ensure every school is a good school by creating opportunities for all.
Transition to Primary One
Preparing your child for Primary One can be an exciting journey. As parents, you can make the whole new experience of learning new things and making friends a meaningful one for your child.
Watch the “Transition to Primary One” video on how you can help your child transit to Primary One.
Choosing a Primary School
View our “Choosing a Primary School” video and infographic to find out more about the factors for parents to consider when choosing a primary school for their child.
The Ministry of Education accepted the recommendations by the Primary Education Review and Implementation (PERI) Committee in April 2009. Find out what primary education would be like.
Primary Education consists of a 4-year foundation stage from Primary 1 to 4 and a 2-year orientation stage from Primary 5 to 6. The overall aim of primary education is to give students a good grasp of English language, Mother Tongue and Mathematics.
Fast Facts
- 6 years of compulsory education
- Subject-based Banding allows sudents to offer a mix of standard and foundation subjects, depending on their strengths
- National examination: Primary School Leaving Examination (PSLE)
- Students are encouraged to participate in Co-Curricular Activities (CCAs) and Community Involvement Programmes (CIP)
Payment of School Fees
For payment of fees using GIRO, please download the GIRO Application Form (124kb .doc).
Parents who wish to change their GIRO account can go to their banks to effect the change directly. If parents wish to effect the change of GIRO account through MOE, they are to submit the Termination Form (.doc 109kb) together with the new GIRO Application Form to MOE.
For termination of GIRO arrangement, parents can effect the termination at their banks or make the request through MOE by submitting the Termination Form (109kb .doc).
Financial assistance schemes are available to help needy students pay their fees. Parents who wish to apply for financial assistance may approach their child’s school for the application form. You can also download the Financial Assistance Scheme Application Form (86kb .doc). All application forms must be submitted together with the relevant documents to the schools directly.
You may refer to frequently asked questions on school fees.
Primary One Registration
Information on Primary One Registration Exercise.
Learn more about your child's education journey by reading our booklet on Primary School Education (1.2mb .pdf). Help us to better communicate with you by sharing your views of the Primary School Education booklet in our survey.
Watch our “First Week of P1” video to see what our children experience in their first week of primary school.
- Annual fee payable is spread over 12 months of the academic year. Students who join on or before 5th February will have to pay fees for January. Those who leave on or after 5th October will have to pay fees for November and December. ↩
- Second-tier miscellaneous fees are decided by schools. The maximum amount they can charge is 100% of the standard miscellaneous fee rates. Students may apply to use their Edusave accounts to pay the second-tier miscellaneous fees. You can download the Edusave Standing Order Form and submit to the school. ↩
Secondary Education
Secondary Education places students in the Special, Express, Normal (Academic) or Normal (Technical) course according to how they perform at the PSLE. The different curricular emphases are designed to match their learning abilities and interests.
Fast Facts
- 4-5 years of education
- School fees after subsidy: $5.00
Standard miscellaneous fees1: $10.00
Second-tier miscellaneous fees2: $10.00 Autonomous Schools collect Autonomous School Fees, ranging from $3 to $18 per month, on top of second-tier miscellaneous fees3
Independent Schools charge a separate scale of fees. The range of school fees for local students (excluding miscellaneous fees) as at 2010 is $200- $300 per month4 - National examination: GCE ‘O’ Levels(for Special/Express courses) or GCE ‘N’ Levels (for Normal course)
- All students take part in at least one CCA; CCA performance is considered for admission to JCs, CI, polytechnics and ITE
Payment of School Fees
For payment of fees using GIRO, please download the GIRO Application Form (124kb .doc).
Parents who wish to change their GIRO account can go to their banks to effect the change directly. If parents wish to effect the change of GIRO account through MOE, they are to submit the Termination Form (.doc 109kb) together with the new GIRO Application Form to MOE.
For termination of GIRO arrangement, parents can effect the termination at their banks or make the request through MOE by submitting the Termination Form (109kb .doc).
Financial assistance schemes are available to help needy students pay their fees. Parents who wish to apply for financial assistance may approach their child’s school for the application form. You can also download the Financial Assistance Scheme Application Form (86kb .doc). All application forms must be submitted together with the relevant documents to the schools directly.
You may refer to frequently asked questions on school fees.
More Information
- Annual fee payable is spread over 12 months of the academic year. Students who join on or before 5th February will have to pay fees for January. Those who leave on or after 5th October will have to pay fees for November and December. ↩
- Second-tier miscellaneous fee rates are decided by schools. The maximum amount they can charge is 100% of the standard miscellaneous fee rates. Students may apply to use their Edusave accounts to pay the second-tier miscellaneous fees. You can download the Edusave Standing Order Form and submit to the school.↩
- Students may use their Edusave accounts to pay for the portion of Independent School fees that are in excess of the school and standard miscellaneous fees of Government and Government-Aided secondary schools. ↩
Pre-University Education
Pre-University Education prepares students for the GCE “A” Level examination at the end of the 2-year junior college or 3-year centralised institute course. Students who completed their pre-university education will receive a School Graduation Certificate1.
Fast Facts
- 2-3 years of education
- National examination: GCE ‘A’ Levels
- All students take part in at least one CCA; CCA performance is considered for university admission
Payment of School Fees
For payment of fees using GIRO, please download the GIRO Application Form (124kb .doc).
Parents who wish to change their GIRO account can go to their banks to effect the change directly. If parents wish to effect the change of GIRO account through MOE, they are to submit the Termination Form (.doc 109kb) together with the new GIRO Application Form to MOE.
For termination of GIRO arrangement, parents can effect the termination at their banks or make the request through MOE by submitting the Termination Form (109kb .doc).
Financial assistance schemes are available to help needy students pay their fees. Parents who wish to apply for financial assistance may approach their child’s school for the application form. You can also download the Financial Assistance Scheme Application Form (86kb .doc). All application forms must be submitted together with the relevant documents to the schools directly.
You may refer to frequently asked questions on school fees.
- From 2008, all students who complete their education at the secondary and pre-university levels will receive a comprehensive school testimonial called the School Graduation Certificate from MOE. It includes academic and non-academic achievements and personal qualities.↩
- Annual fee payable is spread over 12 months of the academic year. Students who join on or before 5th February will have to pay fees for January. Those who leave on or after 5th October will have to pay fees for November and December. ↩
- Second-tier miscellaneous fee rates are decided by schools. The maximum amount they can charge is 100% of the standard miscellaneous fee rates. Students may apply to use their Edusave accounts to pay the second-tier miscellaneous fees. You can download the Edusave Standing Order Form and submit to the school.↩
- Students may use their Edusave accounts to pay for the portion of Independent Junior College fees that are in excess of the school and standard miscellaneous fees of Government and Government-Aided junior colleges.↩
Full-time Diploma
The course fees are payable in two (2) instalments. The 1st Semester fees are payable before enrolment. The 2nd Semester fees are payable after the commencement of the second semester.
The course fees consist of Tuition Fee and Other Fees. Tuition Fee can be paid in full or partially through the application of financial schemes,such as Mendaki Tertiary Tuition Fee Subsidy, Student's PSEA funds, Student's parents' CPF accounts or DBS Tuition Fee Loan Scheme.
Note: Financial schemes, except Student's PSEA funds, are not applicable for the payment of Other Fees. Students have to pay for Other Fees using their own funds.
Tables below shows the course fees payable for a full-time diploma course.
Table 1 : Course Fees for Full-time Diploma Courses (Per Academic Year) - New Students Enrolling in AY2013
Course Fees | Total Per Academic Year | ||
Singaporean | Singapore PR | International | |
Tuition Fee (TF) | $2,300.00 | $4,600.00 | $7,650.00 |
Other Fees: | |||
-Examination | $30.00 | $30.00 | $30.00 |
-Sports | $25.68 | $25.68 | $25.68 |
-Insurance | $5.00 | $5.00 | $5.00 |
-GHSI | - | - | $40.00 |
-Miscellaneous | $14.98 | $14.98 | $14.98 |
-Statutory Licence Fee (CLASS) | $6.42 | $6.42 | $6.42 |
Registration | $7.00 | $7.00 | $7.00 |
Students' Union: | |||
-Entrance Fee | $5.00 | $5.00 | $5.00 |
-Subscription | $18.00 | $18.00 | $18.00 |
-FO Packet | $16.00 | $16.00 | $16.00 |
FEES PAYABLE FOR STUDENT WHO ACCEPTS TG | $2,428.08 | $4,728.08 | $7,818.08 |
Add: Tuition Grant (TG) | $15,301.00 | $15,301.00 | $15,301.00 |
Add: GST Tuition Fee and Exam Fee | $163.10 | $324.10 | $537.60 |
FEES PAYABLE FOR STUDENT WHO REJECTS / NOT ELIGIBLE FOR TG | $17,892.18 | $20,353.18 | $23,656.68 |
Notes :
- The fees are inclusive of the prevailing 7% GST except for Tuition Fee, Exam Fee and Students' Union related fees.
- The amount of Tuition Fee and Tuition Grant are subjected to annual revision by the Ministry of Education.
- Students who reject the Tuition Grant or fail the sign the Tuition Grant Deed will have to pay Full Fees inclusive of 7% GST on the Tuition Grant amount.
- GHSI - Group Hospitalisation & Surgical Insurance is applicable to international students only.
- All students enrolled into SP are liable to pay $7.00 registration fee.
- For actual amount payable, please refer to the Fee Advice that are sent to you.
- Students are advised to state clearly their citizenship status during enrolment. For non-Singaporeans, please check if your Singapore Permanent Resident status has been indicated correctly.
- Those who inform the Student Service Centre of their change of citizenship to Singapore Citizen or Singapore Permanent Resident (SPR) status after the commencement of a semester will pay the fees for Singaporeans or SPR with effect from the next semester. There shall be no refund of the difference of fees already paid.
- Singaporeans admitted to NTU, NUS, SMU who have received more than one year or 2 semesters of Tuition Grant (TG) subsidy, and before graduation, take up a new course at a polytechnic, will be eligible for TG subsidy for the semesters in their new course less the number of subsidised semesters for which they had previously enjoyed TG.
Table 2 : Course Fees for Full-time Diploma Courses (Per Academic Year) - New Students Enrolling in AY2012
Course Fees | Total Per Academic Year | ||
Singaporean | Singapore PR | International | |
Tuition Fee (TF) | $2,300.00 | $4,600.00 | $7,650.00 |
Other Fees: | |||
-Examination | $30.00 | $30.00 | $30.00 |
-Sports | $25.68 | $25.68 | $25.68 |
-Insurance | $5.00 | $5.00 | $5.00 |
-GHSI | - | - | $40.00 |
-Miscellaneous | $14.98 | $14.98 | $14.98 |
-Statutory Licence Fee (CLASS) | $6.42 | $6.42 | $6.42 |
Students' Union: | |||
-Subscription | $18.00 | $18.00 | $18.00 |
FEES PAYABLE FOR STUDENT WHO ACCEPTS TG | $2,400.08 | $4,700.08 | $7,790.08 |
Add: Tuition Grant (TG) | $15,301.00 | $15,301.00 | $15,301.00 |
Add: GST Tuition Fee and Exam Fee | $163.10 | $324.10 | $537.60 |
FEES PAYABLE FOR STUDENT WHO REJECTS / NOT ELIGIBLE FOR TG | $17,864.18 | $20,325.18 | $23,628.68 |
Table 3 : Course Fees for Full-time Diploma Courses (Per Academic Year) - Current Students Enrolled in AY2011
Course Fees | Total Per Academic Year | ||
Singaporean | Singapore PR | International | |
Tuition Fee (TF) | $2,300.00 | $3,850.00 | $6,150.00 |
Other Fees: | |||
-Examination | $30.00 | $30.00 | $30.00 |
-Sports | $25.68 | $25.68 | $25.68 |
-Insurance | $5.00 | $5.00 | $5.00 |
-GHSI | - | - | $40.00 |
-Miscellaneous | $14.98 | $14.98 | $14.98 |
-Statutory Licence Fee (CLASS) | $6.42 | $6.42 | $6.42 |
Students' Union: | |||
-Subscription | $18.00 | $18.00 | $18.00 |
FEES PAYABLE FOR STUDENT WHO ACCEPTS TG | $2,400.08 | $3,950.08 | $6,290.08 |
Add: Tuition Grant (TG) | $15,301.00 | $15,301.00 | $15,301.00 |
Add: GST Tuition Fee and Exam Fee | $163.10 | $271.60 | $432.60 |
FEES PAYABLE FOR STUDENT WHO REJECTS / NOT ELIGIBLE FOR TG | $17,864.18 | $19,522.68 | $22,023.68 |
For enquiries on Fees, please call Student Finance at Hotline 6870-8220.
Information is correct as of 19 April 2013.
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In Singapore, public education is subsidised for Singaporeans and Permanent Residents to enable students to pursue their studies to the best of their abilities. Great emphasis is placed on education, and the first six years of schooling is compulsory in Singapore.
Fees for primary schools, secondary schools and junior colleges
Singaporean students do not pay any school fees except for miscellaneous fees as a contribution towards the cost of enrichment activities and teaching/printing materials used by the students in the school.
The table below shows the prevailing monthly fees payable by Singapore Permanent Residents (SPRs) and International Students (IS) for 2010.
Source: Ministry of Education
(Please note that the fees payable varies for independent and autonomous schools)
For international students seeking enrollment in government schools, it would also be useful to find out more about the relevant language and entry tests.
Institute of Technical Education
The table below shows the school fees for Singapore Citizens (SC), Permanent Residents (PR) and International students (IS):
Source: Institute of Technical Education
Polytechnic tuition fees
The table below shows the school fees for Singapore Citizens (SC), Permanent Residents (PR) and International students (IS):
Source: The Straits Times *AY stands for academic year
There are financial assistance schemes for students taking up polytechnic diplomas, as well as degrees offered in Singapore polytechnics.
University tuition fees
A comparison across several countries that adopt an English-based curriculum shows that Singapore is highly cost competitive. It is an ideal education destination because of its innovative teaching methods, career and recruitment opportunities as well as world-class facilities.
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