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ေနျပည္ေတာ္ရွိ ေတာတြင္းတစ္ေနရာတြင္ ဆံေတာ္ ရွင္က်ဳိက္ထီး႐ိုး ဘုရားႏွင့္ပံုစံတူေသာ ထူးျခား အံ့ဘြယ္ ေက်ာက္တံုးႀကီး သတင္းမွာ ရန္ကုန္ၿမိဳ႕ေပၚသို႔...
27 February 2013 |By Popular News ထားဝယ္စီ မံကိန္းကို စင္ကာပူ၊ မေလးရွားႏုိင္ ငံမွ ဖ်က္လိုဖ်က္ ဆီးလုပ္ေန သည္ဟုစီမံ ကိန္းေထာက္ခံ သူမ်ာ...
ႏြားေက်ာင္းသား (Friend Ever) ဧၿပီ ၁၈၊ ၂၀၁၂ (ယခုေရးသားလ်က္ရွိေသာ မေလးရွားရွိအိမ္ေဖာ္၊ အိမ္အကူတုိ႕၏ဘ၀ စာမ်ား၏ ရည္ရြယ္ခ်က္မွာ ျမန္မာႏုိင္ငံသားမ...
အရင္းႏွီးအမ်ားႀကီးမရွိဘူးေျပာေျပာေနတဲ့သူေတြအတြက္ တပိုုင္တႏိုုင္ အိမ္တြင္းလုုပ္ငန္းေလး ? ေငြက်ပ္ တစ္သိန္းေလာက္နဲ့ ဆပ္ျပာခဲ၊ ေခါင္းေလွ်ာ...
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by FNG on June 23, 2012 HKT လက္မထပ္ ပဲ အတူေန သည့္ ဓေလ့ စရိုက္ (Living Together) အထက္ No String Attach ေခၚ ခ်စ္ႀကိဳက္မႈ သံေယာဇဥ္ ေႏွာင္ႀကိဳး ...
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Map of Myanmar large Source: Myanmar Information Management Unit, 'Maps', Web Country Profile National land of ...
Monday, December 29, 2014
Cute Korean Baby Nayeon
Cute Korean Baby Nayeon - Video of cute Nayeon (baby girl) apologizing to mommy
Cute Little Girl Nayeon watching The Chronicles of Narnia
[Comel] Budak Korea yang Super Cute
[SUPER CUTE!!] Budak comel diajar katakan TIDAK!
[So cute] Nayeon - Appaaa, I miss youuu!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Cute Korean Baby Nayeon
Youn Korean Baby Nayeon
Cute Korean Baby Nayeon
Sunday, December 28, 2014
Tuesday, December 23, 2014
ဘယ္လိုုအေျခရွာက်မလဲ? က်ဆင္းလာတဲ့ ျပည္ပေရထြက္ကုန္တင္ပို႔မႈ
ကဲ.... ျပည္သူေတြ နည္းဗ်ဴဟာေတြေျပာင္းသင့္တဲ့ အခ်ိန္ေရာက္ေနပါၿပီ...အစိုုးရကလဲ ငါးကုုန္ၾကမ္း ငါးသားေပါက္ေလးေတြ ေရာင္းေပးမွ ႏွင့္အစာကုုန္ၾကမ္းေတြပါလိုုအပ္ပါတယ္...
အဓိက ဘဏ္က စီးပြားသမားေတြကိုုအားေပးေသာ ဘဏ္ေငြေခ်းေပးတဲ့ စနစ္ေလးေတြ မပီျပင္ေသး သေရႊ႕ေတာ့ ဘယ္လိုုမွာတိုုးတက္လာမယ္ မဟုုတ္ပါဘူး.... ေခတ္မွီတဲ့ အေအးခန္းေလးေတြ၊ ငါးဖမ္းအေအးခန္းပါတဲ့ သေဘာၤေလးေတြ အမ်ားႀကီးကိုု လိုုအပ္ပါတယ္....ဒါက အစိုုးရအကူအညီ မပါဘဲႏွင့္ မျဖစ္ႏိုုင္ပါဘူး...
ျမန္မာႏိုင္ငံက အမ်ားဆံုး တင္ပို႔ေရာင္းခ် သည့္ ေမြးျမဴေရးငါးမ်ားျဖစ္သည့္ ငါးျမစ္ခ်င္းႏွင့္ ငါးၾကင္းငါးမ်ား မွာ ႏုိင္ငံအနည္းငယ္ကသာ စားသံုးသည့္ ငါးမ်ားျဖစ္ျခင္းေၾကာင့္ တန္ဖိုးႏွင့္ ကုန္ခ်ိန္မွာ အကန္႔အသတ္ မွ်သာရွိေနၿပီး၊၀ယ္လုိအားမ်ားသည့္ ေဈးႏႈန္းျမင့္ငါးမ်ား ကိုမူ ျမန္မာႏိုင္ငံတြင္ လက္ရွိေမြးျမဴသူ အလြန္ နည္းေၾကာင္း ၊
ေရႊေတြအႀကိဳက္ အေကာင္ႀကီးၿပီး ငါးျမစ္ခ်င္းႏွင့္ ငါးၾကင္းမွာ တစ္ကီလိုလွ်င္ အေမရိကန္ တစ္ေဒၚလာ၀န္းက်င္ သာေဈးရ ၿပီး၊ ႏိုင္ငံတကာမွာ ေစ်းရတဲ့အေကာင္ေသး ကကတစ္ႏွင့္ တီလားပီးယားငါးမ်ားမွာ တစ္ကီလုိလွ်င္ အေမရိကန္ သံုးေဒၚလာေက်ာ္ ေဈးေပါက္လ်က္ ရွိသည္။
အေျဖရွာမရသည့္ က်ဆင္းေနေသာ ျပည္ပေရထြက္ကုန္တင္ပို႔မႈ
- ျမတ္ၿငိမ္းေအးႏွင္႕ ျမတ္ႏိုးဦး |
ၿပီးခဲ့သည့္ႏွစ္မ်ားအတြင္း သိသာစြာက်ဆင္းလာ သည့္ ျမန္မာႏိုင္ငံ၏ ေရထြက္ကုန္ပစၥည္း ျပည္ပ တင္ပို႔မႈကိုျပန္လည္ျမႇင့္တင္ရန္မွာ လုပ္ငန္း ရွင္မ်ားအတြက္ ခက္ခဲေနဆဲျဖစ္သည္။ ေမြးျမဴေရးပိုင္းသည္ အက်ဘက္ကိုသာ ဦးတည္ေနသည့္အတြက္ ေငြအရင္းအႏွီးႏွင့္ နည္းပညာမ်ားကို ႏုိင္ငံေတာ္က အဓိကပံ့ပိုးမွ သာလွ်င္ ျပည္ပတင္ပို႔မႈ ျမႇင့္တင္ႏုိင္မည္ ျဖစ္ေၾကာင္း လုပ္ငန္းရွင္မ်ားႏွင့္ငါးလုပ္ငန္းအဖြဲ႕ခ်ဳပ္မွ တာ၀န္ရွိသူမ်ားက ေျပာသည္။
ျမန္မာႏိုင္ငံ၏ ေရထြက္ကုန္ပစၥည္း ျပည္ပ တင္ပို႔မႈမွာ ၂၀၁၃ ၂၀၁၄ ဘ႑ာႏွစ္တြင္ အေမရိကန္ေဒၚလာ သန္း ၁၀၀ ခန္႔ က်ဆင္းႏိုင္ေၾကာင္း ၎တုိ႔က ခန္႔မွန္းသည္။ ေမြးျမဴေရး၊ ဗရလုပ္ငန္းႏ်င့္ ေက်းလက္ေဒသ ဖြံ႕ၿဖိဳးေရး၀န္ႀကီးဌာနက ျမန္မာႏုိင္ငံ၏ ေရထြက္ ကုန္ပစၥည္း ျပည္ပတင္ပို႔မႈအား ႏွစ္စဥ္'ကန္'ေဒၚလာ သန္း ၇၀၀ ခန္႔ လ်ာထားခဲ့ၿပီး ယခင္ႏွစ္ မ်ားတြင္ အေမရိကန္ေဒၚလာ သန္း ၆၀၀ေက်ာ္ ၀န္းက်င္ ရရွိခဲ့သည္။
သို႔ေသာ္ ယခုဘ႑ာႏွစ္ႏွစ္လယ္ပိုင္းမွစတင္ၿပီး ယခင္ႏွစ္မ်ားထက္၀င္ေငြသိသိသာသာ ေလ်ာ့က်ေနခဲ့ၿပီး ၂၀၁၃ ႏွစ္ကုန္ပိုင္းတြင္ရရွိသည့္ ၀င္ေငြအေနအထား ေပၚမူတည္ကာ ေဒၚလာ သန္း ၁၀၀ခန္႔ ေလ်ာ့က်မည္ဟု တာ၀န္ရွိသူမ်ားက ခန္႔မွန္းျခင္းျဖစ္သည္။
"ဒီႏွစ္က ၀င္ေငြေရာ၊ တန္ခ်ိန္ေရာက်ပါ တယ္။ အခုအေနအထားအတုိင္းဆုိရင္ ဒီဘ႑ာႏွစ္ကုန္တဲ့အထိကို ႀကိဳးစားၿပီး တင္ပို႔ တာေတာင္ အရင္ႏွစ္ေတြကို မမီႏုိင္ပါဘူး။ အခု လက္ရွိ အေမရိကန္ေဒၚလာ သန္း ၄၀၀ ေက်ာ္ ပဲ ရွိေသးတယ္။ ေနာက္လကုန္ရင္ ဒီဘ႑ာႏွစ္ ကုန္ၿပီဆိုေတာ့ အရင္ႏွစ္က်ရတဲ့ ေဒၚလာ သန္း ၆၀၀ ေက်ာ္ကို လံုး၀မမီႏုိင္ေလာက္ ေတာ့ဘူး" ဟု ျမန္မာႏုိင္ငံငါးလုပ္ငန္းအဖြဲ႕ခ်ဳပ္ ၏ ေရထြက္ကုန္ပစၥည္းတင္ပို႔သူမ်ားႏ်င့္ ထုတ္လုပ္ေရာင္းခ်သူမ်ား အသင္းမွ ဘ႑ာေရးမႉး
ျဖစ္သူ ေဒါက္တာတုိးနႏၵာတင္က ေျပာသည္။
လက္ရွိ ေရထြက္ကုန္ပစၥည္း ျပည္ပတင္ပို႔မႈ အေျခအေနသည္ ၂၀၁၃ ခုႏွစ္၊ ဧၿပီ ၁ ရက္ေန႔ မွ ၂၀၁၄ခုႏွစ္၊ ဇန္န၀ါရီ ၂၆ ရက္ေန႔ထိ စာရင္း မ်ားအရ ၀င္ေငြမွာ ကန္ေဒၚလာ ၄၄၅ ဒသမ ၅၆၆ သန္းျဖစ္ၿပီးတန္ခ်ိန္မွာ မက္ထရစ္ တန္ ၂၇၉,၀၀၀ ေက်ာ္ျဖစ္သည္။ ယခင္ႏွစ္ ယခုအခ်ိန္ႏ်င့္ ႏိႈင္းယွဥ္ပါကေဒၚလာ ၈၄ သန္းခန္႔ေလ်ာ့နည္းေနၿပီး တန္ခ်ိန္ မွာလည္း မက္ထရစ္ တန္ ၂၂,၄၀၀ ခန္႔ ေလ်ာ့နည္းလ်က္ရွိသည္။
"ဘ႑ာႏွစ္ကုန္ရင္ ေဒၚလာ သန္း ၅၅၀ ေလာက္ပဲ ရႏုိင္မယ္လို႔ ထင္တယ္။ မႏွစ္က ဘ႑ာႏွစ္မွာေဒၚလာ ၆၅၂ သန္းေက်ာ္ ရခဲ့ တာ အဲဒါေၾကာင့္ ေဒၚလာ သန္း ၁၀၀ ေလာက္ က်မယ္လုိ႔ ကြ်န္ေတာ္တုိ႔အေနနဲ႔ ခန္႔မွန္းတာပါ။ ေဒၚလာသန္း ၁၀၀ ဆိုတာ ပမာဏ ေတာ္ေတာ္ မ်ားပါတယ္"ဟု ျမန္မာႏိုင္ငံငါးလုပ္ငန္းအဖြဲ႕ ခ်ဳပ္၏ အၾကံေပးတစ္ဦးျဖစ္သူ ဦးဟန္ထြန္းက ေျပာသည္။
ယခုကဲ့သို႔ ေရလုပ္ငန္းျပည္ပတင္ပို႔မႈ က်ဆင္း ေနသည့္အတြက္ လာမည့္ႏွစ္တြင္ ျပန္လည္ ျမႇင့္တင္ႏိုင္ရန္ လုပ္ငန္းရွင္မ်ားကႀကိဳးစား လ်က္ရွိေသာ္လည္း ျပည္တြင္း ကုန္ၾကမ္းရရွိမႈ ဆက္လက္နည္းပါးေနပါက ျပန္လည္ျမင့္တက္ရန္မွာ ခက္ခဲေၾကာင္း ၎က ျမန္မာတုိင္း(မ္)ကို ေျပာသည္။
"အခုလိုမ်ဳိး ေရထြက္ကုန္ျပည္ပတင္ပို႔မႈက်ဆင္းတာက ျပည္တြင္းကရရွိတဲ့ ငါး၊ ပုစြန္ ကုန္ၾကမ္း ရွားပါးတာေၾကာင့္ပါ။ ျပည္တြင္းက ငါး၊ ပုစြန္ထုတ္လုပ္မႈ က်ဆင္းသြားေတာ့ ျပည္တြင္းေဈးေတြလည္းျမင့္တက္လာတယ္။ ကုန္ၾကမ္းလည္း နည္းလာတယ္။ ဒါဟာ ျပည္ပ တင္ပို႔မႈအတြက္ အခက္အခဲျဖစ္ေစပါတယ္။ ငါး၊ ပုစြန္ ကုန္ၾကမ္းကလည္း ဖမ္းဆီးေရးပိုင္း ေရာ၊ ေမြးျမဴေရးပိုင္းေရာ ႏွစ္ခုစလံုးက်ဆင္းေန တာပါ။ ဒီက်ဆင္းမႈကို ျပန္လည္ျမင့္လာေအာင္ မလုပ္ႏုိင္ရင္ ကိုယ့္မွာ ႏုိင္ငံတကာေဈးကြက္ ေတြ ဘယ္ေလာက္ပဲရွိရွိ တင္ပို႔မႈကေတာ့ ျမင့္လာမွာမဟုတ္ဘူး" ဟု ၎က ေျပာသည္။
ျမန္မာႏုိင္ငံ၏ ေရထြက္ကုန္ ကုန္ၾကမ္း ရွားပါးမႈအား ျပန္လည္ျမႇင့္တင္ႏုိင္ရန္အတြက္ အဆင့္ျမင့္ ငါး၊ ပုစြန္ေမြးျမဴေရးပိုင္းကို ပိုမုိအေလးထားျပဳလုပ္သင့္ေသာ္ လည္း ယခုအခ်ိန္ ထိ ျပည္တြင္းလုပ္ငန္းရွင္မ်ားတြင္ ငါး၊ ပုစြန္ေမြးျမဴေရးပုိင္းကို ရင္းႏွီးျမႇဳပ္ႏွံႏုိင္သူ နည္းပါး လ်က္ရွိေၾကာင္း ဦးဟန္ထြန္းက ေျပာသည္။
"ဖမ္းဆီးေရးပိုင္းကေတာ့ သဘာ၀ကေနရရွိတာဆုိေတာ့ တျဖည္းျဖည္းေလ်ာ့နည္းလာ ႏိုင္တယ္။ေမြးျမဴေရးပိုင္းကေန ငါးကုန္ၾကမ္း ထုတ္လုပ္မႈကို ျမင့္တက္လာေအာင္လုပ္ရမွာပါ။ ဒါေပမဲ့ ငါး၊ ပုစြန္ေမြးျမဴေရးအတြက္ ျပည္တြင္းက ရင္းႏွီးျမႇဳပ္ႏွံမယ့္သူေတြက တျခား လုပ္ငန္းေတြေလာက္ စိတ္မ၀င္စားၾကဘူး။ လက္ရွိ ေမြးေနတဲ့သူေတြကလည္း အရင္းအႏွီး မႏိုင္ေတာ့ ထုတ္လုပ္မႈေတြေလ်ာ့ကုန္တယ္" ဟု ၎က ေျပာသည္။
ျပည္ပရင္းႏွီးျမႇဳပ္ႏွံမႈမ်ားမွာလည္း ျမန္မာႏိုင္ငံ တြင္ ေမြးျမဴေရး၌ အဓိကလုိအပ္ေသာ အေျခခံ အေဆာက္အအံုမ်ားျဖစ္သည့္ လမ္းပန္း ဆက္သြယ္ေရး၊ လွ်ပ္စစ္မီးႏ်င့္ ဘဏ္စနစ္မ်ား မေကာင္းမြန္သည့္အတြက္ လက္ရွိအေျခ အေနထိ ငါးလုပ္ငန္းက႑တြင္ ႏိုင္ငံတကာ ရင္းႏွီးျမႇဳပ္ႏံွမႈမွာ စိတ္၀င္စားမႈသာရွိၿပီး လက္ေတြ႕ အေကာင္အထည္မေဖာ္ႏုိင္ျခင္း ျဖစ္ေၾကာင္း ဦးဟန္ထြန္းကေျပာသည္။
"ကိုယ့္ႏိုင္ငံက ငါးပုစြန္ေမြးျမဴေရးလုပ္ငန္း ကို ေတာ္ေတာ္မ်ားမ်ား စိတ္၀င္စားၾကပါတယ္။ လုပ္ကိုင္လုိ႔ေကာင္းတဲ့ ေနရာေတြလည္း အမ်ား ႀကီးရွိတယ္။ ဒါေပမဲ့ အားလံုးက စိတ္၀င္စား႐ံုက လြဲၿပီး လက္ေတြ႕ရင္းႏွီးျမႇဳပ္ႏွံဖုိ႔ကို မလုပ္ၾကဘူး။ ဒါကလည္း ကိုယ့္ႏိုင္ငံမွာ မခုိင္မာေသးတဲ့အေျခအေနေတြေၾကာင့္ တကယ္မလာရဲေသး တာလို႔ ထင္တယ္" ဟု ၎က ေျပာသည္။
ျမန္မာႏုိင္ငံက တင္ပို႔လ်က္ရွိသည့္ ေရထြက္ ကုန္ပစၥည္းမ်ားထဲတြင္ နယ္စပ္ကုန္သြယ္မႈမွ တင္ပို႔သည့္ ကဏန္းေပ်ာ့ႏွင့္ ငါးရွဥ့္တင္ပို႔မႈ မ်ားသာလွ်င္ ၀င္ေငြႏ်င့္ တန္ခ်ိန္ျမင့္တက္လ်က္ ရွိၿပီး ပံုမွန္ကုန္သြယ္မႈမွတင္ပို႔႔သည့္ ေမြးျမဴေရး ငါး၊ ပုစြန္ႏ်င့္ ကုန္ေခ်ာပစၥည္းမ်ားမွာ ၀င္ေငြႏွင့္ တန္ခ်ိန္မ်ား သိသိသာသာ က်ဆင္းခဲ့ျခင္း ျဖစ္သည္။
ျမန္မာႏိုင္ငံက အမ်ားဆံုး တင္ပို႔ေရာင္းခ် သည့္ ေမြးျမဴေရးငါးမ်ားျဖစ္သည့္ ငါးျမစ္ခ်င္းႏ်င့္ ငါးၾကင္းငါးမ်ားမွာ ႏုိင္ငံအနည္းႈယ္ကသာ စားသံုးသည့္ ငါးမ်ားျဖစ္ျခင္းေၾကာင့္ တန္ဖိုးႏွင့္ ကုန္ခ်ိန္မွာ အကန္႔အသတ္မွ်သာရွိေနၿပီး ၀ယ္လုိအားမ်ားသည့္ ေဈးႏငန္းျမင့္ငါးမ်ား ကိုမူ ျမန္မာႏိုင္ငံတြင္ လက္ရွိေမြးျမဴသူ အလြန္ နည္းေၾကာင္း ငါးကုန္ေခ်ာထုတ္လုပ္သည့္ အဏၰ၀ါေဒ၀ီငါးႏ်င့္ အေထြေထြ တင္ပို႔ေရာင္းခ် ေရး ကုမၸဏီမွ ဥကၠ႒ျဖစ္သူ ေဒၚတုိးနႏၵာတင္က ေျပာသည္။
"ေမြးျမဴတဲ့သူေတြကလည္း ငါးျမစ္ခ်င္း ေလာက္ပဲ ေမြးၾကတယ္။ အေမရိကန္နဲ႔ အီးယူ ေဈးကြက္အႀကိဳက္ ကကတစ္တို႔၊ တီလားပီးယား တုိ႔ကို ေမြးႏိုင္မယ္ဆုိရင္ အခြန္ကင္းလြတ္ခြင့္ ရၿပီးသားႏိုင္ငံေတြ ပိုၿပီးအက်ဳိးအျမတ္ရႏုိင္ပါ တယ္" ဟု ၎က ေျပာသည္။ ငါးျမစ္ခ်င္းႏ်င့္ ငါးၾကင္းမွာ တစ္ကီလိုလွ်င္ အေမရိကန္ တစ္ေဒၚလာ၀န္းက်င္သာေဈးရ ၿပီး ကကတစ္ႏွင့္ တီလားပီးယားငါးမ်ားမွာ တစ္ကီလုိလွ်င္ အေမရိကန္ သံုးေဒၚလာေက်ာ္ ေဈးေပါက္လ်က္ရွိသည္။
ျမန္မာႏုိင္ငံက တင္ပို႔လ်က္ရွိေသာ ေရထြက္ ကုန္ ပစၥည္းမ်ားထဲတြင္ ပုစြန္ကို ဂ်ပန္၊ တ႐ုတ္၊ ေဟာင္ေကာင္၊ ဗီယက္နမ္ႏ်င့္ အေမရိကန္ႏိုင္ငံ မ်ားသုိ႔ တင္ပို႔ၿပီး ေမြးျမဴေရးငါးမ်ား ျဖစ္သည့္ ငါးျမစ္ခ်င္း၊ ငါးၾကင္းႏ်င့္ ငါးေၾကာင္းတို႔ကို ဘဂၤလားေဒ့ရွ္ႏ်င့္ အေရွကအလယ္ပိုင္းႏုိင္ငံမ်ား သို႔တင္ပို႔႔လ်က္ရွိေၾကာင္း လုပ္ငန္းရွင္မ်ားက ေျပာသည္။
ငါးရွဥ့္၊ ကဏန္းႏွင့္ ကဏန္းေပ်ာ့မ်ားအား နယ္စပ္ၿမိဳကမ်ားမွတစ္ဆင့္ တ႐ုတ္ျပည္သုိ႔ အမ်ားဆံုးတင္ပို႔ေရာင္းခ်လ်က္ ရွိသည္။
Monday, December 22, 2014
Language (85) မ်ိဳးမွ ျမန္မာဘာသာ သုိ႔ေျပာင္းနည္း
Language (85) မ်ိဳးမွ ျမန္မာဘာသာ သုိ႔ေျပာင္းနည္း ... (Video)
English subtitle မွ Myanmar subtitle အျဖစ္ ေျပာင္းနည္း နမူနာ ..
ျမန္မာဘာသာျဖင့္ ဘာသာျပန္ျပီးသား စာဖုိင္တစ္ဖုိင္ရလာေအာင္ ဘယ္လုိ translate သုံးမလဲဆုိတာကုိ က်ေနာ္ နမူနာျပထားေပးပါတယ္ .... အဆင္ေျပမယ္လုိ႔ ေမွ်ာ္လင့္မိပါတယ္ . ဒါက်ေနာ္တုိ႔ျမန္မာႏို္င္ငံသား ေတြအတြက္ တကယ့္ကုိ ၀မ္းေျမာက္စရာ သတင္းေကာင္းပါ ..
Day of the mommy (2014)
အဲ့ ကားကုိ နမူနာအေနနဲ႔ ေျပာင္းျပပါ့မယ္ .
ေနာက္ဆုံးမွာ subtitle ဆုိျပီး ထည့္ျဖည့္ျပီး googel မွာ ရွာလုိက္ပါ .
ျပီးရင္ က်ေနာ္တုိ႔အေနနဲ႔ html code တစ္ခ်ိဳ႕ကုိ ဖ်က္ပါမယ္ . မဖ်က္လည္း ရပါတယ္ ...
ဖ်က္ျပီးသြားျပီဆုိရင္ စာေၾကာင္း100 ကုိ ယူပါမယ္ .. copy ကူးျပီးရင္ Google chrome ထဲမွာ ထည့္လုိက္ပါမယ္ .
www.translate.google.com ကုိ သြားျပီး ဘယ္ဖက္မွာ ျမန္မာစာေျပာင္းမည့္ စာကုိထည့္ပါ . ႀကိဳက္သည့္ ဘာသာျဖင့္ေရးထားသည့္ စာမ်ားအားလုံး ရပါတယ္ .. ဘယ္ဖက္မွာ English ညာဖက္မွာ Myanmar(burmese) ကုိေရြးလုိက္ပါ ...
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The Lady of Burma!
Political beginnings
Coincidentally, when Aung San Suu Kyi returned to Burma in 1988, the long-time military leader of Burma and head of the ruling party, General Ne Win, stepped down. Mass demonstrations for democracy followed that event on 8 August 1988 (8–8–88, a day seen as auspicious), which were violently suppressed in what came to be known as the 8888 Uprising. On 26 August 1988, she addressed half a million people at a mass rally in front of the Shwedagon Pagoda in the capital, calling for a democratic government.[28] However in September, a new military junta took power.
During the crisis, the previous democratically elected Prime Minister of Burma, U Nu initiated to form an interim government and invited opposition leaders to join him. Indian Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi had signaled his readiness to recognize the interim government and Burmese troops started to change sides with Burmese Navy almost totally siding with the opposition. However, Aung San Suu Kyi categorically rejected U Nu's plan by saying "the future of the opposition would be decided by masses of the people". Ex-Brigadier General Aung Gyi, another opposition politician at the time of the 8888 crisis, followed the suit and rejected the plan after Suu Kyi's refusal. Crucial months were passed on the street and the interim government was not internationally recognized due to lack of support from opposition. Political analyst Susanne Prager-Nyein described Aung San Suu Kyi's refusal as "a major strategic mistake".[42]
Influenced[43] by both Mahatma Gandhi's philosophy of non-violence[44][45] and more specifically by Buddhist concepts,[46] Aung San Suu Kyi entered politics to work for democratization, helped found the National League for Democracy on 27 September 1988,[47] but was put under house arrest on 20 July 1989. Offered freedom if she left the country, she refused.
One of her most famous speeches was Freedom From Fear, which began: "It is not power that corrupts, but fear. Fear of losing power corrupts those who wield it and fear of the scourge of power corrupts those who are subject to it."[48]
She also believes fear spurs many world leaders to lose sight of their purpose. "Government leaders are amazing", she once said. "So often it seems they are the last to know what the people want."[49]
The lady of burma from GigiAntonelle
Ni Ni Khin Zaw - myaw lint chat ta sone ta yar ( with lyrics ) HD
Aung San Suu Kyi: Burma's First Lady of Freedom
Burma's Aung San Suu Kyi is a profile in courage, but can she bring democracy to a troubled land? In a revealing interview, she talks of her hopes and fears
The special branch had chased us across the city for hours, through the haunted, betel-nut-stained streets of old Rangoon, past street-side tailors hunched over ancient sewing machines and open-air bookstalls selling worm-eaten copies of Orwell and Kipling. Unable to shake the latest batch of state security men following us by foot, we jumped into a wheezing taxi of mid-20th century vintage. The young driver's eyes widened at the foreigners who hurled themselves in the back and ordered the car to move — fast. As we lurched into motion, he showed us where he stood by reaching into his shirt pocket and pulling out a laminated picture. It was, of course, of the Lady.
Aung San Suu Kyi, the 65-year-old Burmese Nobel Peace Prize laureate who was released from house arrest on Nov. 13, was not in the taxi with my two colleagues and me. But she is always carried in the hearts — and her image in the pockets, lockets and secret hiding places — of millions of Burmese. Among the most oppressed and impoverished people on the planet, they draw sustenance from this graceful woman who, armed only with the principle of nonviolent resistance, dares to stand up to the generals who have controlled Burma for nearly five decades. For 15 of the past 21 years, the military regime kept her locked up. But if the generals wished for Suu Kyi to fade into obscurity, they failed. Continued confinement turned her into the world's most famous political prisoner. Emerging from her most recent stint of seven years in detention, she is just as determined to fight for the civil liberties of Burma's 50 million people. "What we are calling for is revolutionary change through peaceful means," she told me when we recently met in Rangoon. "I'm not afraid to say it, and I'm not afraid to ask for all the help I can get."
(See photos of Aung San Suu Kyi's freedom.)
The extent to which the junta has gone to try to foil the Lady, as Suu Kyi is fondly and universally known in Burma, is remarkable. For refusing to participate in a rigged election in November that the junta's proxy party won, Suu Kyi's party, the National League for Democracy (NLD), was stripped of its political rights. The NLD overwhelmingly won at the polls in 1990, which presumably would have made Suu Kyi the nation's Prime Minister. But the junta ignored the people's verdict then, and a new constitution contains clauses specifically designed to keep her from ever serving as Burma's leader.
Since 1962, Burma's battle-hardened generals have faced down communist insurgents, ethnic armies, even the Western governments that impose economic sanctions on the regime. But they still act as if there is no greater enemy than this slight woman with flowers in her hair. Their fear of Suu Kyi is not entirely misplaced. "We think our leader is the ideal woman, not just for Burma but for the whole world," says Aye Aye Nyein, a teacher and member of the NLD's youth wing. "We Burmese live in a prison. She teaches us how to fight for our freedom." And the public's desire for freedom, of course, is why security agents were hunting us, snapping pictures with telephoto lenses fit for Hollywood paparazzi. Earlier that day, a total of at least a dozen special-branch officers trailed us, calling in our movements on their cell phones.
It took the taxi driver only a couple of minutes to figure out we had a tail. Pointing back at a car practically on our bumper, he grinned and gunned the engine. For more than half an hour, our high-speed chase wound through the streets of Burma's moldering former capital, past the carcasses of Victorian-era government buildings abandoned when the junta mysteriously moved the seat of power to a remote redoubt five years ago. We circumnavigated the massive golden spire of Shwedagon pagoda, Burma's holiest site, and careened by the hulk of Insein prison, where Suu Kyi was once jailed and where some of the country's 2,200 political prisoners still languish.
Dusk was falling. Screeching through an open-air market, the taxi finally shook our pursuers. Gratefully, we bid our driver goodbye. He reached into his pocket again, offering me Suu Kyi's picture as a gift. I was touched, but it was his talisman to cherish. I could leave Burma. He needed the Lady to keep him safe.
An Unending Struggle
Her carriage is regal, her English accent impeccable. The blossoms she customarily wears in her hair never seem to wilt, even as everything else droops in Burma's sullen heat. In the NLD office, with its intermittent electricity and maps of mildew spread across concrete walls, Suu Kyi floats like some otherworldly presence, calm and cool as others are flushed and frenetic. Ever since she was released in mid-November, Suu Kyi's days have been divided and subdivided into one-hour or 15-minute increments, during which she has met a dizzying array of people: foreign diplomats, AIDS patients, NGO directors, local economists, U.N. officials and the families of political prisoners. She even chatted by phone in December with former First Lady Laura Bush, who had championed the Burmese cause.
ျမန္မာ့ကမ္းလြန္ ေရနံႏွင့္ သဘာ၀ဓာတ္ေငြ႕ ရင္းႏွီးျမွပ္ႏွံမႈ အေျခေန
ျမန္မာ့ကမ္းလြန္ေရနံႏွင့္ သဘာ၀ဓာတ္ေငြ႕လုုပ္ကြက္ေပါင္း ၅၀နီးပါးရွိတဲ့ အထဲမွာ ကမ္းလြန္ လုပ္ကြက္ ၁၆ ခု က်န္ရွိေနေသးၿပီး ၂၀၁၅ ခုႏွစ္၊ ဇန္န၀ါရီလကုန္တြင္ အၿပီးသတ္ေဆာင္ရြက္ သြားမည္
ျဖစ္သည္။အမိေျမမွာေရႊကုုန္သည္တခ်ိဳ႕ ကမၻာတန္းမွီသူေဌးႀကီးေတြ Tycoon အျဖစ္ေရာက္ရွိသြားက်တာ ဒီေရနံေတြ
ႏွင့္ဖက္စပ္လုုပ္ကိုုင္ခြင့္ရေနက်တာေၾကာင့္ျဖစ္ပါတယ္....ေရနံႏွင့္ ေရႊေစ်းက အတက္ဘဲရွိတာကိုုး....
တေျဖးေျဖးရွားပါးကုုန္ခန္းလာတဲ့ ေရနံေတြႏွင့္ တိုုးတက္လာတဲ့ သံုုးစြဲမႈေတြေၾကာင့္ လိုုအပ္ဒီထက္လိုုအပ္
ေနပါေသးတယ္...ဒါေၾကာင့္ ေရနံအစားထိုုးနည္းပညာေလးေတြ မတိုုးေသးသမ ွ်ေတာ့ လုုိအပ္ေနအံုုးမွာပါ..
ဒါေၾကာင့္လဲ အနည္းငယ္တာ အစားထိုုးႏိုုင္ေသးတဲ့ သဘာ၀ဓာတ္ေငြ႕သည္လဲ အေရးပါလာရတာေပါ့..
သဘာ၀ေပး ဘယံဇတေပါမ်ားတဲ့ အမိေျမလဲ အေရးႀကီးတဲ့ အခန္းကပါလာရတာပါဘဲ.... ဒါေပမဲ့ စိတ္
မေကာင္းစရာက တာ၀န္ရွိသူေတြ ကိုုယ္က်ိဳးရွာမႈမ်ားျပားတာေၾကာင့္ ဖြင့္ျဖိဳးတိုုးတက္သင့္သေလာက္ မ
ဒါေပမဲ့ အမိေျမက ေရနံကိုုေတာ့ႏိုုင္ငံတကာကိုု တင္ပိုု႔ႏိုုင္ျခင္းမရွိေသးတာကိုုထူးစမ္းစြာေတြ႕ရွိရၿပီး ျပည္တြင္းကိုု ျပန္ေတာင္သြင္းေနရေသးတာ တရက္ကိုု စည္ေပါင္း ၅ေထာင္သြင္းေနရပါတယ္လိုု႔ ၂၀၁၃ခုုႏွစ္ စာရင္းမွာ ေတြ႕ရတယ္... ထုုတ္လုုပ္မႈ နည္းပညာေတြ လံုုး၀မရွိ အားနည္းေနေသးတယ္ေလ၊ ေခတ္အေတာ္ကိုုေနာက္က်က်န္ေနခဲ့ပါၿပီ..... ဒါမွမဟုုတ္ စီးပြာျဖစ္ေရနံအေျမာက္အျမားမထြက္ရွိတာလားလိုု႔ စဥ္းစားစရာပါဘဲ....
ထူးဆန္းစြာ သဘာ၀ဓာတ္ေငြ႕တခုုဘဲ အိမ္နီးခ်င္းႏိုုင္ငံေတြကိုု တင္ပိုု႔ႏိုုင္ေသးတာကိုု ေတြ႕ရတယ္....
ကမ္းလြန္လုပ္ကြက္ေလးခုတြင္ ထပ္မံရင္းႏွီးျမႇဳပ္ႏွံမည္
ကမ္းလြန္ေရနံႏွင့္ သဘာ၀ဓာတ္ေငြ႕ လုပ္ ကြက္မ်ားအတြက္ ထုတ္လုပ္မႈအေပၚ ခြဲေ၀ ေရး စာခ်ဳပ္မ်ားကုိ ဒီဇင္ဘာလဆန္းတြင္ စတင္လက္မွတ္ေရးထုိးခဲ့ရာ ပထမ အသုတ္လက္မွတ္ေရးထုိးၿပီးျဖစ္ေသာ ကမ္းလြန္ လုပ္ကြက္ ေလးခုအတြက္ သက္ဆုိင္ရာ ကုမၸဏီမ်ားက အေမရိကန္ေဒၚလာသန္း ၅၀၀ ေက်ာ္ရင္းႏွီးျမႇဳပ္ႏွံသြားမည္ ျဖစ္သည္။
မုတၱမႏွင့္ တနသၤာရီကမ္းလြန္ပိုင္းရွိ လုပ္ကြက္အမွတ္ M-4 ႏွင့္ YEB တုိ႔အတြက္ ထုတ္လုပ္မႈအေပၚ ခြဲေ၀ေရးစာခ်ဳပ္ကို ျမန္မာ့ ေရနံႏွင့္ သဘာ၀ဓာတ္ေငြ႕လုပ္ငန္းႏွင့္ အိႏၵိယႏိုင္ငံက Oil IndiaMercator Petro- luem ႏွင့္ Oilmax Energyတုိ႔အၾကား ဒီဇင္ဘာလ ၄ ရက္ေန႔က လက္မွတ္ေရးထုိးခဲ့ ၾကသည္။
အဆုိပါ လုပ္ကြက္ႏွစ္ခု၌ ရွာေဖြေရးကာလေျခာက္ႏွစ္အတြင္း အိႏိၵယကုမၸဏီ မ်ားက အေမရိကန္ေဒၚလာ ၁၂၀ ဒသမ ၉ သန္း ရင္းႏွီးျမႇဳပ္ႏွံသြားမည္ျဖစ္ၿပီး ေဒသခံမိတ္ဖက္ကုမၸဏီအျဖစ္ ျမန္မာႏိုင္ငံရွိ Oil Star Management ကုမၸဏီက ပါ၀င္ လုပ္ကိုင္မည္ျဖစ္သည္။ အဆုိပါ ကမ္းလြန္လုပ္ကြက္ႏွစ္ခုအတြက္ လက္မွတ္ထုိးဆုေၾကးအျဖစ္ အေမရိကန္ေဒၚလာေျခာက္သန္းႏွင့္ လုပ္ကြက္မ်ားဆုိင္ရာ အခ်က္အလက္မ်ားအတြက္ အေမရိကန္ေဒၚလာ ႏွစ္ေသာင္းလည္း သီးသန္႔ရရွိမည္ျဖစ္သည္။
ရခုိင္ကမ္းလြန္ရွိ ေရနက္ပိုင္းလုပ္ကြက္ အမွတ္ AD-3 အတြက္ ထုတ္လုပ္မႈအေပၚ ခြဲေ၀ေရးစာခ်ဳပ္ခ်ဳပ္ဆုိျခင္းကိုလည္း လန္ဒန္ အေျခစုိက္ Ophir Energy ႏွင့္ ျမန္မာ့ေရနံ ႏွင့္ သဘာ၀ဓာတ္ေငြ႕လုပ္ငန္းတုိ႔ ဒီဇင္ဘာ ၄ ရက္က လက္မွတ္ေရးထုိးခဲ့ၿပီး Ophir Energy ကုမၸဏီက 'ကန္'ေဒၚလာ၂၅၈ ဒသမ ၃ သန္း ရင္းႏွီးျမႇဳပ္ႏွံသြားမည္ ျဖစ္သည္။ "ကမ္းလြန္ရွာေဖြေရး လုပ္ငန္းလုပ္ႏိုင္ ဖုိ႔
လာမယ့္မုိးရာသီအၿပီးထိ ေစာင့္ရမွာပါ။ ၂၀၁၇ ခုႏွစ္မွာ အစမ္းတြင္းတူးႏိုင္ဖုိ႔ ေမွ်ာ္မွန္းထားပါတယ္"ဟု Ophir Energy ၏၊ စီမံခန္႔ခဲြေရးအရာရွိခ်ဳပ္ မစၥတာ ေဘလ္ ဟစ္ဂ္က ေျပာသည္။
Ophir Energy ႏွင့္ ျမန္မာက Parami Energyတို႔ ေဆာင္ရြက္သြားမည္ျဖစ္သည္။ မုတၱမကမ္းလြန္ရွိ ေရတိမ္ပိုင္းလုပ္ကြက္ တစ္ခုျဖစ္ေသာ M8 အတြက္ ထုတ္လုပ္မႈ အေပၚ ခြဲေ၀ေရးစာခ်ဳပ္ခ်ဳပ္ဆုိျခင္းကို Berlanga Holding ကုမၸဏီႏွင့္ ျမန္မာ့ေရနံ ႏွင့္ သဘာ၀ဓာတ္ေငြ႕လုပ္ငန္းတုိ႔ ဒီဇင္ဘာ၅ ရက္တြင္ လက္မွတ္ေရးထုိးခဲ့သည္။ ယခင္က အျခားေရနံကုမၸဏီမ်ား လုပ္ ကုိင္ခဲ့ဖူးသည့္ အဆုိပါလုပ္ကြက္ M8 အတြက္ လက္မွတ္ထုိးဆုေၾကး၊'ကန္'ေဒၚလာ ၁၅ သန္းႏွင့္ လုပ္ကြက္ဆုိင္ရာအခ်က္အလက္ မ်ားအတြက္ ေဒၚလာငါးသိန္းကို ျမန္မာ ႏိုင္ငံက ရရွိမည္ျဖစ္သည္။
ျမန္မာႏိုင္ငံက A1 Minining ကုမၸဏီႏွင့္ တြဲဖက္လုပ္ကိုင္မည့္ Berlanga Holding ကုမၸဏီသည္ကမ္းလြန္လုပ္ကြက္ ၾ၈ တြင္ ရွာေဖြေရးကာလ ေျခာက္ႏွစ္အတြင္း အေမ ရိကန္ေဒၚလာ ၁၅၃ သန္းရင္းႏွီးျမႇဳပ္ႏွံသြား မည္လည္း ျဖစ္သည္။ ထုတ္လုပ္မႈအေပၚခြဲေ၀ေရးစာခ်ဳပ္ခ်ဳပ္ဆုိရန္ ကမ္းလြန္ လုပ္ကြက္ ၁၆ ခု က်န္ရွိေနေသးၿပီး ၂၀၁၅ ခုႏွစ္၊ ဇန္န၀ါရီလကုန္တြင္ အၿပီးသတ္ေဆာင္ရြက္ သြားမည္ျဖစ္သည္။
ထုတ္လုပ္မႈအေပၚခြဲေ၀ေရးစာခ်ဳပ္၏ သက္တမ္းမွာ ႏွစ္ေပါင္း ၃၀ ျဖစ္ၿပီး ကမ္းလြန္ လုပ္ကြက္ ၂၀အတြက္ စာခ်ဳပ္လက္မွတ္ထုိး ဆုေၾကးေငြအျဖစ္ အေမရိကန္ ေဒၚလာ ၂၂၆ ဒသမ ၁ သန္းကုိလည္း ျမန္မာႏိုင္ငံက ရရွိမည္ျဖစ္သည္။
Off Seashore Work Permitted Eight Myanmar Companies | |
From : Myanmar Times News Journal | |
Apr 03, 2014 | |
In Myanmar Offshore Sites, there were already eight Myanmar Companies being selected to do Oil and Natural Gas Exploration and Exploitation said the news.
“In last Tender Phase has to be co-stated Myanmar Co. go-to-work joint with Foreign Co., so that Company Pairs to co-work which to what permitted they were as it was proposed in document,” said U Pe Zin Htun, Director General from the Department of Energy Planning in the Offshore Tender Notification Ceremony.
For 20 Offshore Worksites, there were Operator-allocated International Companies 13 numbers; 10 in Shallow water Work Sites and 8 in some Deep Sea Work Sites were permitted to co-work said Myanmar Oil and Natural Gas Enterprise MOGE.
For Shallow water Work Sites such as A-4 and A-7 and Deep Sea Work Sites such as AD-2 and AD- 5, British-based BG Asia Pacific and Australia-based Woodside Oil Companies were chosen.
As Joint Co. Myanmar Top Oil Boss Michael Moe Myint’s Myanmar Petroleum E & P (MPEP) got permission to do joint whose portion of Myanmar Co. got permit the most Work Site to do.
US-based Chevron (Unocal Myanmar) Co. was selected for Offshore Shallow water Site A-5 and it selected pair Myanmar Co. was Royal Marine Engineering.
Shallow water Work Sites such as A-4, A-5 and A-7 were worked by Foreign Companies but they were handed over back to MOGE due to many reasons, and it was participated again in the First Offshore Tender Call.
For Offshore Shallow water SitesM-4 and YEB, the selected one was India Government-owned Oil India Co. and Domestic Service Provider to be paired was Oil Star Co.
For other Shallow water Sites M-7, M-8 and M-15, Australia-based ROC Oil, Transcontinental Group (TRG),and Netherlands-based Berlanga Co. were selected, and the selected paired Co. Myanmar were U Kyaw Kyaw Hlaing’s Smart E & P, U Aung Kyaw Win’s Lin Win Co., and Construction Businessman U Nyan Win’s A U Nyan Win,1 Co.
“Get the Work Chance Myanmar is so good but it may be a little investment; still not having Technology in Myanmar yet. To deal good with the Government, such Diplomacy show was input,” explained Energy Consultant U Khin Maung Cho.
India Energy Co. Reliance was selected for M-17 and M-18 and Joint Co. would be U Tin Myint’s Myanmar Co. entitled United National Resources Development Services.
Parami, the Domestic Energy Co. would have the chance to work joint with Ophir Co. which was enlisted in London Stock Exchange for Deep Sea Work Site AD-3 which got the chance of be participated in Only Foreign Co. Permitted Deep Sea Work Sites.
“Experts estimated Investment size may become potential up to US $ 60 billion when Offshore Work Site Start Time, that is, 100 % of GDP. The questionnaire may be how much Myanmar Co. could take place in the market.”
“It is the best time for Myanmar Companies to do joint for Development with International Companies including MOGE Myanmar,” said U Pyi Wa Htun, Chief Executive from Parami Energy Co.
The new Policy as “International Companies would work joint with one Myanmar Co. at least for Inland and Offshore Shallow water Work Sites” was prescribed by Ministry of Energy MOE last year that nowadays there are up to 162 Myanmar Energy Co. registered in the Department of Energy Planning.
Burma’s Frontier Appeal Lures Shadowy Oil Firms
While the major non-American Western oil companies adopt and wait-and-see policy and US firms remain barred by Washington’s sanctions, shadowy oil enterprises are gaining footholds in Burma
Not only does the bidding process remain opaque, the pedigree of some of the participants is too.
CIS Nobel Oil Company claims to be London based, but on investigation its only contact address is in Baku, capital of Azerbaijan, a former republic of the Soviet Union on the Caspian Sea.
A map showing oil and gas blocks in Burma. (Source: Burma's Ministry of Energy)
Nobel is to prospect for oil and gas on an unnamed onshore block awarded by the Burmese Ministry of Energy. Virtually nothing is known about Nobel other than that it does some prospecting in the Caspian Sea and has links with Azerbaijan’s state oil company.
Nobel and a clutch of other little known firms bid for licenses when the ministry put forward 18 onshore blocks for development last year.
A firm registered in the Central American country of Panama called Geopetrol International Holdings secured a license for another block which it will operate with Burmese partner A-1 Mining Company.
Panama is notorious for providing so-called flags of convenience for murky shipping companies which do not comply with international safety standards and regulations.
Burma’s Energy Ministry has also awarded a license to a firm called Tianjin New Highland, which appears to be Chinese but has links in the unstable African state of Nigeria, noted for its “black gold curse”—the political and business corruption around its oil wealth which has left millions of Nigerians in poverty.
Tianjin New Highland appears to have begun life in Hong Kong but is registered in the money laundering tax haven of the British Virgin Islands in the Caribbean. It also operates under the name Tianjin Energy Resources.
“These are by no means mainstream oil businesses and the ownership of some of them is rather lost in the web of addresses and registrations,” said an industry analyst in Hong Kong who did not wish to be identified.
“Take Geopetrol International as an example. It gives the impression sometimes of being based in Switzerland or France and with business links in India, but it is formally registered in Panama.”
Geopetrol already operates some form of joint venture with Goldpetrol, a subsidiary of Interra Resources of Singapore, which actually has links with Indonesia.
Confused? These webs can be extensive, leaving anyone seeking information on ownership confused and bemused.
Another little known Indonesian firm, Istech Resources Asia, has been named by the Burmese Energy Ministry as being successful in obtaining an onshore license, although it appears a local partner is still being arranged.
Under new rules, all foreign oil and gas firms starting up in Burma from now on must take on a Burmese partner.
Istech has an address in Jakarta and according to the Bloomberg Business Week companies guide specializes in oilfield support services. However, Bloomberg says on its website that the firm “does not have any key executives recorded.”
For reasons that have not been explained, only nine of the 18 onshore blocks offered last year have been awarded, and only four of those had, up to last week, completed development agreements.
Local firms named in these partnerships so far are Aye Myint Khine Company, A-1 Mining Company, and UNOG.
UNOG Pte Ltd is registered in Singapore but is run from Burma. Oil industry data names Win Kyaing as managing director. He is also linked to another firm called IGE.
Some equally obscure foreign firms are already in operation in onshore blocks in Burma, with names such as Silver Wave Sputnik Petroleum and Zarubezhnet Itera, with vaguely Russian connections.
Sputnik Petroleum says it is registered in Singapore, while its sister company Silver Wave Energy leads back to the small Russian republic of Kalmykia on the Caspian Sea. Zarubezhnet Itera has links with the Russian state in Moscow.
Only two major international oil firms took up offers in the last license bidding round. These are Petronas of Malaysia and PTTEP of Thailand, both state owned and both already engaged in Burma’s oil and gas industry.
“The apparent lack of interest from major players was surprising, although last year’s bidding round took place before big changes like Aung San Suu Kyi being elected to Parliament and the EU suspending its sanctions,” analyst Collin Reynolds in Bangkok told The Irrawaddy on May 8.
“It will be interesting to see if the next round attracts any big Western companies. However, I think many of them are waiting to see how the reforms pan out and whether they are going to be permanent. US oil firms are of course still excluded from any active participation.”
Another batch of onshore development blocks will be put up for sale in August, the Energy Ministry’s director general of planning Htin Aung said last week. A batch of offshore licenses will be offered by the end of this year, he said.
Industry giants such as Chevron, Total, Shell, Nippon, CNOOC and Mitsubishi sent representatives to the March trade show in Rangoon organized by the Ministry of Energy to promote development.
The ministry’s Htin Aung told the show’s participants that Burma has “proven” oil reserves of almost 140 million barrels and 322 billion cubic meters of gas.
Raising that volume of hydrocarbons from beneath land and sea is going to require large and long-term investment—much more than the likes of Silver Wave Sputnik Petroleum, Nobel Oil and GeoPetrol can muster.
Myanmar Offshore Blocks First Bidding Round – 2013 results
The Myanmar Ministry of Energy (MOE) announced the results of the Myanmar Offshore Blocks First Bidding Round – 2013, on 26 March 2014. The round had attracted 64 bids from 36 international E&P companies for the 30 blocks offered. Of the 30 blocks offered, winning bids for 20 blocks were announced. The Petroleum Sharing Contracts (PSC) for the 10 shallow water blocks and 10 deep water blocks will be awarded to the successful bidders upon the finalisation of terms between the companies and the Ministry of Energy.
The Myanmar Offshore Blocks First Bidding Round - 2013 was launched on 11 April 2013. A total of 30 offshore areas are offered, 11 shallow water blocks and 19 deep water blocks. Different PSC terms were offered for shallow water and deep water blocks with the key difference being the requirement of local partner participation for shallow water blocks. International companies entering into a Shallow Water PSC would have to work with a local partner, while companies entering a Deep Water PSC could carry out exploration without a local partner due to the high costs and technical expertise required.
Once the PSCs have been signed, the operators would have an 18 month Environmental Impact Assessment and Study Period, after which it would have the option to enter into a 3 year exploration work programme.
The blocks to be awarded are as follows:
Offshore shallow water blocks | |||||
Area | Block name | Type of contract | Company 1 | Company 2 | Company 3 |
Rakhine Offshore Area | A-04 | PSC | BG Asia Pacific Pte. Ltd | Woodside Energy (Myanmar) Pte. Ltd. | Myanmar Petroleum Exploration & Production Co., Ltd |
A-05 | Unocal Myanmar Offshore Co. Ltd. | Royal Marine Engineering | - | ||
A-07 | Woodside Energy (Myanmar) Pte. Ltd. | BG Asia Pacific Pte. Ltd. | Myanmar Petroleum Exploration & Production Co., Ltd | ||
Moattama Offshore Area | M-04 | Oil India Limited | Mercator Petroleum Limited | Oilmax Energy Pvt. Ltd. | |
M-07 | ROC Oil Co. Ltd. | Tap Oil Ltd. | Smart E&P International Limited | ||
M-08 | Berlanga Holding B.V. | - | - | ||
Tanintharyi Offshore Area | M-15 | Transcontinental Group | - | - | |
M-17 | Reliance Industries Ltd. | - | - | ||
M-18 | Reliance Industries Ltd. | - | - | ||
YEB | Oil India Limited | Mercator Petroleum Limited | Oilmax Energy Pvt. Ltd. |
Offshore deep water blocks | ||||
Area | Block name | Type of contract | Company 1 | Company 2 |
Rakhine Offshore Area | AD-02 | PSC | BG Exploration and Production Myanmar Limited | Woodside Energy (Myanmar) Pte. Ltd. |
AD-03 | Ophir Energy Plc | - | ||
AD-05 | Woodside Energy (Myanmar) Pte. Ltd. | BG Asia Pacific Pte. Ltd. | ||
AD-09 | Shell Myanmar Energy (Pte) Ltd. | MOECO | ||
AD-10 | Statoil | ConocoPhillips | ||
AD-11 | Shell Myanmar Energy (Pte) Ltd. | MOECO | ||
Moattama Offshore Area | MD-02 | ENI Myanmar B.V. | - | |
Tanintharyi Offshore Area | MD-04 | ENI Myanmar B.V. | - | |
MD-05 | Shell Myanmar Energy (Pte) Ltd. | MOECO | ||
YWB | Total E&P Myanmar | - |
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