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Saturday, May 31, 2014

စကာၤပူဆိုုတာ ဘာလဲ?

ဘာမွာမရွိတဲ့ စကာၤပူဘာေၾကာင့္ ခ်မ္းသာေနသလဲဆိုုတာပါ.....

ကိုုယ္တိုုင္ျမင္ေတြ႕လုုိက္ရေသာ စကာၤပူက၀န္ထမ္းဘ၀ေလးရဲ႕အေတြ႕အႀကံဳ......

စကာၤပူကကုုမၼဏီႀကီးေတြ အေတာ္မ်ားမ်ားက ၂ - ၄ ႏွစ္ ပရိုုဂ်က္ေလးေတြႏွင့္သြားေနက်ေတာ့ မိမိတိုု႔ လိုုအပ္ေနတဲ့ ကၽႊမ္းက်င္၀န္ထမ္းေတြကိုု မိမိရဲ႕  တဆင့္ခံ၍   ေအးဂ်င့္ဆိုုတဲ့ ကုုိယ္စားလွယ္သိုု႔မဟုုတ္ အျပင္ကကိုုယ္စားလွယ္ေတြကေန ေစ်းေပါေသာ ၀န္ထမ္းေလးေတြကိုု ေခၚယူတတ္က်ပါတယ္... 
ဒီမွာေက်ာင္းၿပီးထားတဲ့ စကာၤပူေတြ၊ ပီအာလူေတြကိုုေတာင္ ေစ်းေပးတာနည္းက်တယ္ေလ...တဆင့္ခံ
ဆိုုေတာ့ ေစ်းျဖတ္တာေတြႏွင့္ေစ်းညိွေပးၿပီးထားေတြပါ...
       တရား၀င္၀န္ထမ္းျဖစ္ဖိုု႔ႏွင့္ ပင္ရင္းကိုု တိုုက္ရိုုက္ခ်ိတ္ဆက္ဖိုု႔ ႏွစ္အေတာ္ၾကာၿပီးမွာ ရက်တာပါ...
ဒါကိုု မသိနားမလည္က်တဲ့ေရႊေလးေတြက သူတိုု႔ကိုုေက်ာ္ၿပီး ပိုုေတာင္းခ်င္လိုု႔ ဘယ္လိုုမွာ မလြယ္ကူႏိုုင္ တဲ့အရာပါ...တခ်ိုဳ႕က တကယ္ေတာ္ၿပီး အလုုပ္အေတြ႕ႀကံဳ အရမ္းမ်ားေနရင္ေတာ့ မေျပာတတ္ပါ ဘူးေပါ့...ဒါေၾကာင့္ ပြဲစားအလုုပ္ကုုိယ္စားလွယ္ကုုမၼဏီေလးေတြမ်ားေတြေၾကာင့္လဲ ကုုမၼဏီေတြ အသက္ရွင္ေနတာပါ...ဒီစကာၤပူကကုုမၼဏီေတြက ဘယ္ႏိုုင္ငံႏွင့္မွ မတူတဲ့ အခ်က္က ဘယ္သူေတြ အလုုပ္ထြက္ထြက္ ဘယ္အလုုပ္ရွင္မွမမႈပါဘူးဆိုုတာပါဘဲ... လူလိုုရင္ ျပန္ေခၚလုုိက္ ႏွင့္ အလုုပ္သမား ေတြကလဲ ပိုုေပးတဲ့ကုုမၼဏီရွိရင္ထြက္လိုုက္ႏွင့္ဘဲ လက္ရွိပရိုုဂ်က္ ေလးေတြၿပီး ကုုန္တာ ပါဘဲ...ပရိုုဂ်က္ ဘတ္ဂ်က္က်တာနည္းရင္ ၀န္ထမ္းေတြျဖဳတ္တတ္တာကိုုး... ႏွစ္ကုုန္ရင္ ျဖဳတ္တဲ့လူႏွင့္ထြက္တဲ့လူႏွင့္ ရႈပ္ယွက္ခပ္ေနတာဘဲ.... ပရိုုဂ်က္မရရင္လဲ တျခားဌာနကိုု ေျပာင္းၿပီး တစ္ကေနအလုုပ္ သင္ျပန္စရတာပါဘဲ.... ေလ်ာ့ခ်  ျဖဳတ္တတ္လဲ တတ္တယ္ေလ.... ဒီမွာ အသက္ႀကီးတဲ့ ၀န္ထမ္းေတြ ႏွင့္ အမာခံေတြ၊ အလုုပ္ႀကိဳးစားတဲ့ သူေတြေလာက္ဘဲ ဇကာတင္ က်န္ရစ္ခဲ့တတ္ ပါတယ္.... ဒီမွာေျပာခ်င္တာက မိမိရဲ႕က်ရာတာ၀န္ကေန မခိုုမကပ္ဘဲ မိမိရဲ႕တာ၀န္ကိုု မိမိကဘဲ တန္ဖိုုးျဖတ္က်တာပါ...လုုပ္ႏိုုင္ရင္လုုပ္ မလုုပ္ႏိုုင္ရင္ ျပဳတ္ဘဲ.....
    ဘာလိုု႔ေျပာရလဲဆိုုရင္ ဒီစကာၤပူက လူေတြႏွင့္အလုုပ္မွာၾကာလာရင္ ခိုုတတ္လာက်ၿပီး လက္ေအာက္ ငယ္သားေတြကိုု မိမိအလုုပ္ခိုုင္းတတ္ ျပႆနာျဖစ္ရင္ ေခါင္းေရွာင္တတ္က်လြန္းတယ္ေလ အထူးသျဖင့္ ငျပင္းေတြပါ...ဘာသာစကားပိုုရလိုု႔ အတင္းအဖ်င္း ေတြ ဟာသေျပာ တတ္က်တာကလြဲၿပီး အလုုပ္ကိုု ၀တ္ေက်တန္းေၾကေလာက္ဘဲ လုုပ္တတ္ၿပီး....
      အဲ.. ႏွစ္ကုုန္ရင္လစာပိုုေတာင္းတတ္က်တယ္ေလ..... မိမိရဲ႕စြမ္းေဆာင္ႏိုုင္မႈေတြ  performance ကိုု မျပဘဲႏွင့္ ဘယ္အလုုပ္ရွင္ကမွ လစာတိုုးေပးမွာ မဟုုတ္ပါဘူး ဆိုုတာကိုု မသိက်တာလား? မိမိဘာေၾကာင့္ လစာနည္းတာေတြကိုုမစဥ္းစားက်ဘူးေလ! တျခားသူေတြလစာကိုု ၾကည့္ၿပီး လိုု္က္ၿပိဳင္ တတ္က်လိုု႔ ဒီမွာကမိမိရဲ႕လစာေတြကိုု တျခားသူေတြ အသိမခံတတ္ က်ပါဘူး.. ျပႆနာ မ်ားတတ္လြန္းပါတယ္ေလ...(လူေတြဘဲအလုုပ္အတူတူလုုပ္ေနတာဘဲ လစာတူရမွာေပါ့လိုု႔ ထင္ေနတတ္က်တယ္ေလ)
    လက္ေတြ႕အျဖစ္ပ်က္ေလးတခုုပါ... အသိထဲသူငယ္ခ်င္းမတေယာက္ရဲ႕အျဖစ္ပ်က္ေလးပါ.. ႏိုင္ငံျခားသူေတြႏွင့္  ျပည္တြင္းေပးတဲ့ လစာေတြ ခံစာခြင့္ေလးေတြ အမ်ားႀကီးကိုု ကြာျခားတတ္ ပါတယ္....အကယ္၍ အေၾကာင္းေၾကာင့္ သိသြားရင္လဲ တနည္းမဟုုတ္တနည္း အမ်ိဳးမ်ိဳး ျပႆနာ ရွာခံ တတ္ရပါတယ္... မနာလိုုမႈေတြပါ...

  ဒါက ပြဲစားႏိုုင္ငံျဖစ္ေသာ စကာၤပူေတြရဲ႕  လူသားအရင္းအျမစ္ေတြကိုု ေခါင္းပံုုျဖတ္ၿပီးမွ   လူလည္က်တတ္လြန္းလိုု႔ခ်မ္းသာလာတာပါ... အစိုုးရက လုုပ္အားခေတြ တက္ေပးေနပါတယ္လိုု႔ ဘာလိုုဘဲေျပာေျပာ သူတိုု႔က ဥပေဒနားခမ္းေဘာင္ကေန  ေလ ွ်ာက္ေနက်တာကိုုက စကာၤပူလိုု႔ေခၚရပါ လိမ့္မယ္.....ရံုုးပိတ္ရက္ ရံုုးပိတ္ခ်ိန္ အနည္းဆံုုးပါ....
    အမွန္တကယ္ ဒီက စကာၤပူေတြကလဲ အေျခခံလစာပိုုလိုုခ်င္ရင္ တျခားအလုုပ္ေျပာင္းမွ မိမိလိုုခ်င္တဲ့ လစာေလးေတြရက်တာပါ... ပံုုမွန္ ႏွစ္စဥ္လစာတိုုးတာက ၇% -၁၀% ပါဘဲ... ဒီထက္ပိုေပးက် တယ္လိုု႔မၾကားမိပါဘူး...တခ်ိဳ႕ဆိုုပံုုမွန္ ေပးေနတတတ္တဲ့ ႏွစ္စဥ္အပိုုေၾကး ၁ လစာႏွင့္ ပံုုမွန္  ႏွစ္စဥ္ ႏွစ္တိုုးလစာတိုုးမေပးက်တဲ့ ကုုမၼဏီႀကီးေတြ အမ်ားႀကီးကိုု ရွိပါသတဲ့ေလ... ဒီေလာက္ကိုု လူလည္က် တဲ့ စကာၤပူေတြပါ....
   ဘာလိုု႔ အခုုလိုုေရးရလဲဆိုုေတာ့  ေက်ာင္းၿပီးခါစ G.T.I   ေက်ာင္းသားေလးေတြ အခန္းစုုဌားက်ၿပီး အလုုပ္လာရွာေနက်တာကိုုေတြ႕လိုု႔ ေရးျဖစ္သြားတာပါ....
 B.E ေက်ာင္းဆင္းခေလးေတြေတာင္ S Pass  ႏွင့္ ရဖိုု႔ မနည္းအလုုပ္ရွာ ေနရတဲ့အခ်ိန္ပါ....ဘယ္လိုုလုုပ္ ၿပီး အမိေျမကဒီပလိုုမွာ သမားေတြကိုု Work Pass        ေလာက္ဘဲ ေအာ္ဒါ ထြက္တာကိုုေတြ႕ရတယ္ေလ ၊ ဒါေတာင္အင္တာဗ်ဴးေခၚတာဘဲရွိေသးတယ္၊ ဒါေပမဲ့ အခုုထိေတာ့ အလုုပ္မရေသးပါဘူး ၁လေက်ာ္ၿပီေလ.....စဥ္းစားတာၾကည့္ေတာ့ ဒီေလာက္ခက္ခဲၿပီး ၾကပ္တည္းေနတဲ့ အခ်ိန္ပါ....
၂၀၁၄ခုုႏွစ္  ဧၿပီလ မွာ အလုုပ္ရွင္ေတြလုုိက္နာရမဲ့ အလုုပ္သမားေတြကိုု ကာကြယ္ေပးတဲ့ ဥပေဒအသစ္  ထပ္ထြက္လာျပန္တယ္... 
"Changes to the Employment Act 2014"

   လြန္ခဲ့တဲ့ ၂ ႏွစ္ေလာက္က ရိုုးရိုုးဘြဲ႕ရတဲ့ အသိထဲက IT ေလာကမွာ၁၀ႏွစ္ေက်ာ္ေလာက္က်င္လည္ ေနၿပီး ႏိုုင္ငံျခား IT လက္မွတ္ရွိတဲ့ ေကာင္ေလး ၄ - ၅ေယာက္ေလာက္ေတာ့  S Pass ႏွင့္ အလုုပ္ရဖူး ပါတယ္.......  E Pass ႏွင့္ေတာ့  အမိေျမက B.Tech(IT) သမားေတြကိုုလဲ  ေတြ႕ရတယ္ေလ ... ဒီေလာက္ဆိုုရင္ သူတိုု႔ရ လစာကိုုခန္႕မွန္းလိုု႔ရၿပီေပါ့ေနာ္...

    Bachelor B.tech(IT) ဘြဲ႕႔ေက်ာင္းဆင္းေလးေတြဆိုုရင္ ေတာ့ အလုုပ္နည္းနည္းပိုုလြယ္ပါလိမ့္မယ္ ထင္ပါတယ္၊ ဘာလိုု႔လဲဆိုုေတာ့   အမ်ားေခၚေနတာက Customer Service အလုုပ္ေတြျဖစ္ေနက်လိုု႔ ပါဘဲ....ဒါေတြက   Technician   တန္းသမားေတြ အတြက္ပါဘဲ.....
  ေနာက္ၿပီး ရိုုးရိုုးအင္ဂ်င္နီယာတန္းႏွင့္ အိုုင္တီအင္ဂ်င္နီယာ မတူပါဘူး... ရိုုးရိုုးအင္ဂ်င္နီယာက ဆီဂ်ီးေတြေပတတ္ပါတယ္ ဆိုုလိုုတာက စက္ေတြျပဳျပင္ ျပင္ဆင္တတ္ရပါတယ္.. အိုုင္တီအင္ဂ်င္နီယာ ေတြကေတာ့ ကြန္ပ်ဴတာႏွင့္ပတ္သက္တာဘဲ ျပင္ဆင္က်ရၿပီး တျခား လ ွ်ပ္စစ္ႏွင့္ ပတ္သက္တာေတြ ကိုုေတာ့ တဆင့္ခံေတြ Subcontractor   ေတြကိုုခိုုင္းတတ္ပါတယ္...

ဒါက ကၽႊန္ေတာ္ လက္ရွိ အလုုပ္လုုပ္ေနတဲ့ အစိုုးရႏွင့္ပုုဂၢိဳလ္ကစပ္တူပိုုင္ IT ကုုမၼဏီႀကီးပါ... ဒါေပမဲ့ သူရဲ႕တဆင့္ခံ ေအးဂ်င့္ကေနအရင္စ၀င္လုုပ္ရတာပါလုုိ႔ေျပာခ်င္ပါတယ္.....ေနာက္မွာတဆင့္တက္ၿပီး ေတာ့....ေျပာင္းခဲ့ရတာပါ.....ဒါေတာင္ သူတိုု႔ကုုိယ္စား ေစ်းေပါသူေတြကိုုရွာေပးေသာ တျခားကိုုယ္ခြဲ အလုုပ္သမားေအးဂ်င့္ေလးတခုု ထပ္ရွိ ေသးပါသတဲ့ေလ....ဟူး...စိတ္ေမာကိုုေမာဘဲ... 
ဒီလိုုဘဲ ၀င္လုုပ္ေနက်တဲ့ သူေတြအမ်ားႀကီးဆိုုတာကိုုေတြ႕လိုုက္ရလိုု႔လဲ တအားကိုု အံ့ၾသေနမိရပါတယ္..

NCS Communications Engineering Services

Setting the Trend for Communication Engineering Solutions

NCS’ communications engineering solutions are developed and managed by our communications engineering arm, NCS Communications Engineering Pte. Ltd. With staff strength of some 450 engineers and professionals, NCS CE offers a wide range of solutions and services. These include consultancy, facilities management, airport systems, telecommunications infrastructure, enterprise infrastructure, multimedia video conferencing and intelligent building technologies.  Our key customers span many industries including education, banking and finance, healthcare, manufacturing, telecommunications, transportation and the public sector.

Through our experience in providing turnkey telecommunication infrastructure solution, as well as aviation engineering support, our unique offerings of solutions include:

Employment Act Assistance Package for Employers

Guidebook on "Changes to the Employment Act 2014"Key changes to the Employment Act (EA) take effect on 1 April 2014. These changes better protect our workers and raise employment standards, while providing employers with the flexibility to manage these changes. MOM and the tripartite partners have undertaken joint initiatives to raise public awareness of the EA. We have also put together resources to help employers implement the changes and comply with the EA.
Guidance for compliance with EA changes:
On 13 January 2014, MOM and the tripartite partners also issued a set of Tripartite Guidelines on Issuance of Itemised Payslips. The Guidelines is the first step to supporting this progressive workplace practice, which MOM intends to mandate within the next two years.
Tools to help companies administer and issue itemised payslips:
For a more detailed overview of all the EA changes, please refer to the attached infographic, available in four languages: PDFEnglishPDFMalayPDFMandarin, and PDFTamil.

Guidance for compliance with EA changes

Guidebook on "Changes to the Employment Act 2014"

From the PDFGuidebook, employers will get more information about the amendments to the Employment Act which came into effect on 1 April 2014. The Guidebook is available at MOM Services Centre, National Trades Union Congress, Singapore National Employers Federation, Singapore Business Federation, Association of Small and Medium Enterprises, Tripartite Alliance for Fair and Progressive Employment Practices and the SME Centres.

Seminars and Workshops

Singapore National Employers Federation (SNEF)SNEF website: www.snef.org.sg

You can sign up for SNEF's 2-day workshop on the Employment Act.
Singapore Business Federation (SBF)SBF website: www.sbf.org.sg

SBF regularly conducts half-day programme on the Employment Act. You can register for these events.
Tripartite Alliance for Fair and Progressive Employment Practices (TAFEP)TAFEP website: www.tafep.sg

TAFEP conducts quarterly seminars on "Fair and Responsible Employment Practices", which covers the Employment Act. You can register for the seminar via the "Events" tab on TAFEP's website.
Ong Teng Cheong Labour Leadership Institute (OTCi)OTCi website: www.otcinstitute.org.sg
OthersYou may wish to view the available courses and workshops on the EA conducted by other organisations at www.wda.gov.sg.

Advisory Services for SMEs

SMEs that need hands-on guidance or have specific questions on the EA can approach the business advisors at any of the SME Centres below for one-to-one assistance.
SME Centres
SME CentresAddressTelephoneE-mail
SME Centre@ASME167 Jalan Bukit Merah
Tower 4 #03-13
Singapore 150167
(65) 6513 0388enquiries@smecentre-asme.sg
SME Centre@SCCCI47 Hill Street #09-00
Singapore 179365
(65) 6337 8381enquiry@smecentre-sccci.sg
SME Centre@SICCISICCI Building
31 Stanley Street
Singapore 068740
(65) 6508 0147sme@smecentre-sicci.sg
SME Centre@SMCCI15 Jalan Pinang
Singapore 199147
(65) 6293 3822gadvisory@smecentre-smcci.sg
SME Centre@SMF2985 Jalan Bukit Merah
Singapore 159457
(65) 6826 3020query@smecentre-smf.sg
Satellite SME Centres
Satellite SME CentresAddressTelephoneE-mail
SME Centre@NorthEastNorth East Community Development Council
300 Tampines Ave 5

NTUC Income Tampines Junction
Singapore 529653
(65) 6424 4000northeast@smecentre-asme.sg
SME Centre@NorthWestNorth West Community Development Council
Woodlands Civic Centre
900 South Woodlands Drive
Singapore 730900
(65) 6839 4963northwest@smecentre-smf.sg
SME Centre@CentralCentral Singapore Community Development Council
HDB Hub Bizthree
490 Lorong 6 Toa Payoh
Singapore 310490
(65) 6397 7420central@smecentre-sccci.sg
SME Centre@SouthEastSouth East Community Development Council
10 Eunos Road 8
Singapore Post Centre
Singapore 408600
(65) 6243 8753southeast@smecentre-asme.sg
SME Centre@SouthWestSouth West Community Development Council
The JTC Summit
8 Jurong Town Hall Road #03-11
Singapore 609434
(65) 6316 1616southwest@smecentre-smf.sg
SME Centre@Ang Mo KioAng Mo Kio Community Centre
#03-03, 795 Ang Mo Kio Avenue 1, Singapore 569976,
(65) 6337 8381enquiry@smecentre-sccci.sg
SME Centre@Changi-SimeiChangi Simei Community Club
10 Simei Street 2, Singapore 529915
(65) 6513 0388changisimei@smecentre-asme.sg

Tools to help companies administer and issue itemised payslips

MOM intends to make the issuance of payslips mandatory by 2016. In the interim period, to encourage and guide employers to issue itemised payslips for all employees, the tripartite partners released a set of PDFTripartite Guidelines in January 2014. Employers who need assistance administering and issuing itemised payslips may use these tools, which have been prepared with SMEs' needs in mind:
For micro companies with very few employees and wish to issue hardcopy payslipsPayslip template booklets

You may wish to refer to the payslip template booklet. Each booklet consists of the Tripartite Guidelines, a sample payslip to help employers better understand how to fill in the payslips, as well as tearable blank payslips that they can conveniently fill up and issue to their employees.

Payslip Template
You can collect the free payslip template booklets at any of the SME Centres listed above, or at SNEF, TAFEP or MOM Services Centre. You can also download and print the booklets, available in four languages, through the links below:

Full payslip booklet:
Single blank payslip:
For SMEs that wish to start using IT solutions with basic needs (e.g. 20 or fewer employees)Payslip Software – "SP-Pay"

You may wish to try out a simple and free payslip software, SP-Pay, developed by students from Singapore Polytechnic's (SP) Diploma in Business Information Technology.

You can download the free payslip software at their website.
Please contact SP's helpdesk at spayhelp@gmail.com for any queries with regards to the software.
For companies that have more complex needsOther software

You can consider commercially available solutions.

If required, companies may seek funding support through existing schemes for the adoption of such solutions:

iSPRINT - SMEs who currently handle payroll manually and wish to purchase a HR or payroll system to comply with the EA guidelines on payslips and employment records can potentially tap on iSPRINT, which funds a pre-qualified list of infocomm packages to help SMEs deploy IT into their operations easily. The details about the funding can be found at the iSPRINT webpage.

Productivity and Innovation Credit (PIC) - Businesses that send their HR officers for EA-related training or acquire/upgrade their IT systems to facilitate the issuance of itemised payslips can tap on the PIC scheme. The details about PIC can be found at: the PIC webpage.
- See more at: http://www.mom.gov.sg/employment-practices/amendments-to-ea/Pages/assistance-package.aspx#sthash.3lv1tbf4.dpuf

Thursday, May 29, 2014

ျမန္မာ့သရက္သီး ႏွင့္ အိႏိၵယ သရက္သီး ဘာကြာျခားလဲ!

ျမန္မာ့သရက္သီး စိန္တလံုုးကိုု စကာၤပူကိုုျဖန္႔ခ်ိေနၿပီး ႏိုင္ငံတကာျဖန္႔ဖိုု႔ သူငယ္ခ်င္းတေယာက္ႀကိဳးစား ေနတာကိုု ေတြ႕ရလိုု႔ စိတ္၀င္စားစရာေကာင္းတဲ့ သရက္သီးေလး အေၾကာင္းကိုု ေလ့လာၾကည့္တာပါ....
ျမန္မာ့သရက္သီးကိုု စားခ်င္လိုု႔ Supermarketႏွင့္  ေစ်းေတြမွာ ေတာ္ေတာ္ကိုု ရွာေဖြယူရတယ္ဗ်...

ရွာေတြ႔တယ္ Clementi,Bukit Batok ေစ်းထဲက ၁၀လံုုးကိုု ၁၅ေဒၚလာ ဘဲေပးရေတာ့ ေစ်းေပါတာႏွင့္ လက္က်န္ ၁၀လံုုး ကုုိအျပတ္ျဖတ္၀ယ္ခဲ့တယ္ေလ...ေမႊးၿပီးခ်ိဳတာႏွင့္ ေနာက္ရက္ ေတြမွာ သြားၾကည့္ေတာ့မေတြ႔ရေတာ့ဘူး...
ဒီေလာက္ေတာင္ရွားပါးတဲ့ စိန္တလံုုးေလးပါ....
ဒါႏွင့္ Shop & Save ဆိုုင္မွာ အိႏိၵယ Bangpalli သရက္သီးေလးကိုု တလံုုး ၁.၇၀ ေဒၚလာဆိုုေတာ့ ေစ်းေပါတာႏွင့္ စမ္းစားၾကည့္လိုုက္ေတာ့ မဆိုုးပါဘူး။ တခါမွာ ဒီသရက္သီး အရာသာမ်ိဳး မစားဖူးေသး ပါဘူး ဒီသရက္သီးက မွည့္မွ အနံ႔ေမႊးလာၿပီး စစားစားခ်င္း ခ်ဥ္မလိုုလိုုႏွင့္ ခ်ိုဳတယ္ဗ် ... တျခားထိုုင္းသီးေတြထက္ ပိုုေကာင္းတယ္ဗ်...

 ဒီပံုုထဲက စိန္တလံုုးႏွင့္  Bangapalli သရက္သီးယွဥ္ျပထားတာ....

ျမန္မာ့စိန္တလံုုးက ေမႊးၿပီး ပိုုခ်ိဳၿပီး အလံုုးေသးတယ္...
မႏွစ္က ေတာ့ အလံုုးပိုုႀကီးၿပီး ၃လံုုး $ ၁၀ေလာက္ေပးရတယ္.
အိႏိၵယ  Bagapalli သရက္သီး က အလံုုးပိုုႀကီးႀကီးၿပီး (မခ်စ္စုုသရက္သီးအလံုုးနီးပါး)အခ်ိဴအရာ တမ်ိဳးစီပါ...

ဒီ  ၂၀၁၄ႏွစ္ထဲမွာ အိႏိၵယ  နာမည္ေက်ာ္ Alphonso သရက္သီးလဲ  Rs1200-700-400 ထိ ေစ်းတအားကိုုထိုုး က်ေနေတာ့ ....

အိႏိၵယ Bagapalli  သရက္သီးဆိုု $ ၁.၇၀ ေ လာက္ ထိ ေစ်းေပါတယ္... မႏွစ္က  $ ၃ ေလာက္ရွိတယ္ ေလ.

စိန္တလံုးသရက္ ႏွစ္ ၂၀ အတြင္း ေစ်းအျမင့္ဆံုး ရရွိ

မႏၲေလး – ျပင္ဦးလြင္ ကားလမ္းေပၚတြင္ ေရာင္းခ်လွ်က္ ရွိေသာ စိန္တလုံး သရက္သီးဆုိင္ တဆုိင္္ကုိ ေတြ႕ရစဥ္ (ဓာတ္ပုံ – မန္းသားေလး / ဧရာ၀တီ)
 တ႐ုတ္သို႔ တင္ပို႔ေနေသာ စိန္တလံုး သရက္သီး ေစ်းကြက္သည္ ႏွစ္ေပါင္း ၂၀ ေက်ာ္အတြင္း အျမင့္ ဆုံးေစ်းႏွင့္ အေရာင္းအ၀ယ္ ျဖစ္ေန ေၾကာင္း သိရသည္။

ျမန္မာျပည္တြင္းတြင္ သရက္သီး အထြက္ႏႈန္း နည္းပါးျခင္း၊ စိုက္ပ်ိဳး နည္းစနစ္ ေကာင္းမြန္လာျခင္း၊ အသီး အရည္အေသြး ေကာင္းမြန္ လာျခင္းႏွင့္ တ႐ုတ္ယြမ္ေငြ လဲလွယ္ႏႈန္း အတက္ႏွင့္ တုိက္ဆုိင္ျခင္း တို႔ေၾကာင့္ သရက္သီးမ်ား ေစ်းေကာင္းရျခင္း ျဖစ္ေၾကာင္း မႏၲေလးတုိင္း သရက္သီးအစုဖြဲ႕မွ ဥကၠ႒ ေဒၚသန္းသန္းေဆြက ဧရာ၀တီသို႔ ေျပာသည္။
“မႏွစ္က သရက္သီးေတြက အိတ္မစြပ္ၾကေတာ့ ေစ်းႏွိမ္ခံရတယ္ေလ။ အဲဒီေတာ့ ဒီႏွစ္ သရက္ကုန္သည္ေတြက အိတ္စြပ္ၾကတယ္။ အိတ္စြပ္ေတာ့ ေစ်းေကာင္း ပုိရတာေပါ့။ ဒီႏွစ္ သရက္သီးေတြက တခါမွ မရခဲ့ဖူးတဲ့ ေစ်းေတြနဲ႔ ရတယ္။ အသီးက ရွားသြားတာလည္း ပါတယ္” ဟု ၎က ရွင္းျပသည္။
ယခုႏွစ္ ေဖေဖာ္၀ါရီလမွ စတင္ၿပီး သရက္ အမ်ားအျပား ပြင့္ခဲ့ေသာ္လည္း ရာသီဥတု ေဖာက္ျပန္မႈေၾကာင့္ အပြင့္မ်ား၌ မိႈျဖဴ မႈိမည္းမ်ား က်ခဲ့ေၾကာင္း၊ မႈိစစြဲသည္ကို အခ်ိန္မီ သိသူမ်ားက ေဆးျဖန္းႏိုင္ခဲ့ ေသာ္လည္း အပူ၊ အေအး မမွန္သည့္ ရာသီဥတု ေၾကာင့္ ေရဓာတ္ခန္းေျခာက္ကာ အပြင့္မ်ား ေႂကြက်ကုန္သည့္အျပင္ ေလျပင္းမ်ားပါ တုိက္ခတ္ခဲ့သျဖင့္ သရက္အပြင့္မ်ား ထပ္မံ ေႂကြက်ပ်က္စီးခဲ့ရေၾကာင္း သိရသည္။ ထို႔ေၾကာင့္ သရက္သီးမ်ား ရွားပါးကာ ေစ်းေကာင္းရျခင္း ျဖစ္သည္။
သရက္သီးဂ်ပ္ဖာ တဖာလွ်င္ တ႐ုတ္ယြမ္ေငြ ၁၂၀ ေစ်း ေရာင္းၾကရၿပီး ေမလလယ္ ေငြေၾကးလဲလွယ္ႏႈန္းအရ တ႐ုတ္ေငြ တယြမ္လွ်င္ ျမန္မာေငြ ၁၄၅ က်ပ္အထိ ေစ်းရွိေနသည္။
“အရင္ႏွစ္ေတြက သရက္သီးက ေစ်းသိပ္မရဘူး။ စ ေပၚကာစမွ ဂ်ပ္တဖာကုိ ယြမ္ ၈၀ နဲ႔ ၁၀၀ ေလာက္ ရတာ။ ေနာက္ပိုင္း က်ေတာ့ တဖာကုိ ယြမ္ ၇၀ ေလာက္ရဖို႔ မလြယ္ဘူး။ ဒီႏွစ္က်ေတာ့ ဂ်ပ္တဖာကုိ ယြမ္ ၁၂၀ နဲ႔ အထက္ကို ရခဲ့တယ္။ က်မတို႔ ေရာင္းလာတဲ့ ႏွစ္ေပါင္း ၂၀ ေက်ာ္ အတြင္းမွာ ေစ်းအေကာင္းဆုံးနဲ႔ အျမင့္ဆုံးပါပဲ” ဟု မူဆယ္ သစ္သီး၀လံ ကုန္စည္ဒိုင္မွ တာ၀န္ခံ ေဒၚနန္းနီနီမာက ေျပာသည္။
တ႐ုတ္ျပည္ဘက္မွ ကုန္သည္မ်ားသည္ ျမန္မာျပည္ထြက္ စိန္တလံုး သရက္သီးမ်ားကို အၿမဲ ေစ်းႏွိမ္၍ ၀ယ္ယူေလ့ရွိေၾကာင္း၊  ယခုႏွစ္သည္ သရက္သီး ရွားပါးျခင္းႏွင့္ အသီး အရည္အေသြး ေကာင္းမြန္ျခင္း တို႔ေၾကာင့္ မႀကဳံစဖူး ေစ်းေကာင္း ရရွိျခင္း ျဖစ္ၾကာင္း ၎က ဆက္ေျပာသည္။
သရက္သီး ဂ်ပ္ တဖာလွ်င္ ၁၅ ကီလုိရွိၿပီး ယင္းဖာတြင္ အသီး အႀကီးအေသးေပၚ မူတည္၍ အလုံး ၃၀ မွ ၅၀ အၾကား ပါ၀င္သည္။
စိန္တလုံး သရက္သီးကို ျပည္တြင္း၌ သာမက ျပည္ပႏိုင္ငံမ်ားကပါ ႀကိဳက္ႏွစ္သက္ ၾကသည္။ ၂၀၁၀ ျပည့္ႏွစ္မွ စတင္ကာ စိန္တလုံး သရက္မ်ိဳးမ်ားကို သရက္ၿခံ လုပ္ကိုင္သူမ်ား စိုက္ပ်ိဳးလာျခင္းျဖစ္သည္။
ယခင္က မခ်စ္စု၊ ဟသၤာ၊ ရင္ကြဲ၊ ပန္းဆြဲ၊ ျမေက်ာက္ႏွင့္ ေမ်ာက္ေခါင္းသီး သရက္မ်ိဳးမ်ား စုိက္ပ်ိဳးခဲ့ေသာ္လည္း ျပည္ပ ေစ်းကြက္တြင္ ပို၍ လူႀကိဳက္မ်ားသည္။
မႏၲေလးတိုင္းအတြင္းတြင္ စိန္တလုံး သရက္သီး စိုက္ပ်ိဳးသည့္ ဧကေပါင္း ႏွစ္ေသာင္းေက်ာ္ ရွိသည္။
စိန္တလုံး သရက္သီးမ်ားကုိ စင္ကာပူႏိုင္ငံသို႔ပါ တင္ပို႔လွ်က္ ရွိၿပီး စင္ကာပူေစ်းကြက္၌ အသီး တလုံးခ်င္းစီ၏ အေလးခ်ိန္ ဂရမ္ကုိသာ တြက္ၿပီး ေစ်းကြက္ ျဖစ္ေပၚသည္။ သရက္သီး တလုံးကုိ ၂၈၀ ဂရမ္မွ ၃၅၀ ဂရမ္ အၾကားရွိၿပီး အိတ္စြပ္သီးမွသာ လက္ခံသည္။
စင္ကာပူတြင္ စိန္တလုံး သရက္သီး တတန္ကို အေမရိကန္ ေဒၚလာ ၁,၂၀၀ အထိ ေစ်းရသည္။ တတန္လွ်င္ ကီလုိ ၁,၀၀၀ ရွိ၍ ဂ်ပ္တဖာလွ်င္ ၁၅ ကီလုိ ဆန္႔ေသာေၾကာင့္ တတန္လွ်င္ သရက္သီး ဂ်ပ္ဖာေပါင္း ၆၆ ဖာ ခန္႔ ရွိေၾကာင္း သိရသည္။(တလံုုးကိုု S$ ၀.၃၄ဆင့္)
အသီးအရည္အေသြး အေကင္းဆုံး သရက္သီးမ်ားကုိ ျမန္မာႏိုင္ငံ မႏၲေလးတိုင္း၊ ေက်ာက္ဆည္၊ စဥ့္ကိုင္၊ ပုသိမ္ႀကီး၊ ျမစ္ငယ္၊ တံတားဦး၊ ဟံျမင့္မိုရ္ႏွင့္ အုန္းေခ်ာတို႔မွ ထြက္ရွိၿပီး မူဆယ္ ၁၀၅ မိုင္ဘက္သို႔ အမ်ားဆုံး တင္ပို႔လွ်က္ ရွိသည္။
မူဆယ္ ၁၀၅ မိုင္ ကုန္သြယ္ေရး ဇုန္တြင္ ျမန္မာႏိုင္ငံ ဘက္ျခမ္းမွ တ႐ုတ္ႏိုင္ငံဘက္သို႔ ပုိ႔ကုန္ သြင္းကုန္ အေနျဖင့္ တေန႔လွ်င္ ကုန္ကားႀကီးေပါင္း အစီး ၇၀၀ ေက်ာ္ အ၀င္အထြက္ ရွိေၾကာင္း ယင္းဇုန္မွ သိရသည္။
ျမန္မာႏိုင္ငံမွ ျပည္ပသို႔ သရက္သီး တင္ပို႔ ေရာင္းခ်မႈမွာ ၂၀၁၁ -၂၀၁၂ ဘ႑ာေရးႏွစ္တြင္ တန္ခ်ိန္ ၄၀,၀၀၀ နီးပါး ရွိၿပီး  အေမရိကန္ ေဒၚလာ ၂၃ သန္းေက်ာ္ ရရွိခဲ့သည္။ ၂၀၁၃ ခုႏွစ္ ဇြန္လအထိ သရက္သီး တန္ခ်ိန္ ၃၃,၀၀၀ ေက်ာ္ တင္ပုိ႔ႏိုင္ခဲ့ၿပီး အေမရိကန္ ေဒၚလာ ၁၁ သန္း ရရွိေနၿပီျဖစ္ေၾကာင္း မႏၲေလး အျပည္ျပည္ဆုိင္ရာ ကုန္သြယ္မႈ ျမႇင့္တင္ေရး ဌာနခြဲက ဆုိသည္။



သရက္သီးက အေရွ႕ေတာင္အာရွမွာႏွစ္ေပါင္းေထာင္ခ်ီၿပီးေပါက္ေရာက္ေနတာပါ...
ကမၻာေပၚမွာ သရက္သီးအမ်ိဳးေပါင္း ၄၀၀ေက်ာ္ေလာက္ရွိတယ္...
တ၀က္ေက်ာ္ေလာက္ကအိႏိၵယက ထြက္တာပါ..ဒုတိယလုိက္တာက တရုတ္ပါ..

Production and consumption[edit]

The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations estimates worldwide production at nearly 38,600,000 tonnes (42,500,000 short tons) in 2011 (table below).India is the biggest producer of mangoes with nearly 40% of world's production.

A basket of ripe mangoes
from Bangladesh

Ripe Sindhri mangoes
from SindhPakistan

Banganpalli mangoes being sold
in GunturIndia

Ripe mangoes being sold in a market in the Philippines

Mangoes have been cultivated in South Asia for thousands of years[12] and reached East Asia between the fifth and fourth centuries BC. By the 10th century AD, cultivation had begun in East Africa.[12] The 14th century Moroccan
traveler, Ibn Battuta, reported it at Mogadishu.[13] 
Cultivation came later to Brazil, the West Indies and Mexico, where an appropriate climate allows its growth.[12]
The mango is now cultivated in most frost-free tropical and warmer subtropical climates; almost half of the world's mangoes are cultivated in India alone, with the second-largest source beingChina.[14][15][16] Mangoes are also grown in Andalusia, Spain (mainly in Málaga province), as its coastal subtropical climate is one of the few places in mainland Europe that allows the growth of tropical plants and fruit trees. The Canary Islands are another notable Spanish producer of the fruit. Other cultivators include North America (in South Florida and California's Coachella Valley), South and Central America, the Caribbean, Hawai'i, south, west and central Africa, Australia, China, PakistanBangladesh, and Southeast Asia. Though India is the largest producer of mangoes, it accounts for less than one percent of the international mango trade; India consumes most of its own production.[17]
Many commercial cultivars are grafted on to the cold-hardy rootstock of Gomera-1 mango cultivar, originally from Cuba. Its root system is well adapted to coastal Mediterranean climate.[18] Many of the 1,000+ mango cultivars are easily cultivated using grafted saplings, ranging from the "turpentine mango" (named for its strong taste of turpentine[19]) to the huevos de toro.[citation needed] Dwarf or semi-dwarf varieties serve as ornamental plants and can be grown in containers. A wide variety of diseases can afflict mangoes; see List of mango diseases.

Many hundreds of named mango cultivars exist. In mango orchards, several cultivars are often crossed to improve pollination. Many desired cultivars are monoembryonic and must be propagated by grafting or they do not breed true. A common mono-embryonic cultivar is Alphonso, an important export product, considered as "the king of mangoes".[63]
Cultivars that excel in one climate may fail elsewhere. For example, Indian cultivars such as Julie, a prolific cultivar in Jamaica, require annual fungicide treatment to escape a lethalfungal disease known as anthracnose in Florida. Asian mangoes are resistant to anthracnose.
The current world market is dominated by the cultivar Tommy Atkins, a seedling of Hadenthat first fruited in 1940 in southern Florida, U.S. It was initially rejected commercially by Florida researchers.[71] For example, 80% of mangoes in UK supermarkets are Tommy Atkins. Despite its fibrous flesh and only fair taste,[citation needed] growers worldwide have embraced the cultivar for its exceptional productivity and disease resistance, shelf life, transportability, size and appealing color.
Alphonso, Benishaan and Kesar mango varieties are popular varieties in India's southern states, while the Chaunsa variety, among others, is popular in the northern states and Pakistan.
Guatemala markets sell a variety called 'mango de leche' which is more resinous outside and inside.
Generally, ripe mangoes have an orange-yellow or reddish peel and are juicy for eating, while exported fruit are often picked while underripe with green peels. Although producing ethylene while ripening, unripened exported mangoes do not have the same juiciness or flavor as fresh fruit.
Like other drupaceous fruits, mangoes come in both freestone and clingstone varieties.


Top producers of mangoes, mangosteens, guavas, 2011
Country/StateProduction inmillions of tons
~ 15.19
 People's Republic of China
~ 4.35
~ 2.60
~ 2.13
~ 1.89
~ 1.83
~ 1.19
~ 0.89
~ 0.85
~ 0.80
 World total
~ 38.95
        Source: UN FAOSTAT [70]

ဒါက သရက္သီးအမ်ားဆံုုးတင္ပိုု႔ေနတဲ့ အိႏိၵယက  နာမည္ေက်ာ္ Alphoso သရက္သီးေစ်းႏႈန္းေလးေတြ ကိုုယွဥ္ၾကည့္လိုုက္ရင္ ေစ်းႏႈန္းေလးေတြ အမ်ားႀကီးကိုုကြာျခားေနၿပီး တႏွစ္ပတ္လည္လံုုး ထြက္ရွိ ေအာင္ ေခတ္မွီနည္းေတြႏွင့္အမ်ားႀကီးကိုုႀကိဳးစားရပါအံုုးမယ္....

Get your favourite Alphonso mangoes delivered to you or your loved ones! You can now place an order online and have it shipped to select destinations in India or abroad. Alphonso mangoes will be delivered to select countries worldwide and over 5000 postal codes within India.
They are packaged in specially designed boxes while in transit, so that they are delivered fresh at your doorstep.

So place your order now to enjoy and savor fresh Mangoes this season!
You can place an order online or call our toll-free number 1800 22 6161 or 1800 209 6161.

 Alphonso (हापूस)

Alphonso  (known as Hapoos हापूस in Marathi) is a seasonal mango cultivar that is considered as one of the best in terms of sweetness, richness and flavor. It has considerable shelf life of a week after it is ripe making it exportable. It is also one of the most expensive kinds of mango and is grown mainly in western India. It is a seasonal fruit with each mango weighing between 150g and 300g each. This variety of mango has a very short season of about two months from the end of March till end May when the monsoon sets in the Konkan Region. 

The Alphonso Mango is named after Afonso de Albuquerque. This was an exquisite and expensive variety of mango that he used to bring on his journeys to Goa. The locals took to calling it Aphoos in Konkani and in Gujarati and Maharashtra the pronunciation got further transformed to Hapoos. This variety then was taken to the region of Maharashtra, South & central Gujarat and other parts of India.

The southern district of Mahrashtra Ratnagiri and Sindhudurg including regions around the Dapoli and Devgad Talukas, the southern districts of Valsad and Navsari in Gujarat state are the main regions where this mango is grown.The quality of the produce differs from northern areas to the southern districts as a result of the climatic changes.In Gujarat and Maharashtra, the finest fruit comes from a narrow strip of about 20 km from the seashore along the Konkan coast. The Alphonso Mango does not grow out of a seed. If you plant the seed after eating the fruit, you will get a mango tree, but it will bear mango fruits of a different variety. The journey of this Mango begins as a small twig cut out from the mother plant.It is then grafted on to a stem that has grown out of a mango seed of a sturdy variety.Some times one twig is planted into a combination of two stems from two seeds.It is planted into a plastic bag and put under intensive care for the next four years.It is kept in the bag for some months and then planted into a tin-can until it grows to a height of about 5 feet till about the fourth year. Only three out of five survive till the fourth year. In the fourth year, the bags are cut out and the little tree is planted in the orchard. Only four out of five survive till the sixth year.Over the next three-four years, the tree needs good care, with regular pruning so that it grows sideways, equally all around.It starts bearing good fruit since the ninth year. Since its a grafted tree and well maintained, you have fruits hanging between 0 to 25 feet from the ground.The maturity of this mango is defined in India’s traditional ‘anna’ system of currency, where 16 annas make up a rupee. A ’16 anna Mango’ is a 100% mature mango. Alphonso fruits are harvested at 14 anna level of maturity, by expert harvesters, who have acquired, by experience, the skill of identifying mature fruits from distances that can go as much as 25 feet. The fruit is harvested using a tool called ‘zela’ in the local language. It is a loose nylon-net basket held by metal ring, and attached to a bamboo pole which has a sharp V-shaped cutting tool at the front of the ring.The harvester tugs at the zela in a specific and careful manner, which does not disturb other fruits held from the same branch, does not result in any pull for the branch and yet cuts the stem from which the fruit is held, ensuring that a significant part of the fruit stem is still intact with the fruit. The fruits are taken out, and laid into a crate and immediately moved into a cool, shady place so as to shield the fruits from sunlight and heat.Most farmers get the crates of harvested fruits directly to the co-operative society, where they are graded, sorted and the farmer is paid accordingly.During the sorting process, each fruit is manually checked for hit marks, bird fly stings, pest scrape marks, sap burns, and other anomalies. After sorting, the mangoes are graded according to their weights.The fruit is then finally dispatched to the end consumer through wholesale fruit markets. The Devgad Alphonso is also amongst the most expensive sub-breeds of Alphonso. The Alphonso is generally referred to as 'Hapoos' throughout South Asia. Haapus is used to make sweets, candies and smoothies - Mango Milkshake, Mango Lassi (both smoothies), Aamba-Wadi (a somewhat chewy sweet), Aam-Ras (Mango pulp which is eaten with puris - an Indian Bread), Keri-no-Ras (Mango Pulp as known in Gujarati), Sakhar Amba (Marathi word for a home-made mango jelly/jam), Mango barfi (see Barfi), etc. Non aerated Mango drinks like Frooti (Parle Agro Co.), Jumpin (Godrej Industries Ltd), Maaza (Coca Cola Co.), Dukes Mangola and Slice (PepsiCo Inc.) are very popular in India. Many other local brands are also available.

Price List ( 1 U$= 58.84 Rs)

Country NameBox of 1 DozenBox of 2 Dozen
CanadaINR 6818INR 11135
Hong KongINR 5079INR 8545
IndiaINR 1599INR 3099
India - MumbaiINR 1199INR 2299
New ZealandINR 5999INR 10999
Saudi ArabiaINR 5999INR 10999
SingaporeINR 5079INR 8545
U.A.E.INR 4399INR 7949


Types Of Mango  King of Fruit
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Types Of Mango - King of Fruit

Well, there are more than one hundred types of mangoes available all over the world. Usually some types are found which are rich in taste in sub-continent and others are available in Southeast Asia and the rest of the world. Pakistan also has different and very tasty kinds of mangoes because the geographical location of Pakistan and its weather provides best suitable environment where a mango tree can grow very easily. Most famous types of mangoes usually found in Pakistan can be named as.

1) Chaunsa:

Types Of Mango  King of Fruit

it is considered as one of the best variety of mangoes available in Pakistan due to the taste it has and the richness it possesses. It is usually available from July to the beginning of September.

2) Langara: 

Types Of Mango  King of Fruit

it is another variety available in Pakistan. It has a green skin and it has brownish yellow color. It has a very sweet pulp. So it is best suited for making the mango juices and mango shakes.

3) Sindheri:

Types Of Mango  King of Fruit

it is another kind of mango available in Pakistan. It has the taste similar to Chaunsa types of mangoes but not actually has the same taste as a whole.


Types Of Mango  King of Fruit

Colour is yellow when ripe, skin thin, pulp fibreless, fiesh firm, very sweet in taste, stone very small, mid season (July), keeping and peeling qualities good.

Anwar Ratole

Types Of Mango  King of Fruit

Arguably the best tasting mango, If you ask a mango lover. The name Ratole based on a Village name in India. That tree, and its successors, have bestowed fame, moderate affluence and, more recently, frustration on the people of Rataul village, arguably the mecca of Pakistani mango lovers.

Ratnagiri mango

Ratnagiri is a small idyllic coastal town – 330 kilometres south of Mumbai.
It is famous for golden Haapus or Alfonso mangoes and for the horse shoe shaped fort.

Alphonso Mango

Types Of Mango  King of Fruit

The Alphonso Mango is named after Afonso de Albuquerque. This was an exquisite and expensive variety of mango, that he used to bring on his journeys to Goa. The locals took to calling it Aphoos in Konkani and in Maharashtra the pronunciation got further transformed to Hapoos. This variety then was taken to the Konkan region of Maharashtra and other parts of India.

Sammar Bahisht mango

Types Of Mango  King of Fruit

Sammar Bahisht (in Urdu Sammar means fruit and Bahisht means Paradise) is a mango cultivar grown in different parts of the world.

It originated as a superior chance seedling in Muzaffarnagar Uttar Pradesh, India. It got its name because of its pleasant flavor. The fruit is medium with a slightly flattened base, equal shoulders, greenish yellow skin, and yellow pulp. It has a very sweet, pleasant flavor and is sparsely fibrous. The fruit also keeps well and peels easily. It ripens from July to August.

Fajri Mango

Types Of Mango  King of Fruit

both in its green and ripe form is a very good tenderizing agent and therefore ideal to include in any marinade. In Pakistan they use a sour mango powder containing ground up green mangoes called Achar, both as a seasoning and tenderizing aid.

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Mango Varieties(38)

Alampur Baneshan Mango - Photo by Ian Maguire
Alampur Baneshan is considered one of the finest dessert mangos of Northern India. This mid season bearer is another “condo mango” variety that can be maintained at a height of just ten feet. The fruit are oblong with a green skin and distinctive corky dots that cover the fruit's surface even when ripe. They are best harvested mature green and ripened at room temperature like the Mallika. The fruit typically weigh about 1 lb and ripen mid-June to July.

Alphonso Mango - Photo by Ian Maguire
Alphonso is a traditional Indian mango renowned for it’s rich flavor and smooth texture. When ripe the skin is greenish yellow to yellow and pulp is deep orange and highly aromatic. The trees tolerate the abundant rain and high humidity of South Florida very well which is somewhat unusual for traditional Indian types. This makes the tree a good producer of high quality fruit typically weighing 0.5-0.75 lbs and ripening in late June to July. 

Bailey's Marvel Mango - Photo by Ian Maguire
Bailey’s Marvel is firm, fiberless, and tangy yet sweet. Fruits are typically 1.5-2 pounds with a showy peach blush over a freckled yellow base. The tree is a handsome vigorous grower having a rounded symmetrical canopy and dense foliage. Juvenile trees are very sensitive disease and can be difficult to grow. The fruit ripens from mid-July to mid-August. 

Beverly Mango - Photo by Ian Maguire
Beverly is a good late season mango that can weigh up to three pounds. This sweet creamy fruit is firm, fiberless, and aromatic. All of this adds up to a delicious mango with abundant flesh available when most cultivars are through for the year. The only downfalls are its lackluster dull green color and the tree’s low spreading habit. The fruit ripens from mid-July to mid-August. 

Bombay Mango - Photo by Ian Maguire
Bombay is a Jamaican favorite popular for its ability to be twisted from the pit making the flesh readily available to be spooned out. The tree is a vigorous large grower with an open canopy. The fruit has a full rich mango flavor making you want to move your feet to the reggae beat. The fruit ripens from June to July.

Brahm Kai Meu - Photo by Ian Maguire
Brahm Kai Meu is a Thai selection revered for its excellent flavor while green and unripe. It is best eaten before any color change occurs. At this state it will be sweet and crunchy as an apple. The tree is an extremely prolific producer and grows with moderate vigor. The fruit ripens from June to July.

Carrie - Photo by Ian Maguire
Carrie is a fiberless Florida cultivar that is sickening sweet and delicious as can be. Its compact size makes it an excellent dooryard tree that requires minimal care. Both fruit and tree have little to no problem with fungus or disease. Lack of color and firmness are the only shortcomings of this superb variety. The fruit ripens from June to July.

Choc-Anon Mango - Photo by Ian Maguire
Choc-anon, also known as the Miracle Mango, is a Thai mango that fruits in the winter and often fruits in the summer of the same year producing two crops annually. The fruit are typically 0.75-1.0 lbs. and have a golden yellow skin when ripe. The pulp is sweet and firm with little to no objectionable fiber. The trees are vigorous growers with a densely foliated canopy and upright habit. This variety is an excellent choice for winter residents, and growers that want to extend their mango season beyond the traditional summer months. The fruit ripens from November-January and sometimes July as well.
Cogshall Mango - Photo by Ian Maguire
This “condo mango” is an ultra compact grower that produces sweet fiberless fruit. The tree is suitable for container growing on a balcony, or planting in a suburban backyard. It can easily be maintained at just eight feet tall, and it will still produce a good size crop year after year. The fruit ripens from June to July. Condo Mango

Cushman Mango - Photo by Ian Maguire
Cushman is an excellent mid to late season mango that resembles a grapefruit in size, shape, and color. The flesh is smooth, creamy, and completely fiberless. Although the tree is not the most aesthetically pleasing due to poor disease resistance, one bite will make you drop the axe. Four to six Kocide applications a year will make it a little easier on the eyes. The fruit ripens July to August.

Edward Mango - Photo by Ian Maguire
Edward is a fiberless cultivar that is sweet, aromatic, and considered by many to be the finest tasting of all Florida mangos. The skin is a golden yellow having a reddish blush where exposed to the sun. The tree is a vigorous large grower that is a consistent but poor producer. Like the Bailey's Marvel and the Keitt, the juvenile trees can be very difficult to grow. The fruit ripens from June to July.

Fairchild Mango - Photo by Ian Maguire
Fairchild is a fiberless Panamanian selection of excellent eating quality. The flesh is firm, juicy, and aromatic. The fruit itself is small and pale yellow, but the tree has attributes that make up for the less than stellar appearance. With very little effort the tree can be maintained at a height of ten feet and grown in a container. In fact, the Curator of Tropical Fruit at Fairchild Tropical Botanical Garden, Dr. Richard Campbell PH.D., has dubbed it a “condo mango” because it is conducive to being grown in a container. The fruit ripens June to July.

Florigon Mango - Photo by Ian Maguire
Florigon is a fiberless, disease resistant, early season cultivar that is extremely popular with dooryard growers for its quality, consistency, and precocity. The flesh is firm with a deep yellow color and mild flavor. The fruit ripens from Late May-July.
Glenn Mango - Photo by Ian Maguire
Glenn is a Haden seedling, and much like the Haden it is a Florida favorite. The fruit has a mild peachy flavor which is both sweet and delicious. It is of excellent eating quality, consistent production, and effortless to grow. Trees are typically fifteen feet tall with a rounded densely foliated canopy. The fruit ripens June to July making it our most popular early season mango.
Gold Nugget - Photo by Ian Maguire
Gold Nugget is another excellent virtually fiberless Florida mango. It is believed to be a seedling of Edwards, but has several advantages over it's probable parent. First and foremost Gold Nugget is extremely prolific which is in stark contrast to the shy bearing Edwards. Second, it fruits later in the year, making it one of the most sought after late season mangos. Finally, it has excellent harvesting and handling characteristics as compared to the delicate nature of the Edward. The tree itself is a large vigorous grower with an open canopy. The fruit ripens late July to August.
Graham - Photo by Ian Maguire
Graham is another “condo mango,” and it was introduced to Florida from Trinidad. The flesh is golden yellow, virtually fiberless, and especially aromatic. This long time Jamaican favorite is becoming extremely popular with Floridian homeowners who have space constraints. The tree can be maintained at just ten feet, and it will remain a generous bearer. The fruit ripens from late June to early August.

Haden - Photo by Ian Maguire
Haden was the first superior mango cultivar selected and named in Florida. The flesh has a full sweet flavor, and it is of excellent eating quality. The fruit is eye catching having a deep yellow base with a crimson blush. The tree is a vigorous large grower with an open rounded canopy. The only problems it has are disease resistance and a tendency to have “jelly seed”. The fuit are susceptible to spotting caused by fungus, and they tend to ripen from the inside out becoming slightly soft around the seed. The Haden remains an excellent variety for anyone that has the space for a medium to large tree. The fruit ripens from June to July.
Kensington Pride - Photo by Ian Maguire
Kensington Pride is the number one commercial variety in Australia. This heavy bearing medium sized tree grows to an average height of 15 - 25'. The fruit is smooth and colorful with a bright yellow skin and a red blush. The lemon yellow flesh is soft and juicy with a sweet aromatic flavor, and just a slight amount of fiber. The fruit is consumed ripe out of hand and is also well suited for pickles and sweet preserves at the firm-green stage. They typically weigh 1-1.5 lbs and ripen in July.

Kent - Photo by Ian Maguire
Kent was selected in Coconut Grove, Florida in 1945. The flesh is deep yellow, sweet, aromatic, and virtually fiberless. The tree is a large vigorous grower which can attain heights of fifty to sixty feet if unmanaged. The most rewarding attribute is a bountiful late season crop. The fruit ripens from July to August.

Lancetilla - Photo by Ian Maguire
Lancetilla is a Honduran selection made famous by Dr. Richard Campbell. Its debut at the 2001 International Mango Festival at Fairchild Tropical Botanical Gardens made it an instant South Florida sensation. Its immediate acceptance by homeowners can be attributed to the tree’s ability to be maintained at just ten feet. The five pound blood red fruit is firm, sweet, and completely fiberless. The fruit ripens from mid August to September.

Mallika - Photo by Ian Maguire
Mallika is a "condo mango" native to India. It has become a favorite here at PIN due to its superb flavor, unparalleled disease resistance, and small but extremely productive habit. There is a catch however. The fruit must be picked mature green for optimum flavor, and they are traditionally ripened in camel dung while on the way to market in India. They can also be packed in a cardboard box and kept at room temperature if camel dung is difficult to come by in your part of the world. Ripening typically takes ten to fourteen days. The season is from June to July.

Nam Doc Mai - Photo by Ian Maguire
Nam Doc Mai is a premium cultivar introduced to Florida from Thailand in 1973. It is hands down the most sought after of the Asian mangos and for good reason. The fruit is firm, sweet, aromatic, completely fiberless, and is born on a tree suitable to a small backyard. The fruit ripens from June to July.

Okrung - Photo by Ian Maguire
Okrung is another excellent Thai cultivar introduced to Florida in 1973. The fruit is traditionally served in Thailand in combination with sticky rice. The tree is a medium sized erect grower that will hold the fruit from June to August

Philippine - Photo by Ian Maguire
Philippine is a small fiberless fruit introduced to Florida from Cuba ironically. The flesh is soft, melting, and has a sweet rich flavor. The tree is a large vigorous grower well adapted to South Florida. The fruit ripens from June to July.
Pickering - Photo by Ian Maguire
Pickering is a “condo mango” that has everything for those with limited space, and it also remains a top selection for those looking for a new variety to put on the back forty. They naturally have a bushy, compact growth habit, and can be maintained in a container at just six feet. The fruit has a firm flesh with a fantastic coconut/mango flavor and no objectionable fiber. They are typically 0.75-1.5 lbs, and they ripen in June. 

Pim Saen Mun - Photo by Ian Maguire
Native to Southeast Asia, Pim Saen Mun is highly regarded for its smooth texture, pleasant aroma, and sweet flavor. The trees are large vigorous growers and prolific producers of half pound fruit that are pink and yellow when ripe. The fruit is best eaten fully ripe out of hand after being chilled, and they are typically harvested in July.

Po Pyu Kalay - Photo by Ian Maguire
Po Pyu Kalay is a unique Asian mango from the exotic nation of Myanmar (formerly Burma). The large vigorous tree produces small, yellow, elongated, somewhat pointed fruit with a bright lemon-yellow, moist, spicy, flesh. Commercially it has been dubbed the “Lemon Meringue” mango for its aroma.

San Felipe - Photo by Ian Maguire
San Felipe is a favorite among Cuban descendants, and it has many of the characteristics and benefits of Florida’s Haden. The tree is a fast grower that consistently produces colorful bright yellow fruit with an apple red blush overlaid by a blanket of white dots. The fruit weigh from fourteen ounces to just over one pound each and have a deep yellow to orange flesh which is rich, sweet, and spicy. As an early season producer it’s disease resistance is boosted, because they are harvested before the worst of the summer showers. The fruit typically ripen in June.
Springfels - Photo by Ian Maguire
Springfels is a Haden seedling selected in West Palm Beach, Florida in 1925. The fruit is large (to 3lbs), colorful, and of good eating quality. The tree has a low spreading habit but can attain heights over twenty feet. It is no longer a popular variety due to uneven ripening and the availability of superior cultivars. The fruit ripens from July to August. 

Tebow - Photo by Ian Maguire
Named for Heisman Trophy winner and Florida Gator quarterback Tim Tebow, this hybrid located at the University of Florida Tropical Research and Education Center is a real champion. Like the dual virtues of Tim’s running and passing game, the Tebow Mango has the venerable virtues of both quality and production. By crossing an Edward with a Kent in 1972 David Sturrock of West Palm Beach, Florida developed a fruit that has the production qualities of the Kent and the incredible eating qualities of the Edward. The fruit was originally dubbed the Young, and most likely went unnoticed for decades simply because of it's yellow skin which was undesirable to commercial growers. Born on a large tree the fruit is yellow and pink when ripe, completely fiberless, and weigh about one pound each. It is a mid to late season bearer ripening from mid July to August. 

Tommy Atkins - Photo by Ian Maguire
Tommy Atkins is another Haden seedling selected here in Florida. It has become the most extensively planted export mango in the New World and it is the benchmark of the commercial mango industry. It's color, disease resistance, and storage qualities appeal to merchants and consumers worldwide. The fruit ripens June to July. 
Valencia Pride - Photo by Ian Maguire
Valencia Pride Is yet another Haden seedling selected and named in Florida in 1941. The flesh is sweet, aromatic, firm, and fiberless. The tree is a vigorous large grower making it an excellent shade tree complemented by an exceptionally attractive fruit. It has one of the finest flavors of all of the late season varieties and it never disappoints. The fruit ripens July to August. 
Van Dyke - Photo by Ian Maguire
Van Dyke is an eye catching Florida cultivar which enjoys wide acceptance throughout Europe. The fiberless fruit has a rich sweet flavor that is both spicy and sweet. Its excellent disease resistance is complemented by exceptional color. The fruit ripens July to August

Van Dyke - Photo by Ian Maguire
Zill is a Haden seedling selected in Lake Worth , Florida in 1940. The fruit are born in clusters and have a tendancy to ripen all at the same time. The flesh is firm, juicy, and has a very pleasant aroma. The flavor is sweet having just a hint of pineapple. The fruit ripens from June to early July. 

Credit @ Ko Nge

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