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Now on Khan Academy: The American Museum of Natural History
Wed, 20 Aug 2014 14:14:58
Where do 200 of the world’s leading scientists work to advance our knowledge of anthropology, astrophysics, comparative genomics, computational sciences, evolutionary biology, herpetology, ichthyology, invertebrate zoology, microbiology, ornithology, and paleontology? The American Museum of Natural History in New York is not only a museum filled with towering dinosaurs, meteorites you can touch, and delighted, curious children; it is also a leading research institution with 32 million specimens and artifacts and an incredibly active field program that sends researchers on more than one hundred expeditions every year.
The American Museum of Natural History is a first-rate educational institution that inspires learners of all ages and was the first Ph.D. degree-granting museum in the Western Hemisphere. Naturally, we are absolutely delighted to announce a new partnership between this venerable institution and Khan Academy today.
Where to begin? Maybe with an essay by Dr. Neil deGrasse Tyson, director of the Museum’s Hayden Planetarium on “The Pluto Controversy” or a video about dark energy? Or if dinosaurs captivate you, discover how scientists have linked them to modern birds or perhaps take a tour of the Museum’s “big bone room” with paleontology collection manager Carl Mehling.
Wherever your curiosity takes you, be sure to check back later this fall for even more great content from our newest partner, the American Museum of Natural History!
![Begin your tour](https://31.media.tumblr.com/89c76835a97808ca939d8b8a180c6430/tumblr_inline_n933q2xkVN1r8ovh1.png)
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