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Monday, November 3, 2014

iphone ရဲ႕ Reset Setting ကိုုေတာ့ ဖုုန္းကိုုင္သူတိုုင္းနားလည္ထားသင့္တဲ့အခ်က္ေတြပါ!

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Understanding the Reset Settings On Your iPhone or iPad

Reset All Settings

This will reset all settings. This will not delete any data. If you’ve got 16GB of music, videos and photos, this option won’t remove it.
Reset All Settings > Tap button to Reset All Settings > Tap Button Again to continue. Apple makes you click through twice, to be sure that you really, truly mean it.
Reset all settings
When you complete the process, your iPhone will reboot. Despite the scary two step warning, this doesn’t affect your data. All of your email accounts will remain in tact, as well as any SMS text or iMessages.
What this effectively does is to reset some of your Settings to factory default. It’s not a complete removal of settings. It removes all of your preferences for Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, Do No Disturb, Notifications, General, Sounds, Brightness & Wallpaper and Privacy.
When to use it? If your iPhone is acting up and you want to avoid having the longer process of a complete erase.

Erase All Content and Settings- 

"(အလြန္အႏၱရယ္မ်ားတဲ့ ဒီ Setting နဂိုုမူလစက္ရံုုထုုတ္အတိုုင္းအသစ္ျပန္ျဖစ္သြားပါလိမ့္မယ္)"

This is the nuclear option. This will erase everything on your iPhone or iPad. So not only does this reset settings, it deletes media. Photos, music, email, videos and even your apps. This brings your iPhone back to its default factory state. I should note that it will still restore to the last iOS update you installed. So if you updated to iOS 6, a factory restore won’t magically downgrade your iPhone to iOS 5. To erase all content and settings:
  1. Navigate to Settings > General > Reset
  2. Select Erase All Content and Settings. Tap button twice to confirm.
Erase all content iPhone
Your iPhone or iPad will now reboot. At the conclusion, you’ll be guided through the setup process.
When to use it? You’ve exhausted all troubleshooting tips and have decided to delete everything. It’s also the option you’ll want to explore if you plan on selling your iOS device or gifting it to a lucky relative.
Tip: Make sure to backup everything to iTunes or iCloud. While iCloud should be sufficient, I’d go that extra mile and back it up to your computer. Everything gets reset and you do not want to lose a memorable photo, video or anything for that matter.
Bonus Tip: While it may delete your apps, Apple has a record of your purchase history in the App Store, making it easy to download to a new iPhone.

Reset Network Settings

No real surprise here, but this resets your network settings. Your iPhone and iPad save usernames, passwords for networks you’ve accessed in the past. For example, if you visited your in-laws last year, you won’t have to chase down your relatives for their WiFi password again. Your devices recognize previous WiFi access points. To Reset Network Settings:
  1. Navigate to Settings > General > Reset
  2. Select Reset Network Settings. Tap button twice to confirm.
Reset network settings
When to use it? If your WiFi has become unreliable, it could be a ghost in the machine. This brings network settings back to the factory defaults. For troubleshooting WiFi and/or network issues, this is an easy enough option that might fix problematic network issues. Be sure to have your WiFi network name and password handy. You’ll need it to reconnect to your home network or others that you might typically access.

Reset Keyboard Dictionary

As you type on your device, you’ll on occasion be greeted by the autocorrect feature. In some cases, this is fantastic and can save you from your own typing. There are many times when iOS doesn’t get it right. When this happens, you can tap on the x to dismiss the autocorrect. When you do this, two things happen.
  • iOS will not autocorrect
  • The new word will be added to your custom dictionary

If you’ve spent a good amount of time having your iPhone learn words, this option will undo all of your handy work.
Tip: If you have created keyboard shortcuts, these are not deleted when you reset your keyboard dictionary.
  1. Navigate to Settings > General > Reset
  2. Select Reset Keyboard Dictionary. Confirm.
Reset keyboard dictionary
When to use it? This is a tough call on the appropriate use. If you are sharing a device, your dictionary might not be ideal for the shared users.

Reset Home Screen Layout

This will reset the home screen to the default grouping of apps. If you have other apps on the home screen, they’ll be shifted to another screen. If you’ve moved a stock app out of the home screen, this of course returns it home.
  1. Navigate to Settings > General > Reset
  2. Select Reset Home Screen Layout. Confirm.
Reset home screen layout
When to use it? A loved one has unintentionally customized your home screen or you crave the appeal of a stock home screen layout. One reset button, brings things back to ‘normal’.

Reset Location and Privacy

This will reset location and privacy settings to the factory default setting. By default, Location Services (Settings > Privacy) is set to Off. I should caution you that setting this to Off has implications, the biggest of which is the inability to track your device using Find My iPhone. If you lose or have your iPhone stolen, Location Services must be enabled along with Find My iPhone in order for the service to work.
  • Navigate to Settings > General > Reset
  • Select Reset Location and Privacy. Confirm.
Reset location privacy
This will reset defaults for third party apps. You will have an opportunity to re-enable location services on an app by app basis.
When to use it? You’ve enabled location services for all sorts of third party apps and need to restore control.
Your iOS device has a number of options for resetting your device. These can all be accessed from the Settings panel or in some cases, by using Find My iPhone. Where possible, it’s always advised that you backup your device before using the reset options. This enables you to restore your iPhone to a previously saved state. Knowing when to use the assorted reset options can prove helpful in solving small problems or when preparing your device for sale.

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