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Thursday, February 28, 2019
Wednesday, February 27, 2019
George Soros Sold Facebook, Netflix, and Goldman Stock Just Before They Tumbled
- နွစ္အစကေနယခု အခ်ိန္အထိ Facebook ရွယ္ယာ တန္ဖိုးသည္ ၂၀% အထိ အက် ရွိေနသည္။
- Goldman Sachs ရွယ္ယာတန္ဖိုးသည္ ၁၅% အထိ အက်ရွိေနသည္။
- Netflix ရွယ္ယာ က အဆိုးဆံုးျဖစ္ေနၿပီး၂၉% အထိ အက် ျပေနသည္။
- စေတာ့ ေဈးနႈန္းမ်ားထိုးက်မႈ ႕၌ ကမာၻ ့အခ်မ္းသာဆံုးပုဂၢိဳလ္ႀကီး Jeff Bezosလည္ းစက္ကြင္းမလြတ္နိုင္ေပ။ စက္တင္ဘာေနာက္ပိုင္း ကေန ၾကည့္ပါက ၎၏ ဆံုးရႈံးတန္ဖိုးစုစုေပါင္းသည္ေဒၚလာ ၄၂ဘီလီယံေက်ာ္ ရွိေနပါၿပီတဲ့။
- Facebook CEO MarkZuckerberg လည္းဇူလွိုင္ လ ေနာက္ပိုင္း၌ ေဒၚလာ ၃၄ဘီလီယံ ဆံုးရႈံး မႈ ႕ရွိေနရာကေနလက္ရွိအခ်ိန္၌ ေဒၚလာ ၅၂ဘီလီယံ ေက်ာ္အထိဆံုးရႈံးမႈ ႕ရွိေနသည္တဲ့။
- Google သူေဌး ၂ဦးျဖစ္ၾကတဲ့ Larry Page နွင့္Sergey Brin တို႔၏ ဆံုးရႈံးမႈ ႕တန္ဖိုးသည္ ေဒၚလာ၂၀ဘီီလီယံ ေက်ာ္အထိရွိေနသည္။ Google ရွယ္ယာေဈးနွဴန္းမ်ားသည္လည္း နွစိအစကေန ယခု အခ်ိန္ကာလ အတြင္း၌ ၂၀% ထက္မနည္ းက်ဆင္းေနၿပီး၂၀၁၁ေနာက္ပိုင္း အဆိုးဆံုး အေနအထား၌ ရွိေနပါသည္။
George Soros Sold Facebook, Netflix, and Goldman Stock Just Before They Tumbled
Billionaire investor and liberal activist George Soros has been known for investing moves that have succeeded wildly—and also for ones gone horribly wrong.
Chalk up three recent moves in his win column.
Soros Fund Management, which Soros founded and chairs, exited social-network giant Facebook (FB) completely in the third quarter, while also slashing positions in Netflix stock (NFLX) and Goldman Sachs Groupstock (GS). Those three stocks have tumbled in the fourth quarter so far, with Facebook and Goldman setting new lows Tuesday. They are down almost 20% and 15%, respectively, so far this quarter. Highflying streaming-content giant Netflix has tumbled almost 29% since the end of September.
Soros saved a chunk of cash by selling: Barron’s estimates that, had he maintained positions in those stocks, he would have unrealized losses of about $17.7 million so far in the fourth quarter.
Soros Fund Management revealed the investment changes in a filing to the Securities and Exchange Commission last week. The firm declined to comment on its trades. The fact that Soros Fund Management sold its entire Facebook position doesn’t necessarily mean Soros isn’t still invested in the company through personal holdings or other means, or that his fund hasn’t bought any Facebook stock since the start of the fourth quarter.
While selling Facebook, Netflix, and Goldman stock, Soros Fund Management initiated positions in Alibaba Group Holding (BABA) andMicron Technology (MU), according to the filing.
Soros Fund Management, which handles the Soros family’s money, owned 159,200 shares of Facebook at the end of the second quarter (a new purchase that quarter, as it didn’t own any Facebook stock at the end of the first), and sold them all by the end of the third quarter, which closed at the end of September.
Facebook stock tumbled to an intraday low of $126.85 on Tuesday, a level the shares last traded at in January 2017.
Public criticism of Facebook has only increased since then, particularly following a Nov. 14 report by the New York Times that top executives Mark Zuckerberg and Sheryl Sandberg denied the impact of Russian election meddling on the site and sought to deflect criticism to the company’s rivals. The Times reported that those efforts included hiring a Republican opposition research firm to draw connections between Facebook critics and Soros, who is often a target of conservative ire—and of anti-Semitic smear campaigns.
Faceook has pushed back against the Times report as inaccurate, taking particular exception to the characterization of its work with Definers, the opposition research firm.
“We’ve acknowledged publicly on many occasions—including before Congress—that we were too slow to spot Russian interference on Facebook, as well as other misuse,” the company said last week. “But in the two years since the 2016 Presidential election, we’ve invested heavily in more people and better technology to improve safety and security on our services.”
Read more: Soros: Beware IT Monopolies Facebook, Google
Zuckerberg said in an interview with CNN on Tuesday. “A lot of the criticism around the biggest issues has been fair, but I do think that if we are going to be real, there is this bigger picture as well, which is that we have a different world view than some of the folks who are covering us,” he said.
Soros Fund Management sold all its Facebook stock before the end of the third quarter, prior to publication of the New York Times report. Following the report, the head of Soros’ Open Society Foundations criticized what it called “Facebook’s smear campaign” against Soros.
Soros Fund Management also sold 106,400 shares of Netflix in the third quarter, chopping its stake by 89%. Only 13,800 Netflix shares were left in Soros Fund Management’s hands at the end of September. Netflix stock began to slip in October on investor skepticism about future profitability.
Goldman Sachs stock has plunged since the Justice Department earlier this month revealed charges against two of the bank’s former employeesfor their roles in issuing bonds from 1Malaysia Development Bhd, or 1MDB, while still working for Goldman. The bank itself hasn’t been charged, but has warned investors that the investigation could result “in the imposition of significant fines, penalties, and other sanctions.”
Soros Fund Management was already more than half out of its Goldman position before the 1MDB news broke. Soros Fund Management’s stake had shrunk to 28,206 Goldman shares at the end of September, from 64,814 shares at the end of June.
American depositary receipts of Chinese web giant Alibaba slid 11.2% in the third quarter, pressured by the continuing trade dispute between the U.S. and China. At some point during that period, Soros Fund Management bought 91,200 of them. With still no end to the trade war in sight, Alibaba stock has slipped another 11% so far in the fourth quarter.
Soros Fund Management also bought 490,100 shares of chip maker Micron in the third quarter. Like Alibaba, Micron stock ended the third quarter in the red, and has continued to fall. Micron stock slid nearly 14% in the third quarter, and is down nearly 20% so far in the fourth quarter, as the demand outlook has worsened.
If Soros Fund Management still maintains those stakes in Alibaba and Micron, they are sporting a combined $6.2 million paper loss so far in the last quarter of 2018.
ဝါးကို မွိုမတက္ ပိုးမထိုးေအာင္ ဘယ္လိုလုပ္ရမလဲ?
ဝါးကို မွိုမတက္ ပိုးမထိုးေအာင္ ဘယ္လိုလုပ္ရမလဲ?
25/02/2019 10:52 AM
Photo - ဝါးမ်ားပိုးမထိုးေအာင္ကာကြယ္ထားရွိပုံ (ဓာတ္ပုံ - U Khin Maung Fb Page)
ဝါးကို မွိုမတက္ ပိုးမထိုးေအာင္ ဘယ္လိုလုပ္ရမလဲ လို႔ ေမးေနၾကတဲ့ မိတ္ေဆြမ်ားအတြက္ ဗဟုသုတရေစရန္အလိုငွာ လက္လမ္းမွီသေလာက္ နည္းလမ္းမ်ားကို ေဝမွ်ေပးလိုက္ပါတယ္ခင္ဗ်
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ဝါးအတြင္းရွိ သၾကားရည္သည္ ေရထက္ျပစ္သည္။ ဝါးကို ကန္အတြင္း စိမ္ထားပါက သၾကားရည္မ်ားထြက္ကာ အခ်ဥ္ေပါက္လာသည္။ ေနာက္ထပ္တဖန္စိမ္ေသာအခါ အလ်ဥ္ရလာေသာေၾကာင့္ ေလးရက္ခန႔္ၾကာလွ်င္ အခ်ဥ္ ေပါက္လာသည္။ ပိုးမ်ားႀကိဳက္ေသာ သၾကားဓါတ္မ်ားကုန္၍ ပိုးမစားေၾကာင္းသိရသည္။ ေငြေၾကးသက္သာေသာ္ လည္း ၾကာၾကာထားပါက အပုတ္နံ႕ထြက္လာ၍ ေရအနည္းငယ္ခ်န္ကာ ေရလွဲလယ္သင့္သည္။
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စီးဆင္းေနေသာ ေရတြင္ သုံးပတ္မွ တစ္လ အထိ စိမ္ထားပါက သၾကားရည္ေနရာတြင္ ေရအစား ဝင္ေရာက္သြားသည္။ ထိုေၾကာင့္ ေရစိမ္ဝါးသည္ ပိုးမစားေၾကာင္း ေတြ႕ရသည္။ ဝါးကို ေရစိမ္ပါက အေရာင္ေျပာင္းလဲေစသည္။ ႐ူပ ႏွင့္ အားအင္ဆိုင္ရာမ်ားဆုံးရႈံးေစေသာေၾကာင့္ ခံနိုင္ရည္က်ဆင္းေစသည္။
၃) #ၾကပ္တိုက္ျခင္း
ဝါးကို ၾကပ္တိုက္ျခင္းျဖင့္လည္း ၾကာရွည္ခံေအာင္ ျပဳလုပ္နိုင္သည္။ မွိုင္းတိုက္ျခင္း ၊ မီးရွိူ႕ရန္ မီးေသြး ၊ ထင္း ၊ ဂတ္(စ္) တို႔ကိုအသုံးျပဳနိုင္သည္။ မီးေလာင္စာေၾကာင့္ ဝါးသည္ သိပ္သည္းလာၿပီးပိုးမႊားအႏၲာရာယ္ကာကြယ္နိုင္သည္။
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ဝါးသည္ သဘာ၀ ႏွင့္ ဆက္စပ္မူအလြန္ရွိသည္။ ဒီေရ တက္လွ်င္ ဝါးပင္တြင္ ေရမ်ားတက္ၿပီး ဒီေရက်ခ်ိန္တြင္ ဝါးပင္အတြင္းတြင္ ေရမ်ားက်သြားတတ္သည္။ လ၏ဆြဲငင္အားျဖင့္ ေျမႀကီးအတြင္းမွ အစာရည္က ဆြဲစုပ္ယူသည္။ လျပည့္ရက္တြင္ ဝါးအဆစ္အတြင္း သၾကားရည္ ျပည့္ေနတတ္သည္။ ထို႔ေၾကာင့္ လကြယ္ရက္(သို႔) တန္ ေဆာင္မုန္းလတြင္ ဝါးခုတ္ပါက ပိုးမႊားအႏၲာရယ္သက္သာသည္။
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သစ္ပင္တို႔၏ သဘာ၀သည္ အစာခ်က္ရန္ ေနေရာင္လိုအပ္သည္။ ဝါးပင္သည္လည္း အစာမခ်က္ေသာေနေရာင္ မရွိေသာအခ်ိန္တြင္ ခုတ္ယူပါက ပိုးစားသက္သာေၾကာင္းေတြ႕ရသည္။
၆) #အပင္တြင္ အျပတ္ မခုတ္ပဲ အနည္းငယ္ခ်န္ကာ အ႐ြက္က်မွ သိမ္းျခင္း
ကိုယ္ပိုင္စိုက္ခင္းျဖစ္ပါက သက္တမ္းမွန္ေသာ ဝါးကိုေ႐ြးခ်ယ္ပါ။ ေအာက္ဆုံးအဆစ္မွ တစ္လက္မေလာက္ခ်န္ထား၍ ျပတ္မသြားေအာင္ ခုတ္ပါ။ ခုတ္စာထြက္ေသြားေသာေနရာကို သပ္ခုထားၿပီး တျခားအပင္ကို မွီထားပါ ။ ၂ ပတ္ ၃ ပတ္ၾကာေသာအခါ သၾကားရည္ထြက္သြားမည္။ က်န္ရွိေသာ သၾကားဓါတ္ကိုလည္း အ႐ြက္မ်ားက အစာခ်က္၍ သၾကားဓါတ္နည္းသြားမည္။ ဝါးအတြင္း က်န္ရွိေသာသၾကားရည္သည္လည္း အခ်ဥ္ေပါက္ၿပီး အယ္(လ္)ကိုေဟာသို႔ေျပာင္းကာ ပိုးမႊားမ်ားမႀကိဳက္ေတာ့ပါ။ ယခုနည္းသည္ အေကာင္းဆုံး ဝါးခုတ္နည္း ျဖစ္ပါသည္။
Source - ဆရာဝင္းေက်ာ္ဦး။ ေလးစားရမည့္ ဝါးပင္တို႔၏ သဘာ၀ စာအုပ္မွ
Monday, February 25, 2019
CSR -Corporate social responsibility
"မူ"အလြန္ေကာင္းတဲ့ ဂြန္ကယ္ေညာင္း "Little for many, much for few"
မႏၲေလးၿမိဳ႕သုိ႔ ဆုိက္ေရာက္မည့္ က်ည္ဆံရထားလမ္း စီမံကိန္း
ဓာတ္ေငြ႕ပုိက္လုိင္းႏွင့္ ေရနံစိမ္း ပုိက္လုိင္းတုိ႔ကုိ ျမန္မာႏုိင္ငံ အေနာက္ဘက္ကမ္းေျခမွ တ႐ုတ္ႏုိင္ငံ အေရွ႕ဘက္ရွိ ယူနန္ျပည္နယ္သုိ႔ သြယ္တန္းထားၿပီး အသုံးျပဳေနၿပီ ျဖစ္သည္။
ဓာတ္ေငြ႕ပုိက္လုိင္းသည္ တ႐ုတ္ႏုိင္ငံတြင္း၌ ခရီးဆန္႔ရာ၌ အေရွ႕ဘက္ကမ္းေျခရွိ ကြမ္တုံျပည္နယ္အထိ ေရာက္သည္။ ျမန္မာႏုိင္ငံအတြင္း ပုိက္လုိင္းမ်ား ျဖတ္သန္းသည့္ ေနရာေဒသမ်ားတြင္ မၿငိမ္မသက္ ျဖစ္ေနသည့္ေနရာမ်ားလည္း ပါ၀င္ေသာ္လည္း တုိက္ခုိက္ဖ်က္ဆီးခံရျခင္းမွ ယခုတုိင္ ကင္းေ၀းေနဆဲျဖစ္သည္။ မွတ္မွတ္ရရ ရွိေနသည္မွာ ပင္မဓာတ္အားလုိင္း တာ၀ါတုိင္အခ်ဳိ႕သာ ေဖာက္ခြဲဖ်က္ဆီးခံရဖူးသည္။ ပုိက္လုိင္းတုိ႔မွာ ေဘးမသီရန္မခ ရွိေနၾကသည္။
ရခုိင္ျပည္နယ္ ေက်ာက္ျဖဴႏွင့္ ယူနန္ျပည္နယ္မွ ကြမ္မိန္းတုိ႔အၾကား ရထားလမ္းတစ္ခု ေဖာက္ရန္ အစီအစဥ္ ရွိထားသည္။ ျမန္ႏႈန္းျမင့္ high-speed ရထားလမ္းျဖစ္သည္။ အရွည္ ကီလုိမီတာ ၁,၄၀၀ ၀န္းက်င္ ရွိလိမ့္မည္ဟု ခန္႔မွန္းေရးဆြဲထားသည္။ ထုိရထားလမ္းတြင္ လူစီးရထားမ်ားအျပင္ ကုန္တြဲရထားမ်ားလည္း ေျပးဆြဲမည္။ ေက်ာက္ျဖဴဆိပ္ကမ္းတြင္ ေရေၾကာင္းခရီးျဖင့္ ေရာက္ရွိလာသည့္ ကြန္တိန္နာမ်ားကို ရထားေပၚသုိ႔ တင္ၿပီး သယ္ယူမည္။ ထုိကြန္တိန္နာတုိ႔သည္ တရုတ္ႏုိင္ငံအတြက္ သြင္းကုန္မ်ားကုိ သယ္ေဆာင္ထားမည္ ျဖစ္သည္။ တ႐ုတ္ႏုိင္ငံမွ ပုိ႔ကုန္မ်ား ထည့္သြင္းထားသည့္ ကြန္တိန္နာမ်ားသည္လည္း ေက်ာက္ျဖဴဆိပ္ကမ္းသုိ႔ အဆုိပါ ရထားလမ္းျဖင့္ ကုန္တြဲရထားမ်ားက သယ္ေဆာင္လာေပးၾကမည္ျဖစ္သည္။ ထုိကြန္တိန္နာမ်ားကုိ ေက်ာက္ျဖဴဆိပ္ကမ္းမွတစ္ဆင့္ ပင္လယ္ကူးသေဘၤာေပၚသုိ႔ တင္ေပးၿပီး ကမၻာ့႔ေဈးကြက္ထဲသုိ႔ တင္ပုိ႔မည္ ျဖစ္သည္။ ဤသုိ႔ဤႏွယ္ လမ္းေပါက္ျခင္းေၾကာင့္ ေရေၾကာင္းျဖင့္ တရုတ္ျပည္သုိ႔ ေရာက္ရွိရန္ မာလက္ကာ ေရလက္ၾကားအထိ သြားၿပီးမွ တရုတ္ျပည္ဆီသုိ႔ သြားရသည့္ ခရီးတာကုိ ေလွ်ာ့ခ်ႏုိင္မည္ ျဖစ္သည္။ သုိ႔ျဖစ္ရာ သယ္ယူပုိ႔ေဆာင္စရိတ္ သက္သာမည္ျဖစ္သည့္အျပင္ အခ်ိန္ကုန္လည္း သက္သာမည္ ျဖစ္သည္။
၂၀၁၇ ခုႏွစ္ ေမလတြင္ BRI Forum for International Cooperation ကုိ ဘီဂ်င္းၿမိဳ႕ေတာ္တြင္ ပထမအႀကိမ္အျဖစ္ က်င္းပခဲ့သည္။ ႏုိင္ငံတကာ အဖြဲ႕အစည္း ၇၀ ႏွင့္ ျမန္မာႏုိင္ငံအပါအ၀င္ ႏုိင္ငံေပါင္း ၁၃၀ မွ ႏုိင္ငံေခါင္းေဆာင္မ်ား၊ ကုိယ္စားလွယ္ေတာ္မ်ား တက္ေရာက္ခဲ့ၾကသည္။ လာမည့္ ဧၿပီလ ၂၀၁၈ ခုႏွစ္တြင္ ဒုတိယအႀကိမ္ က်င္းပမည္ ျဖစ္သည္။
႐ူလီမွ မႏၱေလးသုိ႔ မူဆယ္ကုိ ျဖတ္သန္းၿပီး ေဖာက္လုပ္မည့္ ရထားလမ္းသည္ အလ်ား ကီလုိမီတာ ၄၃၀ ရွိမည္ ျဖစ္သည္။ အကယ္စင္စစ္ မႏၱေလးအထိ ပထမအဆင့္အေနျဖင့္ အေကာင္အထည္ေဖာ္ျခင္းသာျဖစ္ၿပီး ၎ရထားလမ္းပုိင္းအေနျဖင့္ တ႐ုတ္ႏုိင္ငံအဖုိ႔ အက်ဳိးေက်းဇူး အျပည့္အ၀ ရမည္ မဟုတ္ေခ်။ ေက်ာက္ျဖဴအထိ ရထားလမ္းေဖာက္ၿပီးမွသာ ၎၏ ျပည္ပ ပုိ႕ကုန္သြင္းကုန္မ်ားကုိ ရထားျဖင့္ သယ္ပုိ႔ႏုိင္မည္ျဖစ္ၿပီၤး ရရွိမည့္ အက်ဳိ္းေက်းဇူး ႀကီးမားမည္ ျဖစ္သည္။
ျမန္မာႏုိင္ငံတြင္း၌ တ႐ုတ္ႏုိင္ငံမွ စီအမ္အီးစီ-ဘီအာအုိင္ အစီအစဥ္ေအာက္တြင္ အဆုိျပဳထားေသာ စီမံကိန္း ၂၄ ခု ရွိၿပီး ၉ ခုကုိ အရွိန္တင္ ေဆာင္ရြက္ကာ အေကာင္အထည္ေဖာ္သြားမည္ျဖစ္သည္။ ထုိစီမံကိန္းမ်ားတြင္ ေက်ာက္ျဖဴ အထူးစီးပြားေရးဇုန္ Kyaukphyu Special Economic Zone ၊ ယူနန္ျပည္နယ္ႏွင့္ ထိစပ္ေနသည့္ ရွမ္းျပည္နယ္ႏွင့္ ကခ်င္ျပည္နယ္တုိ႔မွ နယ္စပ္ကုန္သြယ္ေရးဇုန္မ်ား၊ ဧရိယာသည္ စင္ကာပူႏုိင္ငံ၏ ဧရိယာထက္ ႏွစ္ဆက်ယ္၀န္းသည့္ စီမံကိန္းတစ္ခုအျဖစ္ ရန္ကုန္ၿမိဳ႕ တြင္ အေကာင္အထည္ေဖာ္မည့္ ၿမိဳ႕ေတာ္သစ္ စီမံကိန္းတုိ႔ ပါ၀င္သည္။
Myanmar the Missing Link from Western China to India’s N.E. States
By David DuByne, December 16, 2012
On Friday December 7, the Taiwan External Trade Development Council (TAITRA) hosted a regional China Cross Border Trade and Market Opportunities Conference. My focus was on the border crossing at Ruili in western Yunnan Province connecting through to Lashio and Shwebo in Myanmar. In the same slides I am about to show you below, I learned much more about China’s ambitious overland routes by rail and road throughout S.E. Asia with connections to the Indian sub-continent.
Iron Fangs
Referred to as “The Iron Fangs”, this vastly upgraded rail and road network will encircle all countries touching China’s southern border, with a center pivot point through Kunming. When construction is complete in 2015, roads will tie in deep sea ports throughout Myanmar, interlink Imphal in India’s N.E. Manipur State, plus crisscross all of S.E. Asia’s capitals.
In the 21st century, a new phrase will be coined; “All roads lead to Kunming”, forget Rome!
A Far-Ranging View
A wider angle allows you to see the importance of Myanmar’s location more clearly. Take note that the planned amount of cargo flowing through Myanmar to India and the Middle East will rival that from Beijing and Tianjin which forwards goods to the US, Canada and Japan. *(English map translation by Editor Oilseedcrops.org)
Tianjin Port handled 453 million tonnes of cargo and 11.5 million TEU of containers in 2011, making it the world's fourth largest port by throughput tonnage, and the eleventh in container throughput.*(English map translation by Editor Oilseedcrops.org)
The port trades with more than 600 ports in 180 countries and territories around the world. It is served by over 115 regular container lines run by 60 liner companies. Capacity is still increasing at a high rate, with 550–600 Mt of throughput capacity expected by 2015.
The expectation is that the Special Economic Zone (SEZ) ports at Sittwe and Kyaukpyu in Rakhine State, Myanmar will clear all goods produced in Chongqing, Chengdu and Yunnan Provinces in western China.
The changes are enormous, instead of shipping south out of Chongqing to Shanghai, middle river cities can ship up to Chongqing then deliver through Myanmar by rail or road.
Southern Silk Road Control
China’s blueprint includes complete control over the Southern Silk Road and all freight forwarding within S.E. Asia. Zhongguo's prize is the add-on of total area in the Indian subcontinent that will be accessible by new infrastructure and transit lines. A few overland road and rail lines will connect this area to China’s export market. Reduced shipping costs by at least $900 USD per container will make China made goods even more competitive in India, Bangladesh, Bhutan and Nepal.
Roads through to Imphal in India’s N.E. States offer direct overland connections to India. This area has long sought independence from India. Impoverished, isolated and underdeveloped, this will also change the significance of what was once a backwater in India to a mega Inter-Asia freight forwarding transit center.
The N.E. States have accused New Delhi of ignoring the issues concerning them and there is a feeling of second-class citizenship meted out to them by mainland Indians. This has led the peoples of these states to seek greater participation in self-governance resource usage, infrastructure improvements and hydro-electric dam building regulation.
Only this little section of road needs to be completed for China to achieve its goal, the re-establishment of the Southern Silk Road. In West Bengal the Siliguri Corridor connects India onward to Eurasia nut the connection at Imphal is essential.
What was the Southern Silk Road?
During the Han Dynasty’s reign of Emperor Wudi (141BC–87BC) the Southern Silk Road was mainly composed of West Route (Maoniu Route) and East Route (Wuchi Route). The West Route originated from Chengdu, wandered through Sichuan Province via Ya'an City, Maoniu (Hanyuan), Qiongdu (Xichang), and took traders to Myanmar (Burma) by way of Dali, Baoshan and Tengchong.
Then its ancient trade route extended through to Juandu (India), Bangladesh and even the Middle East. The East Route was very narrow and had only five-feet wide, so it was also called 'Wuchi Route'. It began from Chengdu, passed through Yibin, Zhaotong, Qujing and reached Kunming, where one branched road went to Vietnam and the other one wound to Dali, joining the West Route. Now the roads are being widened to pass through Ruili.
China’s Vision
The middle man for all freight throughout Asia, with the central hub being Kunming.
As you see in the maps above; there will be East, West and Central overland routes out of China, connecting through to the remainder of S.E. Asia’s largest cities, all the way south to Singapore. *(English map translation by Editor Oilseedcrops.org)
The East Line will originate in Nanning, Guangxi Province on the Vietnamese border and connect through Bangkok, Kuala Lampur and Singapore.*(English map translation by Editor Oilseedcrops.org)
Nanning to Hanoi or a spur line from Kunming to Hanoi, this will funnel transit through Chinese hands. To get to Myanmar’s ports and avoid the Malacca Straights you need to pass through Kunming. Landing ports in Vietnam or China, your choice.
From the Chinese border at Pingxiang porters can legally run 8000RMB of goods across the border by foot. They are termed “Ant Couriers”. This method of customs clearance and reloading a vehicle saves time. Walk 50 couriers over the border, reload onto a Vietnamese registered vehicle, and you are off in a fraction of the time than clearing a fully loaded truck from China into Vietnam. *(English map translation by Editor Oilseedcrops.org)
The Participants
Add some color to your day; these are the participants in the construction scheme.
Infrastructure: Lack or Opportunity
Like all countries in the earliest stages of development, take Myanmar and Laos for example, they have very limited infrastructure. Now think back to America in 1849 or China in 1985. This is the same in terms of development. I believe the rate of construction will surpass the speed of China exponentially. What took China 35 years to do, Myanmar will do in eight.
Electricity is in short supply even in Yangon, most power in Myanmar is hydroelectric, and since there are dramatic differences in precipitation in different seasons, electricity supply is correspondingly unreliable. Monsoon season you have 24 hour power, but during the dry season you may get 4-6 hours of power per day. I was in Kathmandu, Nepal in 2010 and they had the exact set of similar circumstances with hydro-power and low water electrical generation problems. Kathmandu languishes in the dark 18 hours per day when there is no rain in autumn.
Where does your firm, company or agency fit in here?
What product, service or parts do you offer to assist in the retro-fit of the country?
David DuByne is the Editor of Oilseedcrops.org and is also a media partner with Advantique Group who is the organizer of the Myanmar Private Sector Investment Summit (MPSIS) Jan 28-30, 2013 in Yangon, Myanmar.
If you thought this article was informative, then you may enjoy another related article David DuByne wrote (Myanmar: Southeast Asia's “Last Frontier” for Investment) published by the Taipei American Chamber of Commerce Topics Magazine November, 2012.